Releases: Emurgo/yoroi
Releases · Emurgo/yoroi
v5.3.0 "Let me know"
- Local notifications
- Support to CIP129
- HW signing fix for CIP8
What's Changed
- release(wallet mobile): v5.2.0 by @stackchain in #3755
- feat(wallet-mobile): Add remote notifications by @michaeljscript in #3744
- chore(wallet-mobile): Cleanup google services keys by @michaeljscript in #3777
- feat(wallet-mobile): Add in-app notifications by @michaeljscript in #3775
- fix(wallet-mobile): tx review collateral and staking ctas by @banklesss in #3778
- fix(wallet-button): send max quantity format by @banklesss in #3779
- fix(wallet-mobile): error boundary button layout by @banklesss in #3780
- chore(wallet-mobile): added support to drep scripts by @stackchain in #3783
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix TX parsing by @michaeljscript in #3781
- fix(wallet-mobile): ledger cancel swap order by @banklesss in #3782
- fix(wallet-mobile): Remove swap info link from open order cancel modal by @jorbuedo in #3784
- fix(wallet-mobile): tx review uat overview and metadata tabs by @banklesss in #3785
- fix(wallet-mobile): Adjust staking icons dark background by @jorbuedo in #3787
- fix(wallet-mobile): Add padding for swap pool actions by @jorbuedo in #3786
- fix(wallet-mobile): tx review uat token details by @banklesss in #3789
- fix(wallet-mobile): Critical button color text by @jorbuedo in #3788
- fix(wallet-mobile): tx review uat utxos tab by @banklesss in #3790
- feat(wallet-mobile): Add slide in and out animations by @michaeljscript in #3791
- feat(wallet-mobile): Enable notifications on nightly by @michaeljscript in #3792
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix dark variant of notifications by @michaeljscript in #3795
- refactor(wallet-mobile): Add scroll to modals by @jorbuedo in #3793
- feature(wallet-mobile): Adds disclaimers for dapps, swap and exchanges by @jorbuedo in #3797
- feat(wallet-mobile): Add HW message signing support by @michaeljscript in #3796
- feat(wallet-mobile): Add feature flag for push notifications by @michaeljscript in #3798
- refactor(wallet-mobile): tx review cbor signing generalization by @banklesss in #3794
- chore: updated translations by @vsubhuman in #3800
- chore: updated translations by @vsubhuman in #3801
- feat(wallet-mobile): Add amplitude tracking for notifications by @michaeljscript in #3802
- chore: updated translations by @vsubhuman in #3804
- fix(wallet-mobile): clear token info cache when resync by @stackchain in #3803
- feature(wallet-mobile): revenue analytics by @banklesss in #3805
- fix(wallet-mobile): Request android permissions only on android by @michaeljscript in #3806
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix iOS nightly FCM integration by @michaeljscript in #3807
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix modal prop canDiscard not being used by @jorbuedo in #3808
- fix(wallet-mobile): Discover apps failing by @jorbuedo in #3810
- feat(wallet-mobile): remove trailing zeros from tx list amounts by @jorbuedo in #3809
- feature(wallet-mobile): tx review generalize cbor signing by @banklesss in #3811
- fix(wallet-mobile): modal taps persistence by @banklesss in #3812
- fix(wallet-mobile): modal spacing by @banklesss in #3813
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix notification shadow, display time, and order by @michaeljscript in #3815
- fix(wallet-mobile): modal tap persistence by @banklesss in #3814
- fix(wallet-mobile): collateral modal update by @banklesss in #3816
- chore(wallet-mobile): updated translations by @vsubhuman in #3817
- chore(wallet-mobile): Refactor connected dApps queries by @michaeljscript in #3820
- fix(wallet-mobile): Display notifications only on incoming TXs confirmed when the app is open by @michaeljscript in #3822
- feature(wallet-mobile): tx review swap cancellation details by @banklesss in #3819
- chore(wallet-mobile): translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3821
