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R package to assist with address cleaning tasks


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The goal of addressr is to standardize address cleaning for various datasets used by the Eviction Lab.


You can install the development version of addressr from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")


Addresses can be difficult to work with and messy in many different ways.

Here is an example of a relatively clean table:

address_table <- dplyr::tribble(
  ~address, ~city, ~state,
  "456 Jersey Avenue #102", "Montclair", "NJ",
  "123-125 N Street Rd", "Cincinnati", "OH",
  "928-928 S Montgomery Ave 1500-1502 1550 Ptree Rd", "Atlanta", "GA",
  "789 Pirate Cv East", "Memphis", "TN",
  "3548 1ST ST FL 1", "St. Louis", "MO"

Geocoders can be thrown off by various things, such as address ranges, unit numbers, directionals, and street endings.

The clean_address() function streamlines address cleaning and outputs data into a standard format


cleaned_addresses <- address_table |> clean_address(address)
#> preserve original data: 0.008 sec elapsed
#> separate multiple addresses: 0.008 sec elapsed
#> extract address parts: 0.01 sec elapsed
#> standardize street suffix, directions & ordinals: 0.019 sec elapsed
#> check street ranges: 0.011 sec elapsed
#> check units: 0.007 sec elapsed
#> check buildings: 0.001 sec elapsed
#> tidy output: 0.006 sec elapsed
#> total clean time: 0.071 sec elapsed

cleaned_addresses |> janitor::remove_empty("cols")
#> # A tibble: 9 × 13
#>   raw_address  original_row_id addressr_id clean_address street_name city  state
#>   <chr>                  <int> <chr>       <chr>         <chr>       <chr> <chr>
#> 1 456 Jersey …               1 1           456 JERSEY A… JERSEY      Mont… NJ   
#> 2 123-125 N S…               2 2-N1        123 N STREET… STREET      Cinc… OH   
#> 3 123-125 N S…               2 2-N2        125 N STREET… STREET      Cinc… OH   
#> 4 928-928 S M…               3 3-A1        928 S MONTGO… MONTGOMERY  Atla… GA   
#> 5 928-928 S M…               3 3-A2-N1     1500 PEACHTR… PEACHTREE   Atla… GA   
#> 6 928-928 S M…               3 3-A2-N2     1502 PEACHTR… PEACHTREE   Atla… GA   
#> 7 928-928 S M…               3 3-A2-N3     1550 PEACHTR… PEACHTREE   Atla… GA   
#> 8 789 Pirate …               4 4           789 PIRATE C… PIRATE      Memp… TN   
#> 9 3548 1ST ST…               5 5           3548 FIRST S… FIRST       St. … MO   
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: street_number <chr>, unit <chr>, unit_type <chr>,
#> #   post_direction <chr>, street_suffix <chr>, pre_direction <chr>

If there is a common pattern that is not removed with the function, you can use extract_remove_squish(), to pre-clean the data.

address_table |> 
  add_row(address = "246 S Bend St Unit 530 3 Bedroom", 
          city = "Princeton", 
          state = "NJ") |> 
  extract_remove_squish(address, other, "\\d Bedroom")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   address                                          city       state other    
#>   <chr>                                            <chr>      <chr> <chr>    
#> 1 456 Jersey Avenue #102                           Montclair  NJ    <NA>     
#> 2 123-125 N Street Rd                              Cincinnati OH    <NA>     
#> 3 928-928 S Montgomery Ave 1500-1502 1550 Ptree Rd Atlanta    GA    <NA>     
#> 4 789 Pirate Cv East                               Memphis    TN    <NA>     
#> 5 3548 1ST ST FL 1                                 St. Louis  MO    <NA>     
#> 6 246 S Bend St Unit 530                           Princeton  NJ    3 Bedroom

To switch a column from the abbreviated spelling to the long format, there are two functions:

  • switch_abbreviation() for abbreviations included in the address_abbreviations dataset: directions, all_street_suffixes, official_street_suffixes, ordinals, unit_types, and special_units.
    • all_street_suffixes has a one-to-many relationship and should only be used long-to-short to standardize spellings into the same official abbreviation (AV, AVE, AVN to AVE)
    • official_street_suffixes has a one-to-one relationship between short and long spellings. It can be used either short-to-long or long-to-short (assuming all endings are in the official format).
cleaned_addresses |> 
    post_direction_long = switch_abbreviation(post_direction, "directions", "short-to-long"),
    street_suffix_short = switch_abbreviation(street_suffix, "official_street_suffixes", "long-to-short"),
    .keep = "used"
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#>   post_direction street_suffix post_direction_long street_suffix_short
#>   <chr>          <chr>         <chr>               <chr>              
#> 1 <NA>           AVENUE        <NA>                AVE                
#> 2 <NA>           ROAD          <NA>                RD                 
#> 3 <NA>           ROAD          <NA>                RD                 
#> 4 <NA>           AVENUE        <NA>                AVE                
#> 5 <NA>           ROAD          <NA>                RD                 
#> 6 <NA>           ROAD          <NA>                RD                 
#> 7 <NA>           ROAD          <NA>                RD                 
#> 8 E              COVE          EAST                CV                 
#> 9 <NA>           STREET        <NA>                ST
  • str_replace_names() to replace any vector with another vector of the same length
address_table |> 
  mutate(state = str_replace_names(state,,
#> # A tibble: 5 × 3
#>   address                                          city       state     
#>   <chr>                                            <chr>      <chr>     
#> 1 456 Jersey Avenue #102                           Montclair  New Jersey
#> 2 123-125 N Street Rd                              Cincinnati Ohio      
#> 3 928-928 S Montgomery Ave 1500-1502 1550 Ptree Rd Atlanta    Georgia   
#> 4 789 Pirate Cv East                               Memphis    Tennessee 
#> 5 3548 1ST ST FL 1                                 St. Louis  Missouri


R package to assist with address cleaning tasks



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