Bootstrap Style Multi-Range Slider
try it yourself:
Licence: MIT Licence
full use free of charge
<div class="bs-multi-range">
<div class="track">
<div class="thumb upper"></div>
<div class="thumb lower" style="--thumb-color: yellow"></div>
<div class="track-diff"></div>
(track-diff is optional)
Thumb color can be changed via CSS variable
import { DoubleSlider } from "bootstrap-double-slider";
new DoubleSlider(el: HTMLElement | string, min: number,
max: number, thumbSize: number, autoUpdate: boolean,
emitEvents: boolean, clickTrack: boolean)
min, max: position the sliders are at initialisation (in percent) (default 0, 100)
thumbSize: only modify when overwriting the --thumb-size css variable and set it to the value in px (default: 16)
autoUpdate: if set to true (default) the boundingClientRect gets updated every time values are changed (via drag/mouse or programmatically doesn't matter). Only set to false if you are sure your element never changes
emitEvents: if set to true (default) a "change" event gets emitted
clickTrack: if set to true (default) a click on the track element leads to a value change. The closest thumb will switch to clicked position