With Proin-CV-assistant you have a free and open source solution to create your curriculum and switch between multiple designs.
Fill your data once and switch between designs as you want.
This is software is currently in alpha
- Vitejs
- React
- Material UI
- Clone the project
git clone git@github.com:EmmanuelMr18/Proin-CV-assistant.git
- Install deps
pnpm i
- Run your dev environment
pnpm run dev
We are using pnpm as package manager. You can use npm, but please don't submit the changes made in package.json If you need to install a new dependency, you must use pnpm.
Please send your commits using the Conventional Commits format
It's pretty easy, here you have a little guide of how to do it:
You must use YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME to name your component, styles, and template screenshot
Create a component in
. 1.1 UseUserContext
to access to all the user's data stored{ name, job, description, userImg, experience, contacts, skills, languages, education, achievements, } = useContext(UserContext);
Create your template styles in
.We recommend you to develop your templates using CSS grid and BEM methodology
Load styles in your component. Load inline your styles
import styles from './SquareDesign.scss?inline'; <style>{styles}</style>
Take a screenshot of your design and save it in
.Your image must be .png
Add YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME to the template list in
export const templateList = ['BasicDesign', 'SquareDesign', ... , YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME];