- Time: 14:15-14:40
- Attendees: Bob Zhang (Supervisor), Mai Jiajun, Huang Yanzhen
- Stress Testing: New York Times Square, performance issue
- Current Test Result: Mediapipe takes up too much time
- Interface the
package with the project classifier.
- MMPose:
- A well-encapsulated project on GitHub.
- Use top-down predictor to predict key points.
- ~130 key points for us to choose.
- OpenPose:
- Advertised to be "faster".
- Harder to use, very few key points.
- Need to study via videos.
- Currently, Mediapipe takes up too much time per frame running only on CPU since Mediapipe does not support CUDA.
- Gradually migrate to CUDA-supportive projects, like MMPose, OpenPose, etc.
- Current Issue: MMPose does not work on CUDA12.5 with python 3.8. Need a computer/workstation with lower CUDA version to test if this issue still exists.
- Python + Next.js
- Push video frames with base64 encoding to WebSocket.
- Frontend receives base64 and recover video frame. (WIP)
- Be aware of the mutual-similarity issue.
- Migration of opensource pose detection projects with properly arranged interfaces.