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Add NDT AMCL 3D node. (#422)
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### Proposed changes

Adds a new node for 3D NDT AMCL.
Closes #422 
Closes #311
Closes #313 

#### Type of change

- [ ] 🐛 Bugfix (change which fixes an issue)
- [x] 🚀 Feature (change which adds functionality)
- [ ] 📚 Documentation (change which fixes or extends documentation)

### Checklist

_Put an `x` in the boxes that apply. This is simply a reminder of what
we will require before merging your code._

- [x] Lint and unit tests (if any) pass locally with my changes
- [x] I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my
feature works
- [x] I have added necessary documentation (if appropriate)
- [x] All commits have been signed for


Signed-off-by: Ramiro Serra <>
  • Loading branch information
serraramiro1 authored Aug 16, 2024
1 parent d23d446 commit d96a927
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Showing 28 changed files with 2,173 additions and 94 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion beluga/include/beluga/algorithm/amcl_core.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include <range/v3/range/concepts.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/any_view.hpp>
#include <range/v3/view/take_exactly.hpp>
#include "beluga/policies/on_motion.hpp"

namespace beluga {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ class Amcl {
random_probability_estimator_{params_.alpha_slow, params_.alpha_fast},
update_policy_{beluga::policies::on_motion(params_.update_min_d, params_.update_min_a)},
update_policy_{beluga::policies::on_motion<state_type>(params_.update_min_d, params_.update_min_a)},
random_state_generator_(std::move(random_state_generator)) {
if (params_.selective_resampling) {
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47 changes: 39 additions & 8 deletions beluga/include/beluga/algorithm/unscented_transform.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@

#include <Eigen/src/Core/util/Constants.h>
#include <Eigen/Cholesky>
#include <Eigen/Core>

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <range/v3/numeric.hpp>
Expand All @@ -36,6 +36,23 @@
#include "beluga/eigen_compatibility.hpp"
namespace beluga {

namespace detail {

/// Templated functor to compute weighted mean for arbitrary. Assumes weights and vector's scalar types match.
struct default_weighted_mean_fn {
/// Operator() overload for eigen types.
template <typename T, typename Scalar = typename T::Scalar>
T operator()(const std::vector<T>& samples, const std::vector<Scalar>& weights) const {
return std::transform_reduce(
samples.begin(), samples.end(), weights.begin(), T::Zero().eval(), std::plus<>{}, std::multiplies<>{});

} // namespace detail

/// Object for computing a euclidean weighted mean of a vector of elements.
inline constexpr detail::default_weighted_mean_fn default_weighted_mean;

* \brief Implements the unscented transform, a mathematical function used to estimate the result of applying a given
* a possibly nonlinear transformation to a probability distribution that is characterized with mean and covariance.
Expand All @@ -45,18 +62,34 @@ namespace beluga {
* \tparam MeanDerived Concrete Eigen dense type used for the mean.
* \tparam CovarianceDerived Concrete Eigen dense type used for the covariance.
* \tparam TransferFn Callable that maps a vector from input space to output space. Possibly non-linear.
* \tparam TransformedT State representing the output space. Deduced from the transfer function.
* \tparam MeanFn Callable that converts a vector of elements in the output space, and weights, to its mean in the
* output space.
* \tparam ResidualFn Callable that computes a residual given two elements in the output space.
* \param mean Mean in the input space.
* \param covariance Covariance in the input space.
* \param transfer_fn Callable that converts a vector from input space to output space.
* \param transfer_fn Callable that converts a* vector from input space to output space.
* \param kappa Parameter used for sigma points selection. A sensible default will be used if not provided.
* \param mean_fn Callable that converts a vector of elements in the output space, and
* weights, to its mean in the output space. A sensible default is provided for the trivial (euclidian) case.
* \param residual_fn Callable that computes a residual given two elements in the output space.. A sensible default is
* provided for the trivial (euclidian) case.
* \return A pair containing (mean, estimate) for the output space.
template <typename MeanDerived, typename CovarianceDerived, typename TransferFn>
template <
typename MeanDerived,
typename CovarianceDerived,
typename TransferFn,
typename TransformedT = std::result_of_t<TransferFn(MeanDerived)>,
typename MeanFn = detail::default_weighted_mean_fn,
typename ResidualFn = std::minus<TransformedT>>
auto unscented_transform(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<MeanDerived>& mean,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<CovarianceDerived>& covariance,
TransferFn&& transfer_fn,
std::optional<typename MeanDerived::Scalar> kappa = std::nullopt) {
std::optional<typename MeanDerived::Scalar> kappa = std::nullopt,
MeanFn mean_fn = default_weighted_mean,
ResidualFn residual_fn = std::minus<TransformedT>{}) {
using Scalar = typename MeanDerived::Scalar;
std::is_same_v<typename MeanDerived::Scalar, typename CovarianceDerived::Scalar>,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,15 +130,13 @@ auto unscented_transform(
constexpr int kNout = decltype(transfer_fn(mean))::RowsAtCompileTime;
static_assert(decltype(transfer_fn(mean))::ColsAtCompileTime == 1, "Output mean should be a column vector");

