BETA-1.9 releases
Minecraft 1.7.2 / 1.7.10 compatible. Forge needed.
Only 1.7.10 since r44
!!!!!!!!!! DO BACKUP OFTEN !!!!!!!!!!!!
For map compabilities => you must visit each dimension that contain electrical block (vanilla dimension are already OK) at the first load of yours map. Else electrical blocks into unloaded dimension disappear.
Sorry but lot of nbt write/read change, if electrical age blocks are corrupted, please issue it to me :)
(normally all is ok, i don't have detect any issue XD)
r37 fix:
- Now electrical simulation is done only on loaded worlds (including unloaded chunks)
- New electrical nodes save system that remove corruption probabilities
- Use new RF API
- add x-ray scanner disable flag
r38 fix:
- Adding energy counter and advanced energy counter blocks with lovely model
- New lamp socket model
- Better electricalAge_tutorialmap with a intro that explain electricity basics
- Add a room into electricalAge_tutorialmap with energy counter
- Lamp supply range can be extended by putting more cable into slot.
- Fix issue with IIconRegistry
r39 fix:
- Add recipe for Energy Meter
- Fix wireless repeater issue
r40 fix:
- Direct lamp blow up when overvoltage
- Fix crash that happened with fluorescent lamp socket in some case
- Fix autominer drill rotation
- Add resistance on some item's tooltip
- Tree resin collector can now be placed on non log block class registered into log ore dictionary
- More clear probe gui tooltips
r41 fix:
- Now lamp bulb blow out wehn over voltage even if lamp aging is disable
- fix signal processor operator priority
- add on transporter gui needed energy bar
- fix xray crash when blocks are registred with a not common id XD
- Add in eln.cfg some power configuration
- Adding 3.2kV cables/switch/relay
- add flurecent socket receipe
r42 fix:
- replicator spawn rate reduced
- synchronize some eln.config infromation between client / server (lamp life)
- Add energy conversion ratio with other mod in eln.cfg
- Fix water turbine power generation
- Fix XRayScanner in multiplayer
- fix replicator spawn in peaceful
- Added defense turret
- Added fire alarm
r43 fix:
- Add turret + recipe !!
- Add eln.config for replicator spawn
- Add min max into signal processor
r44 fix:
- Update OpenComputer API
- Fix regenerateOre crash
- fix some issue, but because of unknown reason, i can't start any minecraft server on my PC => can't test that XD
- Started work on achievements
- Added Modern Data Logger (WIP)
- Fixed internal server error when the tile entity isn't loaded and server crash
- Code cleanup
r47 (Not released yet!):
- Updated to OpenComputers API 4.2.4
- Fixed achievements not triggering
- Updated version checker
- Added new analytics features (WIP)
- Lots of code cleanup