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1. Quick start

This repository consists of three main tools implemented on ROS2.

  1. Deviation Estimator
  2. Deviation Evaluator
  3. Deviation Evaluation Visualizer

A. Estimation step

Here you estimate the following parameters using deviation_estimator.

  • the standard deviation of velocity and yaw rate
  • the bias of velocity and yaw rate

Launch the node with the following command. Make sure you set the correct parameters (see Sec. 2).

ros2 launch deviation_estimator deviation_estimator.launch.xml

Then, you need to run either ROS bag or autoware_launch to provide pose and twist to deviation_estimator.

If you are using rosbag, it should contain the following topics:

  • Raw IMU data (default: /sensing/imu/tamagawa/imu_raw)
  • Raw velocity data (default: /vehicle/status/velocity_status)
  • /localization/pose_estimator/pose_with_covariance
  • /clock
  • /tf_static (that contains transform from base_link to imu_link)

NOTE that the pose and twist must be estimated with default parameters (see known issues section for detail).

Play the rosbag in a different terminal:

ros2 bag play YOUR_BAG # You can also play in a faster rate, e.g. -r 5

You can check the results in the following three output files:

  1. IMU parameters (default: $HOME/imu_corrector.param.yaml)
  2. Velocity parameters (default: $HOME/vehicle_velocity_converter.param.yaml)
  3. Logs (default: $HOME/output.txt)
sample input (rosbag)

Files:             localized_sensors_0.db3
Bag size:          9.6 MiB
Storage id:        sqlite3
Duration:          76.539s
Start:             Jul  8 2022 11:21:41.220 (1657246901.220)
End:               Jul  8 2022 11:22:57.759 (1657246977.759)
Messages:          32855
Topic information: Topic: /localization/pose_estimator/pose_with_covariance | Type: geometry_msgs/msg/PoseWithCovarianceStamped | Count: 2162 | Serialization Format: cdr
                   Topic: /clock | Type: rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock | Count: 57309 | Serialization Format: cdr
                   Topic: /tf_static | Type: tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage | Count: 2 | Serialization Format: cdr
                   Topic: /sensing/imu/tamagawa/imu_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 8076 | Serialization Format: cdr
                   Topic: /vehicle/status/velocity_status | Type: autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs/msg/VelocityReport | Count: 8275 | Serialization Format: cdr

sample output (output.txt)

# Validation results
# value: [min, max]
[OK] coef_vx: [0.99538, 0.99593]
[OK] stddev_vx: [0.17192, 0.19161]
[OK] angular_velocity_offset_x: [-0.00742, -0.00727]
[OK] angular_velocity_offset_y: [-0.00119, -0.00115]
[OK] angular_velocity_offset_z: [0.00635, 0.00641]
[OK] angular_velocity_stddev_xx: [0.04151, 0.04258]
[OK] angular_velocity_stddev_yy: [0.04151, 0.04258]
[OK] angular_velocity_stddev_zz: [0.04151, 0.04258]

sample output (imu_corrector.param.yaml)
# Estimated by deviation_estimator
    angular_velocity_stddev_xx: 0.01798
    angular_velocity_stddev_yy: 0.01798
    angular_velocity_stddev_zz: 0.01798
    angular_velocity_offset_x: -0.00952
    angular_velocity_offset_y: -0.00095
    angular_velocity_offset_z: 0.00607

sample output (vehicle_velocity_converter.param.yaml)
# Estimated by deviation_estimator
    speed_scale_factor: 0.99507
    velocity_stddev_xx: 0.16708
    velocity_stddev_xx: 0.1 # Default value
    frame_id: base_link # Default value

unit tool

If you build normally, a binary will be generated under install/deviation_estimator/lib/.

colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --packages-up-to deviation_estimator
source ~/autoware/install/setup.bash
~/autoware/install/deviation_estimator/lib/deviation_estimator/deviation_estimator_unit_tool <path_to_rosbag>

B. Evaluation step

Here, you can evaluate the estimated standard deviation and bias using a package deviation_evaluator. Execute the following command:

ros2 launch deviation_evaluator deviation_evaluator.launch.xml map_path:=MAP_PATH rviz:=true in_imu:=YOUR_IMU_TOPIC_NAME in_wheel_odometry:=YOUR_VELOCITY_TOPIC_NAME
ros2 bag play YOUR_BAG

C. Visualization step

After the evaluation, run the following command to generate the final results in $HOME/deviation_evaluator_sample.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt
ros2 launch deviation_evaluator deviation_evaluation_visualizer.launch.xml


2. Description of Deviation Estimator


The Deviation Estimator estimates the standard deviation and bias for velocity and yaw bias, by comparing the velocity and gyro observations with ground truth poses (e.g. from LiDAR-based localization).

Here are some assumptions made for input data:

  • The data should have accurate localization results. It doesn't need to be strictly precise, but data that is obviously incorrect should be avoided. In case of NDT in Autoware, it should not have any TP or NVTL warnings from the ndt_scan_matcher.
  • The data should cover a reasonable duration of driving. A few minutes of data is sufficient. It is desirable to have a distance of approximately 500 meters. (For example, around 2 minutes at a speed of 15 km/h).
  • The data should include sections of driving in a straight line. This is necessary for estimating velocity-related parameters. Having at least one minute of straight line driving is enough.
  • The data should cover the expected speed range during operation.
  • [Optional] Ideally, the data should be recorded as recently as possible. Especially in cases where IMU or tire replacement has occurred, data recorded before those changes may not provide accurate estimations.
  • [Optional] The data should cover various driving behaviors expected during operation, such as right turns, left turns, acceleration, and deceleration.