const Eigen::Vector<Scalar, kNout> out_mean = std::transform_reduce(
transformed_sigma_points.begin(), transformed_sigma_points.end(), weights.begin(),
Eigen::Vector<Scalar, kNout>::Zero().eval(), std::plus<>{}, std::multiplies<>{});
const Eigen::Vector<Scalar, kNout> out_mean = mean_fn(transformed_sigma_points, weights);

const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, kNout, kNout> out_cov = std::transform_reduce(
transformed_sigma_points.begin(), transformed_sigma_points.end(), weights.begin(),
Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, kNout, kNout>::Zero().eval(), std::plus<>{},
[&](const auto& sigma_point, const auto weight) {
const Eigen::Vector<Scalar, kNout> error = sigma_point - out_mean;
const Eigen::Vector<Scalar, kNout> error = residual_fn(sigma_point, out_mean);
return (weight * (error * error.transpose())).eval();

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54 changes: 47 additions & 7 deletions beluga/include/beluga/policies/on_motion.hpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,10 @@

#include <Eigen/src/Geometry/AngleAxis.h>
#include <beluga/policies/policy.hpp>
#include <sophus/se2.hpp>
#include <sophus/se3.hpp>

* \file
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,8 +62,7 @@ struct on_motion_policy_base<Sophus::SE2<Scalar>> {
constexpr bool operator()(const Sophus::SE2<Scalar>& prev, const Sophus::SE2<Scalar>& current) {
const auto delta = prev.inverse() * current;
return std::abs(delta.translation().x()) > min_distance_ || //
std::abs(delta.translation().y()) > min_distance_ || //
return delta.translation().norm() > min_distance_ || //
std::abs(delta.so2().log()) > min_angle_;

Expand All @@ -70,6 +71,42 @@ struct on_motion_policy_base<Sophus::SE2<Scalar>> {
Scalar min_angle_{0.0}; ///< The minimum rotation angle (in radians) to trigger the action.

/// Specialization for on_motion_policy_base in SE3 space.
* \tparam Scalar The scalar type for SE3 elements.
template <class Scalar>
struct on_motion_policy_base<Sophus::SE3<Scalar>> {
/// Constructor.
* \param min_distance The minimum translation distance to trigger the action.
* \param min_angle The minimum rotation angle (in radians) to trigger the action.
constexpr on_motion_policy_base(Scalar min_distance, Scalar min_angle)
: min_distance_(min_distance), min_angle_(min_angle) {}

/// Return true if motion has been detected.
* \param prev The previous SE3 pose to check for motion.
* \param current The current SE3 pose to check for motion.
* \return True if the action should be triggered based on motion, false otherwise.
* Checks the motion based on the provided SE3 pose, and triggers the action if the
* motion surpasses the specified distance and angle thresholds.
constexpr bool operator()(const Sophus::SE3<Scalar>& prev, const Sophus::SE3<Scalar>& current) {
const auto delta = prev.inverse() * current;
const Eigen::AngleAxis<Scalar> angle_axis{delta.so3().unit_quaternion()};
return delta.translation().norm() > min_distance_ || //
std::abs(angle_axis.angle()) > min_angle_;

Scalar min_distance_{0.0}; ///< The minimum translation distance to trigger the action.
Scalar min_angle_{0.0}; ///< The minimum rotation angle (in radians) to trigger the action.

