This repository has been archived, the base D3 graph is now included in the eviction-maps repository
Component for rendering a line graph or bar graph.
npm install angular-d3-graph
Import it into app.module.ts (or whichever module you want to use)
import { GraphModule } from 'angular-d3-graph/module';
imports: [
Add it into your component template:
Data can be formatted in two ways, one for line graphs and one for bar graphs.
Line Graph:
"id": string // each line has an ID so updates apply correctly
"data": [
{ "x": number, "y": number } // array of data objects with X and Y values
Bar Graph:
"id": string // each line has an ID so updates apply correctly
"data": [{ "x": string, "y": number }] // data array has only one value for bar graphs
You can provide your own settings object overrides to the settings input on the component.
Default settings are as follows:
props: {
x: 'x', // the name of the X property in the data objects
y: 'y' // the name of the Y property in the data objects
margin: { left: 40, right: 10, top: 10, bottom: 40 }, // margins around the graph space
axis: {
x: {
position: 'bottom', // controls if the x axis appears on the top or bottom of the graph
label: 'x', // the label for the x axis
ticks: 5, // number of ticks on the x axis
tickSize: 5, // how long the ticks are for the x axis
tickFormat: ',.0f', // formating for the tick labels
invert: false // reverse the x axis
y: {
position: 'left', // controls if the y axis appears on the left or right of the graph
label: 'y', // the label for the y axis
ticks: 5, // number of ticks on the y axis
tickSize: 5, // how long the ticks are for the y axis
tickFormat: ',.0f', // formating for the Y tick labels
invert: false // reverse the Y axis
transition: {
ease: easePoly, // ease function to use for transitions
duration: 1000 // amount of time in milliseconds for transitions between data
zoom: {
enabled: false, // enables scroll / pinch to zoom x axis
min: 1, // minimum allowed zoom level
max: 10 // maximum allowed zoom level
The x1 and x2 inputs are used for adjusting the view of the line graph to show from x1 to x2.
contains an array of all of the lines, or the selected bar and their x / y values based on the mouse position on hover, the touch location, or the positon navigated to by keyboard.