The deviation_estimator can be launched with the following command.

ros2 launch deviation_estimator deviation_estimator.launch.xml
ros2 bag play YOUR_BAG # You can also play in a faster rate, e.g. -r 5

The parameters and input topic names can be seen in the deviation_estimator.launch.xml file. YOUR_BAG should include all the required inputs written below.

Inputs / Outputs


Name Type Description
`in_pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped Input pose
in_imu sensor_msgs::msg::Imu Input IMU data
in_wheel_odometry autoware_auto_vehicle_msgs::msg::VelocityReport Input wheel odometry


Name Type Description
/estimated_stddev_vx std_msgs::msg::Float64 estimated standard deviation of vx
/estimated_stddev_angular_velocity geometry_msgs/msg/Vector3 estimated standard deviation of angular velocity
/estimated_coef_vx std_msgs::msg::Float64 coef of vx
/estimated_bias_angular_velocity geometry_msgs/msg/Vector3 bias of angular velocity

Parameters for deviation estimator

Name Type Description Default value
show_debug_info bool Flag to display debug info true
t_design double Maximum expected duration of dead-reckoning [s] 10.0
x_design double Maximum expected trajectory length of dead-reckoning [m] 30.0
time_window double Estimation period [s] 4.0
results_dir string Text path where the estimated results will be stored "$(env HOME)"
gyro_estimation.only_use_straight bool Flag to use only straight sections for gyro estimation true
gyro_estimation.only_use_moving bool Flag to use only moving sections for gyro estimation true
gyro_estimation.only_use_constant_velocity bool Flag to use only constant velocity sections for gyro estimation true
velocity_estimation.only_use_straight bool Flag to use only straight sections for velocity estimation true
velocity_estimation.only_use_moving bool Flag to use only moving sections for velocity estimation true
velocity_estimation.only_use_constant_velocity bool Flag to use only constant velocity sections for velocity estimation true


Bias estimation

By assuming that the pose information is a ground truth, the node estimates the bias of velocity and yaw rate.

Standard deviation estimation

The node also estimates the standard deviation of velocity and yaw rate. This can be used as a parameter in ekf_localizer. Note that the final estimation takes into account the bias.

3. Description of Deviation Evaluator

You can use deviation_evaluator for evaluating the estimated standard deviation parameters. This can be run with the following command:

ros2 launch deviation_evaluator deviation_evaluator.launch.xml map_path:=MAP_PATH rviz:=true in_imu:=YOUR_IMU_TOPIC_NAME in_wheel_odometry:=YOUR_VELOCITY_TOPIC_NAME
ros2 bag play YOUR_BAG

All the ros2bag and config files will be stored in $HOME/deviation_evaluator_sample (you can change this with save_dir parameter in the launch file).


A. Visualization of confidence ellipse

deviation_evaluator supports rviz visualization. To use this feature, set rviz:=true and map_path:=/path/to/map_folder.

B. Check the compatibility with a threshold in localization_error_monitor

The deviation_evaluator also checks the compatibility of the estimated parameters and the threshold in localization_error_monitor.

Concretely, it checks if the two following statement holds:

  1. localization_error_monitor would NOT diagnose the system as WARN nor ERROR as long as the NDT is available.
  2. localization_error_monitor detects the anomaly with a recall over 0.99.

Given the result of this validation, the users can verify that the estimated parameters in deviation_estimator can be safely applied to Autoware.

Here, note that the localization_error_monitor treat the system as an anomaly if either of error along long-axis of confidence ellipse or error along lateral direction is over threshold. Please refer to the package in autoware.universe for detail.

Architecture of deviation_evaluator

The architecture of deviation_evaluator is shown below. It launches two ekf_localizer, one for ground truth estimation and one for (partially) dead reckoning estimation. Outputs of both ekf_localizer will be recorded and analyzed with deviation_evaluation_visualizer.

Inputs / Outputs


Name Type Description
in_ndt_pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped Input pose
in_ekf_dr_odom nav_msgs::msg::Odometry dead-reckoning EKF outputs
in_ekf_gt_odom nav_msgs::msg::Odometry ground-truth EKF outputs


Name Type Description
out_pose_with_covariance_dr geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped Output pose (for dead reckoning ekf_localizer)
out_pose_with_covariance_gt geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped Output pose (for ground truth ekf_localizer)
out_initial_pose_with_covariance geometry_msgs::msg::PoseWithCovarianceStamped Output initial pose (for both ekf_localizer)

Parameters for deviation evaluator

Name Type Description Default value
rviz bool Show rviz if true false
map_path string Path to the directory where map data (OpenStreetMap or .osm data) is saved ""
save_dir string Output directory where figures, parameter files, and scores are saved "$(env HOME)/deviation_evaluator_sample"
period double [s] Duration of cycle 10 (in config/deviation_evaluator.yaml)
cut double [s] Duration of ndt-cut-off 9 (in config/deviation_evaluator.yaml)

4. Reflect the estimated parameters in Autoware

The results of deviation_estimator is stored in two scripts:

  • imu_corrector param file (default: $HOME/imu_corrector.param.yaml)
  • vehicle_velocity_converter param file (default: $HOME/vehicle_velocity_converter.param.yaml)

Please modify your Autoware configuration so that it will launch using the above two parameter files.

5. Known issues

  • The plot of deviation_evaluator.png generated by deviation_evaluation_visualizer may diverge, possibly due to the large covariance caused by a failure in localization.
  • ekf_localizer in deviation_evaluator may not start properly. As for now, please launch deviation_evaluator first and then run ros2 bag play to provide pose and twist data.