- fix(wallet-mobile): missing ft placeholders by @banklesss in #3824
- chore(wallet-mobile): translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3823
- fix(wallet-mobile): Dapp explorer failing by @jorbuedo in #3818
- chore(types): Use new @yoroi/types version by @michaeljscript in #3826
- chore(wallet-mobile): translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3825
- fix(wallet-mobile): Do not show notifications on wallet selection screen by @michaeljscript in #3828
- fix(wallet-mobile): Operations missing key by @jorbuedo in #3830
- fix(wallet-mobile): info access when info is missing by @jorbuedo in #3832
- fix(wallet-mobile): more fixes by @jorbuedo in #3833
- fix(wallet-mobile): Disclaimers should not be discardable by @jorbuedo in #3834
- fix(wallet-mobile): Do not display TX received notifications on TX history route by @michaeljscript in #3835
- fix(wallet-mobile): Wait for selected wallet only sync to create notifications by @michaeljscript in #3836
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix route path comparison for TX history screen by @michaeljscript in #3837
- fix(wallet-mobile): Treat small notification movement as a press by @michaeljscript in #3838
- fix(wallet-mobile): disable gestures for modals by @jorbuedo in #3839
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix HW message signing by @michaeljscript in #3840
- chore(wallet-mobile): Disable push notifications for nightly by @michaeljscript in #3841
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix address path for message signing and TX review message parsing by @michaeljscript in #3843
- feat(swap): Remotely configure buying side of swap by @jorbuedo in #3842
- refactor(wallet-mobile): 1st step into mchain by @stackchain in #3844
- fix(wallet-mobile): cip30 refactor leftovers by @stackchain in #3845
- chore(wallet-mobile): drop disable status for action buttons by @stackchain in #3846
- fix(wallet-mobile): Do not break app on swap config error, safe to ignore by @jorbuedo in #3847
- fix(wallet-mobile): remove suspense for swapConfig by @jorbuedo in #3848
- feat(wallet-mobile): Add FCM Token to About screen by @jorbuedo in #3849
- chore(wallet-mobile): translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3850
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix tx review accordion and send loading button by @jorbuedo in #3852
- fix(wallet-mobile): Onboarding pin creation event by @banklesss in #3853
- fix(wallet-mobile): Minor design adjustments by @jorbuedo in #3855
- chore(wallet-mobile): translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3854
- chore(wallet-mobile): Drop local notifications feature flag by @michaeljscript in #3857
Full Changelog: v5.2.0...v5.3.0
v5.2.0 "Inspector Gadget"
- New TX Review Funnel
- Bug fixes
What's Changed
- feat(wallet-mobile): send feature new tx review by @banklesss in #3643
- feature(wallet-mobile): token details dialog for new tx review by @banklesss in #3672
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review for collateral by @banklesss in #3683
- refactor(wallet-mobile): Button, IconProps, useCopy by @jorbuedo in #3658
- fix(wallet-mobile): disabled actions label color by @jorbuedo in #3686
- chore(types): add more api errors by @stackchain in #3687
- fix(wallet-mobile): offline crashes by @jorbuedo in #3664
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review for yoroi swap by @banklesss in #3688
- refactor(swap): move swap calculation functions to manager by @jorbuedo in #3689
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review for yoroi governance by @banklesss in #3690
- feature(wallet-mobile): prefetch ada prices by @jorbuedo in #3663
- fix(wallet-mobile): restore debug mode by @jorbuedo in #3691
- fix(wallet-mobile): autofocus and caret color for send edit amount by @jorbuedo in #3692
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review for catalyst by @banklesss in #3694