/// Base implementation for the on_motion_policy algorithm.
* \tparam Pose The pose type to check for motion.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,14 +137,14 @@ struct on_motion_policy : public on_motion_policy_base<Pose> {

/// Implementation detail for the on_motion_fn object.
template <class StateType = Sophus::SE2d>
struct on_motion_fn {
/// Overload that creates the policy closure in SE2 space.
/// Overload that creates the policy closure in the state space.
* This policy triggers an action based on motion.
template <class Scalar>
constexpr auto operator()(Scalar min_distance, Scalar min_angle) const {
return beluga::make_policy(on_motion_policy<Sophus::SE2<Scalar>>{min_distance, min_angle});
constexpr auto operator()(typename StateType::Scalar min_distance, typename StateType::Scalar min_angle) const {
return beluga::make_policy(on_motion_policy<StateType>{min_distance, min_angle});

Expand All @@ -117,8 +154,11 @@ struct on_motion_fn {
* This policy is designed to be used for scenarios where an action needs to be performed
* based on the detected motion, considering specified distance and angle thresholds.
* \tparam StateType The state type used to check for motion.
inline constexpr detail::on_motion_fn on_motion;
template <typename StateType = Sophus::SE2d>
inline constexpr detail::on_motion_fn<StateType> on_motion;

} // namespace beluga::policies

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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions beluga/test/beluga/algorithm/test_unscented_transform.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,9 @@
#include <cmath>

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <range/v3/view/zip.hpp>
#include <sophus/common.hpp>
#include <sophus/so2.hpp>

#include "beluga/algorithm/unscented_transform.hpp"

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -118,6 +121,66 @@ TEST_F(UnscentedTransformTests, WorksWithEigenExpressions) {
ASSERT_TRUE(transformed_cov.isApprox(Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2>::Identity()));

double angular_distance(double angle1, double angle2) {
const Sophus::SO2<double> rot1(angle1);
const Sophus::SO2<double> rot2(angle2);

const Sophus::SO2<double> relative_rotation = rot1.inverse() * rot2;
const double distance = relative_rotation.log();

// Ensure the distance is the minimal distance
return std::min(std::abs(distance), 2 * Sophus::Constants<double>::pi() - std::abs(distance));

TEST_F(UnscentedTransformTests, DifferentMeanFn) {
constexpr double kTolerance = 1e-1;
// This mean in polar coordinates is {1.4, pi}. This is specifically chosen so that we're close to the wrap around
// point.
const Eigen::Vector2d mean{-1.4, 0.};
const Eigen::Vector2d expected_mean = {1.4, Sophus::Constants<double>::pi()};

Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2> cov;
cov << 1e-1, 0., //
0., 1e-1;

// Demonstrate why using default mean and residual functions can yield bad results, even bad means.
const auto [transformed_mean, transformed_cov] =
beluga::unscented_transform(mean, cov, [](const Eigen::Vector2d& in) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d{std::hypot(in.x(), in.y()), std::atan2(in.y(), in.x())};

const Eigen::Vector2d expected_wrong_mean = {1.4348469228349534, 1.5707963267948966};

ASSERT_FALSE(transformed_mean.isApprox(expected_mean, kTolerance)) << transformed_mean.transpose();
ASSERT_TRUE(transformed_mean.isApprox(expected_wrong_mean, kTolerance)) << transformed_mean.transpose();
const auto [transformed_mean, transformed_cov] = beluga::unscented_transform(
mean, cov,
[](const Eigen::Vector2d& in) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
return Eigen::Vector2d{std::hypot(in.x(), in.y()), std::atan2(in.y(), in.x())};
[](const std::vector<Eigen::Vector2d>& samples, const std::vector<double>& weights) -> Eigen::Vector2d {
Eigen::Vector3d aux = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
for (const auto& [s, w] : ranges::views::zip(samples, weights)) {
aux.x() += s.x() * w;
aux.y() += std::sin(s.y()) * w;
aux.z() += std::cos(s.y()) * w;
return Eigen::Vector2d{aux.x(), std::atan2(aux.y(), aux.z())};
[](const Eigen::Vector2d& sample, const Eigen::Vector2d& mean) {
Eigen::Vector2d error;
error.x() = sample.x() - mean.x();
error.y() = angular_distance(sample.y(), mean.y());
return error;
ASSERT_TRUE(transformed_mean.isApprox(expected_mean, kTolerance)) << transformed_mean.transpose();

