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/ nuvigator Public archive
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A powerful and strongly typed routing abstraction over Flutter navigator, providing some new features and an easy way to define routers with code generation.


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Routing and Navigation package.


Nuvigator provides a powerful routing abstraction over Flutter's own Navigators. Model complex navigation flows using a mostly declarative and concise approach, without needing to worry about several tricky behaviors that Nuvigator handles for you.

Main Concepts

Basic usage

import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:nuvigator/nuvigator.dart';

part 'my_screen.g.dart';

class MyScreen extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext) {
    return Text('Hello Nuvigator!'); // Your regular Flutter Widget


class MainRouter extends NuRouter {

  ScreenRoute myRoute() => ScreenRoute(
    builder: (_) => MyScreen(),

  Map<RouteDef, ScreenRouteBuilder> get screensMap  => _$screensMap;

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      builder: Nuvigator(
        router: MainRouter(),
        screenType: materialScreenType,
        initialRoute: MainRoutes.myRoute,

It's necessary add the dependency build_runner in pubspec.yaml.

Then, run in your command line tool: flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs. Now, you've a route file my_screen.g.dart generated using Nuvigator for the class MyScreen!

Nuvigator and NuRouter

Nuvigator is a custom Navigator. It behaves just like a normal Navigator, but has several custom improvements and features. It is engineered specially to work under nested scenarios, where you can have several Flows one inside another. It also ensures your Hero transitions work well under these scenarios. Nuvigator is your main interface to interact with navigation, and it can be easily fetched from the context, just like a normal Navigator, using Nuvigator.of(context).

Nuvigator includes several extra methods, like Nuvigator.of(context).openDeepLink() that tries to open the desired deep link. Another example is Nuvigator.of(context).closeFlow() that tries to close all screens of a nested Nuvigator.

Each Nuvigator should have a NuRouter. The NuRouter acts as a routing controller. A Nuvigator is responsible for visualization, widget rendering and state keeping. A NuRouter is a Pure class that is responsible for providing elements to be presented and managed by the Nuvigator.


ScreenRoute envelopes a widget that is going to be presented as a Screen by a Nuvigator. The Screen contains a ScreenBuilder function and some attributes, like screenType, that are going to be used to generate a route properly.

When creating a ScreenRoute it can receive an optional generic type that is considered as the type of the value to be returned by this Route when popped.

Screen Options:

  • builder: takes in the context and returns the widget to be presented as the Screen of the route.
  • screenType: describes how the screen should be presented.
  • wrapper: optionally wrap the widgets returned by builder. Takes in the context and a child.

A ScreenRoute may return another Nuvigator. This is useful for defining a nested flow that, when finished, can dismiss itself.

Creating Routers

Defining a new NuRouter is probably be the what you will do the most when working with Nuvigator, so understanding how to do it properly is important. A NuRouter class is a class that extends a NuRouter and is annotated with the @nuRouter annotation.

Defining Routes

In the example, inside your MyCustomRouter we define our routes. Each route is represented by a method annotated with the @NuRoute annotation. These methods should return a ScreenRoute and can receive any number of named arguments. These arguments are used as the Arguments that can be passed to your route when navigating to it.


class MyCustomRouter extends NuRouter {
  ScreenRoute firstScreen({String argumentHere}) => ScreenRoute(
    builder: (_) => MyFirstScreen(),
  Map<RouteDef, ScreenRouteBuilder> get screensMap  => _$screensMap; // Will be created by generated code


Deep links

The NuRoute annotation may receive some options. In particular, the deepLink option is used to declare a deep link that can be used to access this route. The usage is the same when using a nested nuvigator, the only changes are in the generated code, that takes into account the nesting and properly defines the deep link path.

Deep links support both pathParameters (using URL templates) and queryParameters. Depending on the type of these parameters, they'll be passed to the Route's arguments either as their proper type or as Strings. Currently, Nuvigator can handle the following types natively for parameters in a deep link:

  • int (?number=42)
  • double (?number=42.5)
  • bool (?active=true, ?active=false)
  • DateTime (?date=2020-10-01, ?date=2020-10-01T15:32:09.123Z)
  • String (?name=Jane+Doe)

Any of these can be null if you try to open a deep link without specifying them or if they fail to parse (e.g. falseee as a bool outputs null).