- chore: drop sanchonet by @jorbuedo in #3693
- fix(wallet-mobile): navigation weirdness in Send by @jorbuedo in #3695
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review for stake delegation by @banklesss in #3696
- refactor(staking): use votingPowerThreshold by @jorbuedo in #3697
- feat(notifications): Add notifications feature and transaction received notification by @michaeljscript in #3626
- chore(wallet-mobile): Bump CSL by @michaeljscript in #3685
- release(wallet-mobile): v5.0.1 hotfix by @stackchain in #3698
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review for withdraw staking rewards by @banklesss in #3707
- feat(wallet-mobile): Add PT price changed notification by @michaeljscript in #3711
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review success and error screens by @banklesss in #3712
- fix: dropped legacy gitlab integration by @stackchain in #3713
- fix(wallet-mobile): exchange value format by @banklesss in #3714
- feat(wallet-mobile): Rewards updated notification by @michaeljscript in #3715
- feature(wallet-mobile): new transaction for discovery (dapps) by @banklesss in #3717
- refactor(wallet-mobile): dropped legacy assert things by @stackchain in #3719
- chore(api): updated the protocol params endpoint with the new api response by @stackchain in #3720
- fix(dapp-connector): Prompt user only if window is focused and fix error handling by @michaeljscript in #3722
- fix(wallet-mobile): Navigate to portfolio after clicking back on NFT detail by @michaeljscript in #3725
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review stake pool details by @banklesss in #3723
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review wallet balance dialog by @banklesss in #3724
- refactor(wallet-metadata): new tx review metadata by @banklesss in #3728
- refactor(wallet-mobile): new tx review state by @banklesss in #3729
- fix(wallet-mobile): new tx review improvements by @banklesss in #3730
- feat(staking): Support more drep formats by @michaeljscript in #3732
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review multi receivers by @banklesss in #3733
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review mint + reference inputs + infrastructure issue screen by @banklesss in #3734
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review update operations by @banklesss in #3737
- fix(wallet-mobile): default pt to zero by @jorbuedo in #3739
- chore: smart workflow - ignore drafts by @stackchain in #3745
- feat(wallet-mobile): new tx review foreign utxo info by @banklesss in #3746
- fix(wallet-mobile): allow screenshot toggle in android production by @jorbuedo in #3748
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fallback number for missing data in fetchPtPrice by @jorbuedo in #3749
- feat(wallet-mobile): new tx review success/failed tx screens by @banklesss in #3747
- fix(wallet-mobile): last graph timestamp to match between periods by @jorbuedo in #3750
- feature(wallet-mobile): new tx review operations log by @banklesss in #3752
- fix(wallet-mobile): linter by @banklesss in #3753
- feature(wallet-mobile): portfolio token list performance improvement by @banklesss in #3754
- fix(wallet-mobile): mnemonic suggestions buttons styles by @banklesss in #3756
- fix(wallet-mobile): tx review metadata json style by @banklesss in #3757
- fix(wallet-mobile): receive address copied feedback in tx history actions banner by @banklesss in #3758
- fix(wallet-mobile): send funnel accepts local decimal separator by @banklesss in #3760
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix ledger payload format by @michaeljscript in #3762
- fix(wallet-mobile): portfolio chart includes padding offset by @banklesss in #3761
- fix(wallet-mobile): address details styling by @banklesss in #3759
- fix(wallet-mobile): Allow ledger to withdraw from non own address by @michaeljscript in #3763
- chore(wallet-mobile): tx review copy updates by @banklesss in #3766
