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Update system tests to use the new API
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This patch removes system test dependency on beluga_amcl. It rewrites
the test with the new range-based API to run the cartesian product of
the selected particle filter variants, sensor models and motion models.

It is also meant to drive the development of the new API by highlighting
its current shortcomings.

Signed-off-by: Nahuel Espinosa <>
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nahueespinosa committed Jan 19, 2024
1 parent 323cb78 commit ae8a1bf
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Showing 2 changed files with 365 additions and 0 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions beluga_system_tests/test/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,5 +28,16 @@ target_link_libraries(

add_executable(test_system_new test_system_new.cpp)

PUBLIC beluga::beluga

gtest_discover_tests(test_system WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR})
354 changes: 354 additions & 0 deletions beluga_system_tests/test/test_system_new.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
// Copyright 2023-2024 Ekumen, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

#include <filesystem>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <sophus/se2.hpp>
#include <sophus/se3.hpp>

#include <beluga/beluga.hpp>
#include <beluga_ros/laser_scan.hpp>
#include <beluga_ros/occupancy_grid.hpp>
#include <beluga_ros/tf2_sophus.hpp>

#include <nav_msgs/msg/odometry.hpp>
#include <rosbag2_cpp/reader.hpp>
#include <sensor_msgs/msg/laser_scan.hpp>

#include <range/v3/view/enumerate.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/generate.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/generate_n.hpp>

namespace {

// ****************************************************************************
// Test utilities.
// ****************************************************************************

/// Read messages from a specific topic in a ROS bag.
template <typename Message>
auto read_messages(const std::filesystem::path& bagfile, std::string_view topic) {
auto reader = std::make_shared<rosbag2_cpp::Reader>(); // wrapped in a shared pointer to make it copyable :)

auto filter = rosbag2_storage::StorageFilter{};

std::size_t size = 0UL;
for (const auto& [topic_metadata, message_count] : reader->get_metadata().topics_with_message_count) {
if ( == topic) {
size = message_count;

return ranges::views::generate_n([reader]() mutable { return reader->read_next<Message>(); }, size);

/// Transform a range of odometry messages into a range of SE2 elements.
auto odometry_to_sophus() {
return ranges::views::transform([](const nav_msgs::msg::Odometry& message) {
Sophus::SE2d out;
tf2::convert(message.pose.pose, out);
return out;

// ****************************************************************************
// Particle filter implementation variants.
// ****************************************************************************
struct StandardAMCLParams {
double update_min_d = 0.25;
double update_min_a = 0.2;
std::size_t resample_interval_count = 1UL;
bool selective_resampling = false;
std::size_t min_particles = 500UL;
std::size_t max_particles = 2000UL;
double alpha_slow = 0.001;
double alpha_fast = 0.1;
double kld_epsilon = 0.05;
double kld_z = 3.0;

// All possible particle filter configuration variants to test against.
using ParticleFilterParams = std::variant<StandardAMCLParams>;

auto get_particle_filter_params() {
return std::vector<ParticleFilterParams>{
StandardAMCLParams{}, // Default configuration.
[]() {
auto params = StandardAMCLParams{};
params.selective_resampling = true; // Enable selective resampling.
return params;

/// Overload of particle_filter_test with a standard AMCL implementation.
template <class MotionModel, class SensorModel, class Distribution, class Range>
auto particle_filter_test(
const StandardAMCLParams& params,
MotionModel&& motion,
SensorModel&& sensor,
Distribution&& initial_distribution,
Range&& datapoints) {
// Tolerance values ​​prove that the filter performs approximately well, they do not prove accuracy.
// The values were adjusted to have a 100% success rate over 100 runs of the same test.
const double position_tolerance = 0.9;
const double orientation_tolerance = 30.0 * Sophus::Constants<double>::pi() / 180.0;

using Particle = std::tuple<Sophus::SE2d, beluga::Weight>;

[[maybe_unused]] static thread_local auto engine = std::mt19937{std::random_device()()};

auto hasher = beluga::spatial_hash<Sophus::SE2d>{0.1, 0.1, 0.1};

