New tutorial map with lots of text help
Stable 1.7.2 release, need forge.
Add a new tutorial map (
Adding new sounds
Bugs fix
1.4.2 =>
add lot graphic connection pin on small wall blocs
1.4.3 =>
better compatibilities with shader mods (no light saturation, no time desync)
1.4.4 =>
Give the possibilities to regenerate ore on a map that was created without the mod.
For that, type /eln reGenOre 1 into you ingame console. Then reload the map.
Each time a chunk is loaded, that check that some Electrical age ore must be into.
1.4.5 =>
Fix keyboard key that could close GUI when enter text
Fix integrated GUI graphics light bug
Into integrated wiki, when you open page of machines, there is all smelting that the machine can do
with energy cost !
Fix key assigment reverse between open wiki and interact
1.4.5a =>
!!!! Change key binding name, you probably must redo your mod key bindings !!!!
1.4.6 =>
I promise, it's last change of mod key controle XD Sorry for that
Now you can interact with item (flash light, ore scanner) juste with right click
To rotate small wall blocks, use the new Wrench item.
To allow or not allow a cable to cross color connection, right click on with wrench.
1.4.6a =>
fix a mod conflict possibilities
1.4.6b =>
Fix the bug where electrical age light block don't allow to put electrical age block
1.4.6c =>
Fix recipes that using silicon ingot (Cheap chip, ...)
1.4.6d =>
Some graphic issue are fixed (transparency with shader mod, depth test)
Try to fix strang issue with linked to inventory,
add into tutorial map the following : brush, wrench, transporter, electrical items
ElectricalAge_tutorial_1.4.4 text have been improved. Thanks @Sukasa : D