- fix(wallet-mobile): error boundary copy action by @banklesss in #3764
- fix(wallet-mobile): tx review wrong reference inputs display by @banklesss in #3767
- fix(wallet-mobile): collateral dialog closing by @banklesss in #3768
- fix(wallet-mobile): tx review reference inputs by @banklesss in #3770
- feature(wallet-mobile): tx review operations notice by @banklesss in #3771
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix HW TX signing by @michaeljscript in #3769
- refactor(wallet-mobile): tx review by @banklesss in #3772
- fix(wallet-mobile): Handle HW errors gracefully in dApp connector by @michaeljscript in #3774
- fix(wallet-mobile): portfolio sync issues by @banklesss in #3773
Full Changelog: v5.0.1...v5.2.0
v5.0.1 "Scroll it"
- Fix: dApp modals now are scrollable
- Fix: Galaxy navigation theme color
What's Changed
- fix(wallet-mobile): Change navigation status bar color (#3703)
- fix(wallet-mobile): Make navigation bar color transparent (#3701)
- fix(wallet-mobile): add scroll to disclaimer modal (#3702)
- fix(wallet-mobile): added scroll to the dapp actions (#3700)
- fix(wallet-mobile): hf modals discovery scrollable (#3699)
- fix(wallet-mobile): Change navigation color after splash screen is hidden by @michaeljscript in #3704
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix keyboard avoiding view by @michaeljscript in #3705
Full Changelog: v5.0.0...v5.0.1
v5.0.0 "re 🧛"
New Features:
- dApp Connector
- dApp Store
- dApp Deep Link
- Dark Theme
- Portfolio (stage 1)
- Network Switcher
- New QR handling for payment requests
What's Changed
- feature(wallet-mobile): Dapp explorer UI by @stackchain in #3189
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3191
- feat(wallet-mobile): Add dApp Explorer feature flag and rename variables by @michaeljscript in #3190
- chore(portfolio): base sync portfolio by @stackchain in #3195
- feat(dapp-connector): Create dApp connector package by @michaeljscript in #3139
- fix(root): fix building order by @stackchain in #3198
- feature(swap): Use new completed orders endpoint by @jorbuedo in #3145
- feature(pool-transition): Adds Pool transition modal and warnings by @jorbuedo in #3184
- refactor(wallet-mobile): sync logic by @stackchain in #3207
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3201
- chore(wallet-mobile): Moved pool transition behind feature flag by @jorbuedo in #3210
- feat(wallet-mobile): Connect dApp explorer with BE data by @michaeljscript in #3209
- refactor(theme): themes flexibility by @stackchain in #3196
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3208
- fix(theme) typo on font family declaration by @SorinC6 in #3226
- fix(wallet-mobile): Dependency updates for stake pool delegation by @jorbuedo in #3232
- feature(theme) update new theme colors by @SorinC6 in #3230
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3248
- chore: portfolio wire up by @stackchain in #3241
- fix(wallet-mobile): Adds tx history loading while checking for stake pool by @jorbuedo in #3251
- fix: missing block quote .md notation by @stackchain in #3253
- refactor(wallet-mobile): drop old pkgs by @stackchain in #3252
- refactor(wallet-mobile): clean up legacy + wm export preparation by @stackchain in #3257
- fix(wallet-mobile): Rename Context to context by @jorbuedo in #3259
- fix(wallet-mobile): Fix address normalization by @jorbuedo in #3260
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3262
- fix(wallet-mobile): merge ci path by @stackchain in #3263
- fix(swap): Round sellInPtTerms, Quantity shouldn't have decimals by @jorbuedo in #3265
- feature(resolver): preprod support by @banklesss in #3264
- fix(wallet-mobile): Change route to staking when dApp explorer is enabled by @michaeljscript in #3266
- feat(dapp-connector): Add CIP-30 support by @michaeljscript in #3225
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3268
- refactor(wallet-mobile): logger and clean ups by @stackchain in #3269
