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Distro is an opinionated Open edX distribution with some custom stuff to have an easy-to-use and a ready to deploy in local or in development openedx distribution.

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Distro plugin for Tutor

What is distro

Distro is an opinioned openedx distribution with some custom stuff to have an easy-to-use and a ready to deploy in local or in development openedx distribution. This can be watch like a tutor-plugin but is taken a little bit far away.


pip install git+


tutor plugins enable distro

# Validator commands for config file
tutor distro syntax_validator
tutor distro repository-validator

# Enabler commands
tutor distro enable-themes
tutor distro enable_private_packages


Distro plugin manages a set of settings that you can configure, to know how to do that check:

Required tutor settings

This plugin works with some docker images. These are defined by default if you have different images that aren't based on these, you can have some problems.


Also, you need an edx-platform version distro compatible.

openedx distro tutor
lilac limonero v12
maple mango v13
nutmeg nuez v14
olive olmo v15
palm palma v16

⚠️ NOTE: From Olmo version Distro has not defaulted packages. Now it is necessary to add the packages you want in config.yml file. See How to add a new package

You can find distro releases on

EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION: "ednx-release/palma.master"


How to add a new package

In your config.yml you can set any package following this structure:

  index: git
  name: eox-package # directory name
  # ---- git package variables
  repo: eox-package # git repository name
  path: eduNEXT
  protocol: ssh
  # ---- end git package variables
  version: master
  private: true
    development: {}
    production: {}
# If you want to install a package from pip
# you must set the index to pip and remove repository but this
# won't be installed as editable.

Package's variables will be used on cms and lms settings.

In the dev environment your package will be cloned on /openedx/extra_deps/MY-PLUGIN-NAME if you want to edit it you can mount a volume to that path.

Private package

In your new package you can set the setting private on true, It's mean that this won't be cloned from a public repository, for it works you should run the command to clone private packages:

tutor distro enable-private-packages
  • local: It will be necessary to build a new image and run the command tutor local do init && tutor local start again.
  • dev: you must run the command tutor dev do init && tutor dev start again.


Declare the path of your themes using tutor config save --set DISTRO_THEMES_ROOT="your_path", by default the themes path goes here /openedx/themes

⚠️ NOTE: From Olmo version Distro has not defaulted themes path. Now it is necessary to add the themes path in config.yml file or running command above.

How to add a theme

You can override the default themes on the config.yml but this will remove them if you don't define them again.

Set the themes to clone:

  - domain:
    name: ednx-saas-themes
    path: eduNEXT
    protocol: ssh
    repo: ednx-saas-themes
    version: edunext/mango.master

Set themes dir:

  - /openedx/themes/ednx-saas-themes/edx-platform
  - /openedx/themes/ednx-saas-themes/edx-platform/bragi-children
  - /openedx/themes/ednx-saas-themes/edx-platform/bragi-generator

Set themes name:

  - bragi

Run the command to clone the themes:

tutor distro enable-themes
  • local: you must build a new image to add the new themes and compile statics and run the command tutor local do init && tutor local start again.
  • dev: you must run the command tutor dev do init && tutor dev start again.
    • since tutor 13.0.0 you should recompile statics in the container, you could run the next command to do it:
    openedx-assets themes --theme-dirs THEME_DIRS --themes THEME_NAMES

⚠️ NOTE: From Olmo version Distro has not defaulted themes. Now it is necessary to add the themes in config.yml file.

Build a new image

requirements: you should have enabled the distro plugin, also you had have run the commands tutor distro enable-themes and tutor distro enable-private-packages.

  1. You should change 2 variables in your config.yml to define the new DOCKER_IMAGE_OPENEDX and DOCKER_IMAGE_OPENEDX_DEV to use.

  2. You should run the next command:

tutor images build -a BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --docker-arg="--cache-from" --docker-arg="ednxops/distro-edunext-edxapp:mango" -a EDX_PLATFORM_REPOSITORY= -a EDX_PLATFORM_VERSION=ednx-release/mango.master openedx

If you are using another edx-platform you should change it in the commando.

  1. That command will create a new image with the tag defined in your DOCKER_IMAGE_OPENEDX, now, you should run the next command:
tutor images push openedx

Validator Commands

Check git repository URL

If you want to make sure that the git repository urls in the config.yml file are valid, run the following command:

tutor distro repository-validator

The command will check the git URLs of the OPENEDX_EXTRA_PIP_REQUIREMENTS element, for example: git+

It will also check all elements that end in DPKG and have the parameter private: false, for example:

  index: git
  name: eox-hooks
  repo: eox-hooks
  path: eduNEXT
  protocol: https
  private: false
    development: {}
    production: {}
  version: master

Check syntax in configuration file

If you want to validate the syntax of the config.yml file, run the following command:

tutor distro syntax-validator

The command will check the configuration for:

  • Packages, ending whit _DPKG

Other Options

How to add custom middlewares

You should set the variable DISTRO_EXTRA_MIDDLEWARES in your config.yml to add a new middleware to settings.MIDDLEWARE

  - middleware.test.1
  - middleware.test.2

How to add extra files requirements

You should set the variable INSTALL_EXTRA_FILE_REQUIREMENTS in your config.yml file if you need to install extra files with. The structure should be like:

  path: ./requirements/extra_file/
  files: [

It's important that .txt files are added in requirements directory, similar to EXTRA PIP REQUIREMENTS from Tutor.

How to enable openedx extra settings

You should set the variable OPENEDX_EXTRA_SETTINGS in your config.yml file if you need to enable cms_env, lms_env or pre_init_lms_task settings to plugins works as expected. For now the principals settings should be like this:

  cms_env: [
    USE_EOX_TENANT: true
  lms_env: [
    USE_EOX_TENANT: true,
  pre_init_lms_tasks: [
    ./ lms migrate contenttypes,
    ./ lms migrate eox_core,
    ./ lms migrate eox_tenant,
    ./ lms migrate eox_tagging,
    ./ lms migrate eox_audit_model

The list could grow according to the needs that arise at the time of configuring the plugins.

⚠️ Note: Other Options as INSTALL_EXTRA_FILE_REQUIREMENTS and OPENEDX_EXTRA_SETTINGS are included from Olmo version, you can use it from this release.


This software is licensed under the terms of the AGPLv3.


Distro is an opinionated Open edX distribution with some custom stuff to have an easy-to-use and a ready to deploy in local or in development openedx distribution.






No releases published


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  • Python 96.4%
  • Gherkin 1.9%
  • Makefile 1.7%