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joaomcteixeira edited this page Sep 2, 2017 · 51 revisions

Welcome to the FarSeer-NMR wiki!

Farseer-NMR was developed to improve and facilitate the analysis of BioMolecular NMR data derived from proteins or DNA investigations. Taking a series of 2D-NMR peaklists, automatic analysis, calculation and representation of the results in publication-quality plots is possible thanks to Farseer-NMR. You won't need to spend more days of meticulous work in spreadsheets or obviate part of your results because of complexity. Farseer-NMR presents a straightforward manner to extract the most out of your data.

This Wiki page is intended to explain how Farseer-NMR conceptually works, the technical details on how to set a calculation running and how to read and analyse the generated results (which may be many!).

Understanding Farseer-NMR

Technical Documentation

Results and output


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