- chore(wallet-mobile): New Crowdin updates by @vsubhuman in #3270
- fix(setup-wallet): dialog spacing by @banklesss in #3271
- refactor(wallet-mobile): limiters + clean ups by @stackchain in #3272
- feature(wallet-mobile): NFTs traits by @stackchain in #3274
- fix(wallet-mobile): open/restore redirect and sync by @stackchain in #3276
- fix(common): privacy mode by @banklesss in #3273
- feature(links): add nmkr partner support by @banklesss in #3277
- e2e(revamp UI): tests for create and restore funnels by @rahulnr7 in #3275
- fix(common): privacy mode left overs by @banklesss in #3278
- feat(dapp-connector): CIP-30 Add api.getCollateral TX reogranisation support by @michaeljscript in #3279
- fix(staking): minor UI fixes on the migration modal by @rahulnr7 in #3282
- fix(wallet-mobile): Remove duplicate variable to fix staking navigation check by @michaeljscript in #3284
- feat(common): create/restore wallet dark mode & restyling & bug fix by @banklesss in #3283
- feat(pool-transition) Update pool transition api and staking by @jorbuedo in #3285
- feat(dapp-connector): Add CIP-30 signData support by @michaeljscript in #3280
- feature(wallet-mobile): portfolio UI by @stackchain in #3286
- chore(wallet-mobile): Updated translations by @vsubhuman in #3287
- chore(wallet-mobile): Bump MSL by @michaeljscript in #3289
- feat(catalyst): dark theme by @banklesss in #3288
- feat(wallet-mobile): dApp explorer Unverified dApp modal and minor UI fixes by @michaeljscript in #3293
- chore(wallet-mobile): updated translations by @vsubhuman in #3294
- chore(initialization): choose biometrics screen copy update by @banklesss in #3301
- chore(wallet-mobile): Updated translations by @vsubhuman in #3306
- fix(pool-transition) QA Pool transition fixes from v4.27.1 to develop by @jorbuedo in #3303
- feature(portfolio): images placeholder by @banklesss in #3305
- fix(setup-wallet): stepper by @banklesss in #3298
- fix(wallet-mobile): Remove misplaced directory from merging prod into dev by @jorbuedo in #3307
- fix(navigation): Set height to 0 when tab bar is hidden by @michaeljscript in #3308
- feat(theming): dark theme announcement by @banklesss in #3295
- fix(wallet-mobile): Display no navigation bar when the navigation bar should be hidden by @michaeljscript in #3309
- fix(wallet-mobile): Show bottom navigation bar for portfolio by @michaeljscript in #3312
- fix(pool-transition): Fix modal actions styles by @jorbuedo in #3314
- feature(portfolio): metrics by @banklesss in #3310
- fix(wallet-mobile): portfolio ui issues by @lephuochoai in #3311
- fix(wallet-mobile): dapp discover ui issues by @lephuochoai in #3304
- refactor(wallet-mobile): wallet-manager by @stackchain in #3315
- fix(initialization): choose biometrics screen by @banklesss in #3316
- fix(wallet-mobile): avatar svg requires img size on android by @stackchain in #3318
- chore(wallet-mobile): Updated translations by @vsubhuman in #3317
- chore(wallet-mobile): Updated translations by @vsubhuman in #3319
- fix(wallet-mobile): fixes query-key using object by @stackchain in #3320
- feature(dapp-connector): metrics by @banklesss in #3321
- refactor(wallet-mobile): demo capabilities by @stackchain in #3322
- fix: dapp discover ui issues by @lephuochoai in #3323
- feat(dapp-connector): Add CIP-95 support by @michaeljscript in #3313
- fix(wallet-mobile): Provider suspending by @stackchain in #3324
- fix(wallet-mobile): receive address visual derivation by @stackchain in #3325
- fix(wallet-mobile): Change Sancho network backend endpoint by @michaeljscript in #3326
- fix(wallet-mobile): balances - protocolparams by @stackchain in #3327
- chore(all): Bump react query by @jorbuedo in #3328
- fix(wallet-mobile): portfolio ui issues by @lephuochoai in #3329
- fix(common): navigation transition background by @banklesss in #3330
- fix(common): add navigation transition animation by @banklesss in #3332
- fix(swap): increase test timeout by @banklesss in #3334
