- rushing to order everything before deadline and doing calculations for requirements
- tension between desired and possible model, 2 months is little time!!
- In particular, due to delays in ordering parts, and need more time for planning accordingly
- Feedback for next time: better to anticipate at least 1 month do money deadline, and 'force' teams to have clear goals and stages complete
- Will share pictures on work today through Slack
got space to work!
ordered parts, billing pending to be sent to Andre
Discussed ideas for testing and put them into issues: cooling, sensing of cooling, secure parts during movement
design test to be done, mechanical engineer joining project
Possible outcome for BFOSH: documentation for hw is better if it's kept simple at first (journaling) instead of OPEN ALL in t=0
Next: get attention to the issues for user input, keep testing and dev
Next meeting: june 21