Name | Type | Description | Notes |
domain | string | Name of selected domain. | [optional] |
default_domain | bool | True, if domain is used as default. Otherwise, false, | [optional] |
spf | bool | True, if SPF record is verified | [optional] |
dkim | bool | True, if DKIM record is verified | [optional] |
mx | bool | True, if MX record is verified | [optional] |
dmarc | bool | [optional] | |
is_rewrite_domain_valid | bool | True, if tracking CNAME record is verified | [optional] |
verify | bool | True, if DKIM, SPF, or tracking are still to be verified | [optional] |
type | \ElasticEmail\Model\TrackingType | [optional] | |
tracking_status | \ElasticEmail\Model\TrackingValidationStatus | [optional] | |
certificate_status | \ElasticEmail\Model\CertificateValidationStatus | [optional] | |
certificate_validation_error | string | [optional] | |
tracking_type_user_request | \ElasticEmail\Model\TrackingType | [optional] | |
verp | bool | [optional] | |
custom_bounces_domain | string | [optional] | |
is_custom_bounces_domain_default | bool | [optional] | |
is_marked_for_deletion | bool | [optional] | |
ownership | \ElasticEmail\Model\DomainOwner | [optional] |