- feature(identicon): added jazzicon support by @stackchain in #3335
- fix(common): android bottom spacing by @banklesss in
v4.28.3 "HW fix SDK 34"
v4.28.1 "#"
- Hotfix for Conway hash
- Fix for swap display icon for PT
What's Changed
- release(wallet-mobile): v4.28.0 by @stackchain in #3470
- fix(wallet-mobile): Normalise primary token id when parsing orders by @michaeljscript in #3599
Full Changelog: v4.28.0...v4.28.1
4.28.0 "Cardano Ledger App v7*"
- Pool transition
What's Changed
- Added support to Cardano Ledger App V7.*
Full Changelog: v4.27.1...v4.28.0
v4.27.1 "New pool indeed"
- Pool transition
What's Changed
- V.4.27.1 pool transition by @jorbuedo in #3290
- release(wallet-mobile): v4.27.1-rc.1 pool transition fixes by @jorbuedo in #3292
- (pool-transition) Fix modal reopening by @jorbuedo in #3299
- (pool-transition) Fix small screen modal scroll by @jorbuedo in #3300
- fix(stake-pool-migration): resize modal as per screen size by @rahulnr7 in #3302
Full Changelog: v4.27.0...v4.27.1
v4.27.0 "All onboard 💥"
- New Create/Restore funnel
- New splash screen
- New Onboarding funnel
- Receive funnel revamp
- Exchange module (ramp-on banxa, off encryptus)
- Metric updates
- Feature: Support to HD and SA wallets
- Fix: Swap order cancelling
- Feature: Sharing addresses
- Feature: Request payments
- Feature: Deeplinks
What's Changed
- fix(resolver): input loading animation by @banklesss in #3059
- fix(governance): Use error boundaries when creating governance tx by @michaeljscript in #3065
- fix(swap): remove price impact warning from min received field by @banklesss in #3066
- feature(metrics): create / restore wallet funnel by @banklesss in #3068
- fix(governance): Fix DRep ID input spacings by @michaeljscript in #3067
- fix(send): receiver form autoscroll by @banklesss in #3069
- feat(ramp on/off): add support for dark theme and typography by @SorinC6 in #3015
- refactor(swap): move @yoroi/openswap to @yoroi/swap by @banklesss in #3070
- fix(UI): pool select border by @jorbuedo in #3072
- New Crowdin updates by @vsubhuman in #3073
- fix(nft): iOS error image flickering by @jorbuedo in #3074
- chore: Storages update by @stackchain in #3077
- fix(uat): minor styling issues by @banklesss in #3080
- fix(swap): change text color and alignment by @banklesss in #3081
- feature(transfer): package creation by @banklesss in #3076
- fix(wallet-mobile): rn init twice + restore state crash by @stackchain in #3083
- fix(swap): price impact icon by @banklesss in #3084
- fix(metrics): send tx confirm screeen viewed by @banklesss in #3085
- feature(wallet-mobile): New receive funnel by @stackchain in #3079
- fix(uat): minors styling issues by @banklesss in #3087
- fix(uat): translation by @banklesss in #3089
- chore(wallet-mobile): New Crowdin updates by @vsubhuman in #3086
- feature(wallet-mobile): Receive wire up logic to new design funnel by @SorinC6 in #3088
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translation updates by @vsubhuman in #3090
- refactor(wallet-mobile): Receive funnel fixes and refactor by @stackchain in #3092
- feature(wallet-mobile): add theme support for settings & collateral funnels by @SorinC6 in #3091
- fix(wallet-mobile): Design issues by @SorinC6 in #3094
- feature(exchange): package creation and banxa package migration by @banklesss in #3093
- feature(metrics): receive funnel revamp by @banklesss in #3095
- refactor(wallet-mobile): Moved address mode to meta by @stackchain in #3096
- feature(theme): add theme spacing logic/integration by @SorinC6 in #3097
- fix: minor styling and copy issues by @banklesss in #3103
- fix(wallet-mobile): yoroi zero mainnet url by @jorbuedo in #3104
- fix(receive): small screen issues and typo in receive by @jorbuedo in #3107
- chore(wallet-mobile): translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3106
- chore(wallet-mobile): translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3108
