| 1 | +\section{Version 1.0} |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +This errata applies to version 1.0 of the BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes rules. |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +\subsection{Advanced Force Construction Rules} |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +Add the following paragraph at the end of the section: |
| 8 | + |
| 9 | +League organizers may allow additional adjustments, such as allowing a commander to use two faction lists instead of one faction list and one general list. |
| 10 | +Any additional adjustments must be available to all commanders. |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | +\subsection{Casual Scenario Primary Objectives} |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | +The following changes fix Alpha Strike compatibility for Casual Scenarios. |
| 15 | +Update the following items on p. 25 of the full rules and p. 9 of the quickstart rules as follows: |
| 16 | + |
| 17 | +\begin{enumerate} |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +\setcounter{enumi}{1} |
| 20 | +\item {\bfseries Supply Raid}: 3-7 supply depots are on the map, near the center. |
| 21 | +Each supply depot has 1-3 loads of supplies. |
| 22 | +Any unit with hands or cargo capacity can load supplies from the depot if they end the Movement Phase in the same hex. |
| 23 | +Standard cargo loading rules apply. |
| 24 | +A 'Mech carrying supplies can't fire arm weapons (BattleTech) or does -2 damage (Alpha Strike). |
| 25 | +A unit carrying supplies earns a portion of 7,000,000 C-bills for bringing the supplies to their home edge. |
| 26 | +Each side cannot score from the same supply depot twice until they score from every other supply depot. |
| 27 | + |
| 28 | +\setcounter{enumi}{7} |
| 29 | +\item {\bfseries Recovery}: 4-6 disabled 'Mechs are equally spaced along the map diagonal. |
| 30 | +A unit of equal or higher weight class can drag a target 'Mech. |
| 31 | +A friendly unit must be in the same hex as the target 'Mech during the End Phase to start dragging it. |
| 32 | +Units without hand actuators must use 1 turn securing the target 'Mech. |
| 33 | +The dragging unit has a 1/2 reduction in their walking MP and cannot jump. |
| 34 | +A target 'Mech cannot fire weapons in one arm (BattleTech) or does -1 damage (Alpha Strike). |
| 35 | +A unit earns a proportion of 7,000,000 C-bills for each 'Mech returned to their home map edge. |
| 36 | + |
| 37 | +\end{enumerate} |
| 38 | + |
| 39 | +\subsection{Battlefield Support} |
| 40 | + |
| 41 | +The BattleTech: Mercenaries box set updated the Battlefield Support system for BattleTech. |
| 42 | +Replace the Battlefield Support subsection of the Scenario section with the following text: |
| 43 | + |
| 44 | +By default, \emph{BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes} assumes commanders are using the full rules for combined arms from \emph{BattleTech: Total Warfare} and \emph{Alpha Strike: Commander's Edition}. |
| 45 | +League organizers may allow Battlefield Support: Strikes rules (p. 75, \emph{BMM} and p.55, \emph{AS: CE}) to provide simplified aerospace and artillery support and off-board artillery rules for Alpha Strike (see p. 151, \emph{AS: CE}). |
| 46 | +League organizers may also allow Battlefield Support: Assets rules (BattleTech: Mercenaries box set) to provide simplified non-'Mech units, such as combat vehicles and infantry. |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | +\subsubsection{Battlefield Support: Strikes and Off-Board Artillery} |
| 49 | + |
| 50 | +Each side for a scenario must agree to use Battlefield Support: Strikes or off-board artillery rules. |
| 51 | +When using Battlefield Support: Strikes rules, each side receives the same number of Battlefield Support Points (BSP). |
| 52 | +Consult the Battlefield Support rules in Alpha Strike: Commander's Edition or BattleTech: Mercenaries box set, as appropriate, to help determine the number of BSP and the cost of each support type. |
| 53 | +Each side may also agree to use any unused BV from force selection to purchase additional BSP, where 1 BSP costs 20 BV. |
| 54 | +Commanders may increase their BSP by up to half of the BSP limit. |
| 55 | + |
| 56 | +The following additional rules apply when using Battlefield Support: Strikes or off-board artillery. |
| 57 | + |
| 58 | +\begin{itemize} |
| 59 | + |
| 60 | +\item The commander's force must have a unit capable of offering the support. |
| 61 | + |
| 62 | +\begin{table}[!h] |
| 63 | +\ifthenelse{\not \equal{\outworldsMode}{mode-web}}{\fontfamily{Montserrat-LF}}{\small}\selectfont |
| 64 | +\centering |
| 65 | +\newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\raggedleft\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}} |
| 66 | +\begin{tabular}{!{\Vline{1pt}} m{18em} m{20em} !{\Vline{1pt}}} |
| 67 | +\Hline{1pt} |