If you create a Route that takes an argument of a different type and it has a deep link, Nuvigator's code generation tool will issue a warning about it. This is because, when decoding something that is not declared as one of these types, the result will be a String. When you open the route using a function call, it expects the properly typed argument but when opening via deep link it receives a String.

As of now, if you want a route to have a deep link and it takes parameters of types not in the list above, the safest solution is expecting a String and doing the parsing in the Route. We don't have yet a way to define custom parsing for different types. This issue does not exist if the route does not declare a deep link.


@NuRoute(deepLink: 'myRoute/:argumentName')

ℹ️ Note: Deep links contained in routers that are used in nested Nuvigators will not be considered and are not reachable. If you want to create a deepLink to a flow, be sure to add it to the @NuRoute annotation in the Router that declares the nested Nuvigator.

Grouped Routers

In addition to declaring Routes in your Router, you can also declare child Routers. These routers have its Routes presented as being part of the parent Router. We may also refer this pattern as Router Grouping or Grouped Routers. This allows for splitting a huge router that potentially could have many Routes, into smaller autonomous Routers that can be imported and grouped together in the main Router.

To declare child routers you just need to add a new field with desired router type, and annotate it with the @NuRouter annotation.


class MyCustomRouter extends NuRouter {
  MyOtherRouter myOtherRouter = MyOtherRouter();

  List<Router> get routers => _$routers; // Will be created by the generated code
  Map<RouteDef, ScreenRouteBuilder> get screensMap  => _$screensMap; // Will be created by generated code

Router Options

When extending from the NuRouter you can override the following properties to add custom behaviors to your routes:

  • deepLinkPrefix: A Future<String>, that is used as prefix for the deep links declared on each route, and also for the grouped routers.

  • screensWrapper: A function to wrap each route presented by this router. Should return a new Widget that wraps this child Widget. The Wrapper is applied to all Screens in this NuRouter. This function runs one time for each screen, and not one time for the entire NuRouter.

  • routers Sub-Routers grouped into this NuRouter.

Code Generators

You may have noticed in the examples above that we have methods that will be created by the Nuvigator generator. So while they don't exists you can just make they return null or leave un-implemented.

Before running the generator we recommend being sure that each NuRouter is in a separated file, and also make sure that you have added the part 'my_custom_router.g.dart'; directive and the required imports (package:nuvigator/nuvigator.dart and package:flutter/widgets.dart) in your router file.

After running the generator (flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs), you should notice that each router file will have its part-of file created. Now you can complete the screensMap and routersList functions with the generated: _$myScreensMap(this); and _$samplesRoutersList(this);. Generated code usually follows this pattern of stripping out the NuRouter part of your NuRouter class and using the rest of the name for generated code.

Generated code includes the following features:

  • Routes Enum-like class
  • Navigation extension methods to NuRouter
  • Typed Arguments classes
  • Implementation Methods

Routes Class

The Routes Class is an autogenerated Enum-like class that contains a mapping to the generated route names for your router. You can use it as a way of not hardcoding route names.

class SamplesRoutes {
  static const home = 'samples/home';

  static const second = 'samples/second';

Typed Argument Classes

These are classes representing the arguments each route can receive. They include parse methods to extract themselves from the BuildContext.

class SecondArgs {
  SecondArgs({@required this.testId});

  final String testId;

  static SecondArgs parse(Map<String, Object> args) {

  static SecondArgs of(BuildContext context) {

Navigation Extensions

It's a helper class that contains a bunch of typed navigation methods to navigate through your App. Each declared @NuRoute will have several methods created, each for one of the existing push methods. You can also configure which methods you want to generate using the @NuRoute.pushMethods parameter.

Nested flows (declared with nested Nuvigators) will also have their generated Navigation Class instance provided as a field in the parent Navigation. The same applies for Grouped Routers. Usage eg:

final router = NuRouter.of<SamplesRouter>(context);
await router.sampleOneRouter.toScreenOne(testId: 'From Home');
await router.toSecond(testId: 'From Home');


A powerful and strongly typed routing abstraction over Flutter navigator, providing some new features and an easy way to define routers with code generation.







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