Releases: FieldStudiesCouncil/tombiovis
Version 1.5.0
Adds new 'tooltip' character help and 'tooltip' taxon image functionality and supporting documentation.
Version 1.4.1
Implements some minor bug fixes.
Version 1.4.0
Adds new Circle-pack Key visualisation. Adds a new taxon details dialog (that replaces the 'full details' visualisation). The taxon details dialog provides an accessible point for displaying images, kb details and supplementary text (HTML files) from any visualisation. Adds circular-ordinals and ordinal ranges as options for knowledge-base creators. For full details of additions, changes and fixes, see the changelog:
Version 1.3.2
Replaces 1.3.1 and is just fix to sizing of visualisation tool drop-down list.
Version 1.3.0
Minor bug fixes. Added ability to select initial visualisation tool from command line when page invoked. Changed the display and invocation of tool help and reload button to streamline the interface. Documentation updated to reflect change to recommended way of running a local web server for knowledge-base creators (by using Chrome add-in Web Server).
Version 1.2.2
Updates versions of a number of dependency libraries to latest versions (including jQuery UI and D3). Fixed problem with reading CSVs generated from older versions of Excel. Added an Excel 97-2003 template of the biscuits KB.
Version 1.2.1
Minor changes to fix small problems with release 1.2.0 (see change log).
Version 1.2.0
Fixes bug with ranking and score comparison in the 'Side by side comparison' visualisation. Changes to recommended local server configuration. (See change log.)
Version 1.1 - first official release
This is the first official release of the ID Visualisation Framework.
(Version 1.0 was published to test some of the release features and as a basis on which to create documentation.)
Initial release
First release of the ID Visualisation framework.