TEST_F(UnscentedTransformTests, DifferentKappa) {
constexpr double kTolerance = 1e-4;
const auto [transformed_mean, transformed_cov] = beluga::unscented_transform(
Expand Down
27 changes: 23 additions & 4 deletions beluga/test/beluga/policies/test_on_motion.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,8 +21,8 @@

namespace {

TEST(OnMotionPolicy, TriggerOnMotion) {
auto policy = beluga::policies::on_motion(0.1, 0.05);
TEST(OnMotionPolicy, TriggerOnMotion2D) {
auto policy = beluga::policies::on_motion<Sophus::SE2d>(0.1, 0.05);
const Sophus::SE2d pose1(Sophus::SO2d(0.2), Eigen::Vector2d(1.0, 2.0));
const Sophus::SE2d pose2(Sophus::SO2d(0.25), Eigen::Vector2d(1.2, 2.2));

Expand All @@ -31,13 +31,32 @@ TEST(OnMotionPolicy, TriggerOnMotion) {
ASSERT_TRUE(policy(pose2)); // Second pose triggers the policy

TEST(OnMotionPolicy, NoTriggerWithoutMotion) {
auto policy = beluga::policies::on_motion(0.1, 0.05);
TEST(OnMotionPolicy, NoTriggerWithoutMotion2D) {
auto policy = beluga::policies::on_motion<Sophus::SE2d>(0.1, 0.05);
const Sophus::SE2d pose1(Sophus::SO2d(0.1), Eigen::Vector2d(1.0, 2.0));
const Sophus::SE2d pose2(Sophus::SO2d(0.1), Eigen::Vector2d(1.05, 2.05));

ASSERT_TRUE(policy(pose1)); // First pose triggers the policy
ASSERT_FALSE(policy(pose2)); // Small motion should not trigger the policy

TEST(OnMotionPolicy, TriggerOnMotion3D) {
auto policy = beluga::policies::on_motion<Sophus::SE3d>(0.1, 0.05);
const Sophus::SE3d pose1(Sophus::SO3d::rotX(0.2), Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 2.0, 0.));
const Sophus::SE3d pose2(Sophus::SO3d::rotX(0.25), Eigen::Vector3d(1.2, 2.2, 0.));

ASSERT_TRUE(policy(pose1)); // First pose triggers the policy
ASSERT_FALSE(policy(pose1)); // Same pose should not trigger again
ASSERT_TRUE(policy(pose2)); // Second pose triggers the policy

TEST(OnMotionPolicy, NoTriggerWithoutMotion3D) {
auto policy = beluga::policies::on_motion<Sophus::SE3d>(0.1, 0.05);
const Sophus::SE3d pose1(Sophus::SO3d::rotX(0.1), Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 2.0, 0.));
const Sophus::SE3d pose2(Sophus::SO3d::rotX(0.1), Eigen::Vector3d(1.05, 2.05, 0.));

ASSERT_TRUE(policy(pose1)); // First pose triggers the policy
ASSERT_FALSE(policy(pose2)); // Small motion should not trigger the policy

} // namespace
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions beluga_amcl/cmake/ament.cmake
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,6 +139,53 @@ install(TARGETS ndt_amcl_node DESTINATION lib/${PROJECT_NAME})

install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include/${PROJECT_NAME})

add_library(ndt_amcl_node_3d_component SHARED)
target_sources(ndt_amcl_node_3d_component PRIVATE src/ndt_amcl_node_3d.cpp)


target_compile_features(ndt_amcl_node_3d_component PUBLIC cxx_std_17)

target_link_libraries(ndt_amcl_node_3d_component PUBLIC beluga_amcl_ros2_common)

PUBLIC beluga

PLUGIN "beluga_amcl::NdtAmclNode3D"
EXECUTABLE ndt_amcl_node_3d)

TARGETS ndt_amcl_node_3d_component

install(TARGETS ndt_amcl_node_3d DESTINATION lib/${PROJECT_NAME})

install(DIRECTORY include/ DESTINATION include/${PROJECT_NAME})


Expand Down

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