7 | 7 | "analytics.noip": "We <b>are not</b> recording IP addresses",
8 | 8 | "analytics.nosell": "We <b>do not</b> sell data",
9 | 9 | "analytics.optout": "You can always opt-out via Settings",
10 |
| - "analytics.privacyNotice": "Privacy Notice", |
11 |
| - "analytics.privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", |
| 10 | + "analytics.privacyNotice": "Avis de confidentialité", |
| 11 | + "analytics.privacyPolicy": "Politique de confidentialité", |
12 | 12 | "analytics.private": "We <b>cannot</b> access private keys",
13 |
| - "analytics.selectLanguage": "Select Language", |
| 13 | + "analytics.selectLanguage": "Choisissez la langue", |
14 | 14 | "analytics.skip": "Skip",
15 | 15 | "analytics.toggle": "Allow Yoroi analytics",
16 |
| - "analytics.tosAgreement": "Terms Of Service Agreement", |
17 |
| - "analytics.tosAnd": "and", |
18 |
| - "analytics.tosIAgreeWith": "I agree with", |
19 |
| - "api.error.badRequest": "Server could not understand the request", |
20 |
| - "api.error.conflict": "The request could not be completed due to a conflict", |
21 |
| - "api.error.forbidden": "You are not allowed to access this resource", |
22 |
| - "api.error.gone": "The requested resource is no longer available", |
23 |
| - "api.error.invalidState": "Invalid state", |
24 |
| - "api.error.network": "Something went wrong with the network", |
25 |
| - "api.error.notFound": "The requested resource could not be found", |
26 |
| - "api.error.responseMalformed": "The server response is malformed we can't interpret it", |
27 |
| - "api.error.serverSide": "The server encountered an unexpected condition", |
28 |
| - "api.error.title": "Oops! API error", |
29 |
| - "api.error.tooEarly": "The requested resource is not yet available, try again later", |
30 |
| - "api.error.tooManyRequests": "Too many requests, wait a bit and try again", |
31 |
| - "api.error.unauthorized": "You are not authorized to access this resource", |
32 |
| - "api.error.unknown": "An error that is unknown for the app happened, please try again", |
33 |
| - "catalyst.snapshot.start": "Snapshot start", |
34 |
| - "catalyst.registration.start": "Registration start", |
35 |
| - "catalyst.voting.start": "Voting start", |
36 |
| - "catalyst.voting.end": "Voting end", |
37 |
| - "catalyst.voting.results": "Results", |
38 |
| - "claim.accepted.message": "Claim has been accepted, you will receive your asset(s) soon, please scan the code again to check the status", |
39 |
| - "claim.accepted.title": "Claim accepted 👍", |
40 |
| - "claim.addressSharingWarning": "You will be sharing with the domain listed here your address", |
41 |
| - "claim.apiError.alreadyClaimed": "This claim has already been done", |
42 |
| - "claim.apiError.expired": "This claim has ended, it is no longer availble", |
43 |
| - "claim.apiError.invalidRequest": "The server rejecte the request, check the address provided by the wallet is on the wrong network for this claim, and if the code is still avaible", |
44 |
| - "claim.apiError.notFound": "The claim could not be found", |
45 |
| - "claim.apiError.rateLimited": "Too many claims happening, wait a bit and try again", |
46 |
| - "claim.apiError.title": "The claim failed", |
| 16 | + "analytics.tosAgreement": "Conditions générales d'utilisation", |
| 17 | + "analytics.tosAnd": "et", |
| 18 | + "analytics.tosIAgreeWith": "Je consens", |
| 19 | + "api.error.badRequest": "Le serveur n'a pas pu interpréter la requête", |
| 20 | + "api.error.conflict": "La requête n'a pas pu aboutir en raison d'un conflit", |
| 21 | + "api.error.forbidden": "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette ressource", |
| 22 | + "api.error.gone": "La ressource demandée n'est plus disponible", |
| 23 | + "api.error.invalidState": "État invalide", |
| 24 | + "api.error.network": "Un problème a été détecté avec le réseau", |
| 25 | + "api.error.notFound": "La ressource demandée est introuvable", |
| 26 | + "api.error.responseMalformed": "La réponse du serveur ne peut être interprétée", |
| 27 | + "api.error.serverSide": "Le serveur a rencontré un problème inattendu de condition", |
| 28 | + "api.error.title": "Oups ! Erreur API", |
| 29 | + "api.error.tooEarly": "La ressource demandée n'est pas encore disponible, réessayez plus tard", |
| 30 | + "api.error.tooManyRequests": "Trop de requêtes, attendez un peu et réessayez", |
| 31 | + "api.error.unauthorized": "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à accéder à cette ressource.", |
| 32 | + "api.error.unknown": "Une erreur inconnue s'est produite, veuillez réessayer", |
| 33 | + "catalyst.snapshot.start": "Début du snapshot", |
| 34 | + "catalyst.registration.start": "Début de l'inscription", |
| 35 | + "catalyst.voting.start": "Début du vote", |
| 36 | + "catalyst.voting.end": "Fin du vote", |
| 37 | + "catalyst.voting.results": "Résultats", |
| 38 | + "claim.accepted.message": "La demande a été acceptée, vous allez bientôt recevoir vos fonds. Veuillez scanner le code à nouveau pour consulter le statut", |
| 39 | + "claim.accepted.title": "Demande acceptée 👍", |
| 40 | + "claim.addressSharingWarning": "Vous allez partager votre adresse avec le domaine listé ici", |
| 41 | + "claim.apiError.alreadyClaimed": "Cette demande a déjà été effectuée", |
| 42 | + "claim.apiError.expired": "Cette demande est terminée et n'est plus disponible", |
| 43 | + "claim.apiError.invalidRequest": "Le serveur a rejeté la demande, vérifiez que l'adresse fournie par le portefeuille n'est pas sur le mauvais réseau pour cette demande, et si le code est toujours disponible", |
| 44 | + "claim.apiError.notFound": "La demande n'a pas pu être trouvée", |
| 45 | + "claim.apiError.rateLimited": "Trop de requêtes, attendez un peu et réessayez", |
| 46 | + "claim.apiError.title": "La demande a échoué", |
47 | 47 | "claim.apiError.tooEarly": "This claim hasn't started yet, please try again later",
48 | 48 | "claim.askConfirmation.title": "Confirm claim",
49 | 49 | "claim.code": "Code",
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