// Use the initial distribution to initialize particles.
// TODO(nahuel): We should have a view to sample from an existing distribution.
// TODO(nahuel): We should have a view to convert from Eigen to Sophus types.
* auto particles = beluga::views::sample(initial_distribution) |
* (something to convert from Eigen::Vector3d to Sophus::SE2d) |
* ranges::views::transform(beluga::make_from_state<Particle>) |
* ranges::views::take_exactly(params.max_particles) |
* ranges::to<beluga::TupleVector>;
auto particles = ranges::views::generate([initial_distribution]() mutable {
const auto sample = initial_distribution(engine);
return Sophus::SE2d{Sophus::SO2d{sample.z()}, Eigen::Vector2d{sample.x(), sample.y()}};
}) |
ranges::views::transform(beluga::make_from_state<Particle>) | //
ranges::views::take_exactly(params.max_particles) | //

// Don't update the filter unless we've moved far enough from the latest pose where an update was performed.
// It's an approximation of the recommendations Probabilistic Robotics \cite thrun2005probabilistic
// Chapter 4.2.4 based in Nav2 AMCL's implementation .
// TODO(nahuel): This should be part of the library (in some form).
auto far_enough_to_update = [params, latest_pose = std::optional<Sophus::SE2d>{}](auto pose) mutable -> bool {
if (!latest_pose) {
latest_pose = pose;
return true;

const auto delta = latest_pose->inverse() * pose;
const bool delta_is_above_threshold = //
std::abs(delta.translation().x()) > params.update_min_d || //
std::abs(delta.translation().y()) > params.update_min_d || //
std::abs(delta.so2().log()) > params.update_min_a;

if (delta_is_above_threshold) {
latest_pose = pose;

return delta_is_above_threshold;

// TODO(nahuel): This should be part of the library (in some form).
auto should_resample = [params, count = 0UL]() mutable -> bool {
return ++count % params.resample_interval_count == 0;

// Iteratively run the filter through all the data points.
for (auto [measurement, odom, ground_truth] : datapoints) {
if (!far_enough_to_update(odom)) {

// TODO(nahuel): Update this once the new model features are ready.
* particles |= beluga::actions::propagate(motion(odom)) |
* beluga::actions::reweight(sensor(measurement));
particles |=
beluga::actions::propagate([&motion](const auto& state) { return motion.apply_motion(state, engine); }) |
beluga::actions::reweight([&sensor](const auto& state) { return sensor.importance_weight(state); });

// TODO(nahuel): Reweight should normalize over the total weight.
// Computing the slow and fast average ratio in adaptive sampling is the same before and after normalizing.
const double total_weight = ranges::accumulate(beluga::views::weights(particles), 0.0);
particles |= beluga::actions::reweight([total_weight](auto) { return 1.0 / total_weight; }); // HACK

// TODO(nahuel): Implement adaptive probability estimator.
* adaptive_probability_estimator.update(particles);

// TODO(nahuel): Sort out resampling policies.
if (!should_resample()) {

// Nav2 updates the filter estimates regardless of whether selective resampling actually resamples or not.
if (!params.selective_resampling ||
beluga::effective_sample_size(particles) < static_cast<double>(ranges::size(particles)) / 2.0) {
// TODO(nahuel): Implement adaptive probability estimator.
* const auto random_state_probability = adaptive_probability_estimator();
const auto random_state_probability = 0.1;

auto make_random_particle = [&sensor] {
return beluga::make_from_state<Particle>(sensor.make_random_state(engine));

particles |= beluga::views::sample |
beluga::views::random_intersperse(make_random_particle, random_state_probability) |
hasher, params.min_particles, params.max_particles, params.kld_epsilon, params.kld_z) |

// TODO(nahuel): Add estimate overloads for particle ranges.
* const auto [mean, covariance] = beluga::estimate(particles);
const auto [mean, covariance] =
beluga::estimate(beluga::views::states(particles), beluga::views::weights(particles));
const auto error = mean.inverse() * ground_truth;
ASSERT_LE(error.translation().norm(), position_tolerance);
ASSERT_LE(error.so2().log(), orientation_tolerance);

// ****************************************************************************
// Motion model variants.
// ****************************************************************************
using MotionModel = std::variant<beluga::DifferentialDriveModel>;

auto get_motion_models() {
return std::vector<MotionModel>{
[] {
auto motion_params = beluga::DifferentialDriveModelParam{};
motion_params.rotation_noise_from_rotation = 0.2;
motion_params.rotation_noise_from_translation = 0.2;
motion_params.translation_noise_from_translation = 0.2;
motion_params.translation_noise_from_rotation = 0.2;
return beluga::DifferentialDriveModel{motion_params};

