Mission file for Arma 3 Dedicated Server, but it can run in the mission Editor/MP even if I dont recommend it on the long term
I used to play/setUp ExileMod servers for years but with the end of developpement from the ExileMod Team, well,
things started to get "broken", more and more, a lot of patch/fix/overrides, ExileMod is great, it just doesn't fit what I want anymore.
In parallel (even before), I built (still building?) my own AI/Missions system with a lot of CBA/ACE stuff in it, more and more ACE stuff.
Then came TheLastCartridges, a "survival" mission file with:
Vanilla Arma3 spawn system but in the sky (Paradrop) not on the ground,
Basic loot system,
Very basic trader/economy/respect system,
Basic permanent base/territory system,
Permanent vehicles that you can buy or sell,
Ace food/drink,
Custom Respawns ("Fast Travel", "Spawn Beacon" and "Save and Disconnect"),
Custom 3D Markers,
Adapative "audibleCoef" and "camouflageCoef" depending your situation/environment
No Database (yeah, it's not made for hundreds of players running everywhere 24h/day, but for few friends, it does the job),
All very basic but easy to fix and update when bohemia break something.
To keep the AI/mission system compatible with Exile Mod, the money/respect/kill/death variables are the same than Exile.
The money still show up as "poptabs" in some functions I think, the curency didn't really get any name (yet).
Doesn't include any AI/Mission but ready to work with WMS_InfantryProgram or WMS_AmbientLife
This version of the Framework include:
CHVD - for viewDistance setup
Igiload - to carry crate/vehicles around
R3F_LOG - to carry crate/statics around
3 client side files for Infistar Arma3
WMS_InfantryProgram mpmission files
And some old Crap which need to be cleaned...
You will need at least CBA, ACE3, RHS AFRF/USAF/GREF
CfgSounds and custom\ogg will certainly change
Description.ext :
//#include "CfgRespawnInventory.hpp"
#include "CfgRespawnInventory_SOG.hpp"
Config.cpp :
//#include "ClassNames\WeaponsCategories.hpp"
#include "ClassNames\WeaponsCategories_SOG.hpp"
//#include "ClassNames\VehiclesCategories.hpp"
#include "ClassNames\VehiclesCategories_SOG.hpp"
//#include "ClassNames\ItemsCategories.hpp"
//#include "ClassNames\EquipementCategories.hpp"
#include "ClassNames\ItemsCategories_SOG.hpp"
#include "ClassNames\EquipementCategories_SOG.hpp"
//#include "ClassNames\ClaimReward.hpp"
#include "ClassNames\ClaimReward_SOG.hpp"
Look at NewMissionsFileSetup.md to create your own server config/map and then export a mission.sqm
© 2022 {|||TNA|||}WAKeupneo
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