| 68 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \bfseries{Support Type} & \bfseries{Required Unit} \\ |
| 69 | +\Hline{1pt} |
| 70 | +Offensive Aerospace Support (BSP) & Attack or fire-support aerospace unit \\ |
| 71 | +Defensive Aerospace Support (BSP) & Dogfighter or interceptor aerospace unit \\ |
| 72 | +Artillery Support (BSP) & Corresponding artillery unit \\ |
| 73 | +Counter-Battery Support (BSP) & Artillery or aerospace unit \\ |
| 74 | +Minefield Support (BSP) & Any unit \\ |
| 75 | +Off-board Artillery (AS) & Artillery unit \\ |
| 76 | +Counter-Battery Fire (AS) & Artillery or aerospace unit \\ |
| 77 | +\Hline{1pt} |
| 78 | +\end{tabular} |
| 79 | +\caption*{Support Unit Requirements} |
| 80 | +\end{table} |
| 81 | + |
| 82 | +\item The commander must declare which off-map unit in their force is offering support during the scenario before using the off-map support rules. |
| 83 | +The same unit must be used to provide this type of support for the rest of the scenario, unless this unit is destroyed. |
| 84 | + |
| 85 | +\item Commanders declare what Battlefield Support they are using this turn at the start of the Weapon Attack Phase while declaring attacks. |
| 86 | + |
| 87 | +\item The first successful use of Defensive Aerospace Support or Counter-Battery Support/Fire damages the attacking unit. |
| 88 | +The second successful use destroys the attacking unit. |
| 89 | + |
| 90 | +\end{itemize} |
| 91 | + |
| 92 | +Counter-Battery Support is a new form of Battlefield Support for BattleTech that mirrors the Counter-Battery Fire rule from Alpha Strike. |
| 93 | + |
| 94 | +{\bfseries Counter-Battery Support}: |
| 95 | +Counter-Battery Support costs 14 BSP and can only be used once enemy Artillery Support has been used. |
| 96 | +The Target Number for Counter-Battery Support is 7. |
| 97 | +Reduce the Target Number by 1 for each use of enemy Artillery Support where a friendly unit had LOS to the point of impact. |
| 98 | +Reset the Target Number to 7 if the enemy artillery unit is destroyed by 2 successful Counter-Battery Support attacks. |
| 99 | + |
| 100 | +\subsubsection{Battlefield Support: Assets} |
| 101 | + |
| 102 | +Each side for a scenario must agree to use Battlefield Support: Assets rules. |
| 103 | +Commanders may agree to only use Battlefield Support: Assets rules for some types of units, such as conventional infantry units. |
| 104 | +Commanders should use the same rules for every unit of the same type in the scenario, BattleTech: Total Warfare or Battlefield Support: Assets. |
| 105 | + |
| 106 | +When converting a unit in a force to an Asset, first compute the Asset skill level by taking the average of the Gunnery and Driving skills, rounding down, and adding 2. |
| 107 | +Only BV values for skill 5 and skill 6 are provided on the Asset cards, so unit skill levels may be temporarily degraded for a scenario to a higher skill level. |
| 108 | +Use the BV cost of the Asset at the computed skill level. |
| 109 | + |
| 110 | +For BattleTech: Outworlds Wastes, an Asset is considered \emph{damaged} if the Destroy Check Target Number is reduced to (base Destroy Check Target Number + 4) / 2, rounded down. |
| 111 | +For example, the Manticore Heavy Tank Asset is considered \emph{damaged} when the Destroy Check Target Number is reduced to (10 + 4) / 2 = 7 while the Warrior H-7 Asset is considered \emph{damaged} when the Destroy Check Target Number is reduced to (5 + 4) / 2 = 4. |
| 112 | + |
| 113 | +If the BV of the Asset at skill 6 is lower than the BV of the unit at Gunnery 4/Driving 5 under Total Warfare rules, scale the \emph{repair} and \emph{replace} costs to account for the unit being less combat effective. |
| 114 | +For example, a Manticore Heavy Tank Asset is 420 BV at skill 6, while the Manticore Heavy Tank under Total Warfare rules costs 993 BV. |
| 115 | +The Manticore Heavy Tank Asset has 42\% of the BV, so it only costs 279,196 C-bills to \emph{repair} or 558,392 C-bills to \emph{replace} instead of the 660,100 C-bills to \emph{repair} or 1,320,200 C-bills to \emph{replace} the unit using full Total Warfare rules. |
| 116 | +Do not apply any modifiers for quirks or DropShip modifications when \emph{repairing} or \emph{replacing} Assets. |
| 117 | + |
| 118 | +\subsection{Sample Scenario Logistics Tracking} |
| 119 | + |
| 120 | +The Sample Scenario Logistics Tracking in the event rules references \emph{Refit}, which is no longer part of the event rules. |
| 121 | +The following sample tracking sheet should be used instead on p.9 of the event rules. |
| 122 | + |
| 123 | +\newpage |
| 124 | + |
| 125 | +\section{Sample Scenario Logistics Tracking} |
| 126 | + |
| 127 | +\begin{table}[!h] |
| 128 | +\ifthenelse{\not \equal{\outworldsMode}{mode-web}}{\fontfamily{Montserrat-LF}}{}\selectfont |
| 129 | +\centering |