// ****************************************************************************
// Sensor model variants.
// ****************************************************************************
using SensorModel = std::variant<

using SensorModelBuilder = std::function<SensorModel(std::shared_ptr<nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid>)>;

auto get_sensor_model_builders() {
return std::vector<SensorModelBuilder>{
[](auto map) -> SensorModel {
auto sensor_params = beluga::LikelihoodFieldModelParam{};
sensor_params.max_obstacle_distance = 2.0;
sensor_params.max_laser_distance = 100.0;
sensor_params.z_hit = 0.5;
sensor_params.z_random = 0.5;
sensor_params.sigma_hit = 0.2;
return beluga::LikelihoodFieldModel{sensor_params, beluga_ros::OccupancyGrid{std::move(map)}};
[](auto map) -> SensorModel {
auto sensor_params = beluga::BeamModelParam{};
sensor_params.beam_max_range = 100.0;
return beluga::BeamSensorModel{sensor_params, beluga_ros::OccupancyGrid{std::move(map)}};

// ****************************************************************************
// Test cases.
// ****************************************************************************
class ParticleFilterTest
: public testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<ParticleFilterParams, MotionModel, SensorModelBuilder>> {};

/// Get ROS bag perfect odometry data to be used in the tests.
auto get_perfect_odometry_data() {
constexpr std::string_view bagfile = "./bags/perfect_odometry";
constexpr std::string_view map_topic = "/map";
constexpr std::string_view scan_topic = "/scan";
constexpr std::string_view odom_topic = "/odometry/ground_truth";
constexpr std::string_view grount_truth_topic = "/odometry/ground_truth";

auto maps = read_messages<nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid>(bagfile, map_topic);
EXPECT_EQ(maps.size(), 1) << "Expected map topic [" << map_topic << "] to have 1 message, got: " << maps.size();
auto map = std::make_shared<nav_msgs::msg::OccupancyGrid>(*maps.begin());

auto scan_to_measurement = ranges::views::transform([](sensor_msgs::msg::LaserScan msg) {
const auto laser_transform = Sophus::SE3d{Eigen::Quaterniond{1., 0., 0., 0.}, Eigen::Vector3d{0.28, 0., 0.}};
return beluga_ros::LaserScan{
60, // max beam count
0., // range min
100., // range max
} // TODO(nahuel): Remove the transform once sensor models accept LaserScan measurements directly.
.points_in_cartesian_coordinates() |
ranges::views::transform([&laser_transform](const auto& p) {
const auto result = laser_transform * Sophus::Vector3d{p.x(), p.y(), 0};
return std::make_pair(result.x(), result.y());
}) |

auto odometry = read_messages<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>(bagfile, odom_topic) | odometry_to_sophus();
auto ground_truth = read_messages<nav_msgs::msg::Odometry>(bagfile, grount_truth_topic) | odometry_to_sophus();
auto measurements = read_messages<sensor_msgs::msg::LaserScan>(bagfile, scan_topic) | scan_to_measurement;

EXPECT_EQ(measurements.size(), odometry.size());
EXPECT_EQ(measurements.size(), ground_truth.size());

auto datapoints = ranges::views::zip(measurements, odometry, ground_truth);

auto initial_distribution = beluga::MultivariateNormalDistribution{
Eigen::Vector3d{0.0, 2.0, 0.0}, // initial pose mean
Eigen::Matrix3d{{0.125, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.125, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.04}} // initial pose covariance

return std::make_tuple(map, datapoints, initial_distribution);

TEST_P(ParticleFilterTest, PerfectOdometryEstimatedPath) {
auto [map, datapoints, distribution] = get_perfect_odometry_data();
auto [particle_filter_params, motion_model, sensor_model_builder] = GetParam();
auto sensor_model = sensor_model_builder(map);
[distribution = std::move(distribution), datapoints = std::move(datapoints)] //
(auto particle_filter_params, auto motion_model, auto sensor_model) mutable {
particle_filter_params, //
std::move(motion_model), //
std::move(sensor_model), //
std::move(distribution), //
particle_filter_params, std::move(motion_model), std::move(sensor_model));

testing::ValuesIn(get_particle_filter_params()), //
testing::ValuesIn(get_motion_models()), //

} // namespace

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