This is a generic importer django module that can be used to manage any kind of file. The idea of this module is to be a generic interface to upload any file, and must be customized to process the file and some other minor changes.
First to install this module you just need to copy the 'importer' folder to your Django apps folder.
Then you must add a new url entry point to the '' file of your main Django application. This module intention is to have its entry at Django admin interface. Take care that the entry must be loaded BEFORE the general '^admin/' url.
url(r'^admin/importer/', include('importer.urls')),
Add the app to your application '' INSTALLED_APPS array variable. You must add the following line in order to make your app use the proper files and templates:
Just with those simple steps you will have a up&running import section into your Django admin main page.
You can easily customize your importer processes in 'importer/' file. Just edit the default 'Example_Importer' class to fits your needs. And you can create as many '_Importer' classes as you want, and you will have multiple import managers. The only requirement is that your customized importing classes must have the suffix '_Importer' at class name, in order be identified and extend 'ImporterBase' class. All '_Importer' classes must override the method 'process_file' method that will receive as param the 'request'.
The default form only have a single input file. You can use any other form at your '_Importer' class simply overriding the 'get_form' method. And you will receive all your new input fields at the request param at the 'process_file' method in your import class.