| 130 | +\newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\raggedleft\let\newline\\\arraybackslash\hspace{0pt}}m{#1}} |
| 131 | +\begin{tabular}{!{\Vline{1pt}} m{2em} m{11em} m{9em} R{5em} R{5em} R{6em} R{4em} !{\Vline{1pt}}} |
| 132 | +\Hline{1pt} |
| 133 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{\bfseries Initial Force} \\ |
| 134 | +\rowcolor{black!30} Bay & Unit & Pilot & Gunnery & Piloting & C-bills & BV \\ |
| 135 | +\hline |
| 136 | +\vspace{2.22pt} |
| 137 | +1 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 138 | +2 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 139 | +3 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 140 | +4 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 141 | +\hline |
| 142 | +\multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}l!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Total BV} \\[2.22pt] |
| 143 | +\Hline{1pt} |
| 144 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{\bfseries Force Management} \\ |
| 145 | +\hline |
| 146 | +\multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}l!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Starting C-bills} \\[2.22pt] |
| 147 | +\hline |
| 148 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Objectives} \\ |
| 149 | +\hline |
| 150 | +\multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}l!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Primary Objective } \\[2.22pt] |
| 151 | +\multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}l!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Secondary Objective} \\[2.22pt] |
| 152 | +\hline |
| 153 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Training} \\ |
| 154 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Pay 500,000 $\times$ BV skill multiplier difference, cannot exceed 2/3} \\ |
| 155 | +\hline |
| 156 | +\vspace{2.22pt} |
| 157 | +1 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 158 | +2 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 159 | +3 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 160 | +4 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 161 | +\hline |
| 162 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Maintenance (Replace, Repair, and Recruit)} \\ |
| 163 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Pay 50\% cost if destroyed, 25\% cost to repair internal damage} \\ |
| 164 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Pay 50\% cost per troop killed} \\ |
| 165 | +\hline |
| 166 | +\vspace{2.22pt} |
| 167 | +1 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 168 | +2 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 169 | +3 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 170 | +4 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 171 | +\hline |
| 172 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Purchase} \\ |
| 173 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Pay cost to add to TOE} \\ |
| 174 | +\hline |
| 175 | +\vspace{2.22pt} |
| 176 | +1 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 177 | +2 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 178 | +\hline |
| 179 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Salvage} \\ |
| 180 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Pay 50\% cost to add to TOE or sell to earn 25\% cost} \\ |
| 181 | +\hline |
| 182 | +\vspace{2.22pt} |
| 183 | +1 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 184 | +2 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 185 | +\hline |
| 186 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Sell} \\ |
| 187 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Earn 50\% cost} \\ |
| 188 | +\hline |
| 189 | +1 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 190 | +2 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 191 | +\multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}l!{\Vline{1pt}}}{...} \\ |
| 192 | +\Hline{1pt} |
| 193 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{\bfseries Final C-bills} \\ |
| 194 | +\hline |
| 195 | +\multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}l!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Total C-bills} \\[2.22pt] |
| 196 | +\Hline{1pt} |
| 197 | +\rowcolor{black!30} \multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}c!{\Vline{1pt}}}{\bfseries Final Force} \\ |
| 198 | +\rowcolor{black!30} Bay & Unit & Pilot & Gunnery & Piloting & C-bills & BV \\ |
| 199 | +\hline |
| 200 | +\vspace{2.22pt} |
| 201 | +1 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 202 | +2 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 203 | +3 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 204 | +4 & & & & & & \\[2.22pt] |
| 205 | +\hline |
| 206 | +\multicolumn{7}{!{\Vline{1pt}}l!{\Vline{1pt}}}{Total BV (5,000 limit)} \\ |
| 207 | +\Hline{1pt} |
| 208 | +\end{tabular} |
| 209 | +\end{table} |
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