- fix(wallet-mobile): Adds separator to address list only when it needs scroll by @jorbuedo in #3111
- fix(wallet-mobile): hardcoded status bar colors on android by @SorinC6 in #3110
- fix(wallet-mobile): initial paint of border by @jorbuedo in #3114
- feature(theme): add theme support for wallet/gallery/send features by @SorinC6 in #3112
- refactor(exchange): extract params by @banklesss in #3109
- chore: Update packages by @jorbuedo in #3113
- fix(swap): Transformers fix for asset ascii name by @vsubhuman in #3115
- merge: production by @stackchain in #3117
- chore: bump csl-mobile-bridge by @banklesss in #3120
- fix(wallet-mobile): Typo in specific amount title by @jorbuedo in #3122
- fix(wallet-mobile): Status bar styles with hook and theme by @jorbuedo in #3121
- fix: Animated tx history by @jorbuedo in #3123
- fix(swap): minor styling and typos issues by @banklesss in #3125
- refactor(wallet-mobile): Status bar CR by @stackchain in #3126
- fix(wallet-mobile): tx history animation initial state by @jorbuedo in #3124
- refactor(exchange): renaming and moving ramp-on-off stuff by @banklesss in #3128
- fix(receive): request screen scrolling by @banklesss in #3127
- fix(receive): Add last used date to receive address by @jorbuedo in #3132
- fix(wallet-mobile): menu design and status bar on some screens by @jorbuedo in #3134
- fix(receive): Reduce qr card spacing for small screen by @jorbuedo in #3133
- fix(wallet-mobile): tx history animation flick by @stackchain in #3135
- fix(receive): Adjust date format by @jorbuedo in #3138
- fix(receive): Limit specific amount max by @jorbuedo in #3136
- fix(wallet-mobile): modal double close by @jorbuedo in #3137
- feature(exchange): multi provider. Encryptus and Banxa by @banklesss in #3130
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3118
- fix: deps by @stackchain in #3141
- fix(exchange): addresses by @banklesss in #3142
- fix(swap): undefined ticker by @jorbuedo in #3143
- fix(exchange): access token management by @banklesss in #3144
- fix(receive): Receive in readOnly wallet by @jorbuedo in #3146
- feature(types,links): deeplinks by @stackchain in #3147
- fix(wallet-mobile): manifest update path and fix host by @stackchain in #3148
- chore(links): Updated docs + authorization param by @stackchain in #3150
- fix(exchange): manager link generation by @banklesss in #3149
- chore(yoroi-lib): Update yoroi lib to fix fe fee signature issues by @michaeljscript in #3152
- refactor(CIP-30): Use UTXO index directly instead of parsing by @michaeljscript in #3153
- feature(wallet-mobile): Redirect universal & deeplinks by @stackchain in #3155
- fix(swap): Hide cancelled orders with FE fee from completed orders by @michaeljscript in #3157
- fix(receive): Adds single or multiple modal for receive by @jorbuedo in #3154
- fix(receive): UAT issues by @jorbuedo in #3162
- feature(links, wallet-mobile): Deeplinks by @stackchain in #3160
- fix(swap): Hide wrong password message when password changed by @michaeljscript in #3163
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3161
- fix(receive): Change colors and title on wallet detail screen by @michaeljscript in #3165
- fix(receive): Increase modal height by @jorbuedo in #3168
- fix(status-bar): Update status bar only when screen is active by @michaeljscript in #3167
- chore(wallet-mobile): Translations updated by @vsubhuman in #3166
- feature(links): return url adapter by @banklesss in #3169
- chore(wallet-mobile): clean ups by @stackchain in #3171
- e2e receive funnel by @rahulnr7 in #3151
- chore: bumped pkgs by @stackchain in #3173
- refactor(links,wallet-mobile): links types by @stackchain in #3174
- fix(wallet): remove red highlights by @jorbuedo in #3175
- fix(wallet-mobile): webview about:srcdoc issue by @stackchain in...
v.4.25.1 "Ramp-off OFF"
- Temporarily disabled ramp-off
What's Changed
- hotfix(ramp-on-off): remove sell flow by @banklesss in #3116
Full Changelog: v4.25.0...v4.25.1