v0.4.0 (#49)
* Added Quest Branching in form of ability to create SubQuests
* Added support for Item and JournalEntry as quest giver entities.
* localization string `ForienQuestLog.QuestForm.DragDropActor` needs updating for all languages
* localization string `ForienQuestLog.QuestForm.QuestGiverPlaceholder` needs updating for all languages
* localization string `ForienQuestLog.Quests` needs updating for all languages
* Added optional Setting to allow Players to create quests
* Player also needs "Create Journal Entry" permission
* Added optional Setting to allow Players to accept quests
* Added Quest Setting to allow Players to edit that quest
* Added "Copy Link" button on Quest Preview window
* Added Configuration setting to decide if hidden tasks should be counted
* Added Chinese translation provided by Discord member Ztt1996
* Added status edit buttons to Quest Details window
* Added Quest Status to Quest Details window
* Allowed to drag&drop Quests from Quest Log to create rich-text entity links
* Allowed for multiple Quest Detail windows to be displayed at once
* Migrated from quest folders to quest statuses.
* Fixed linking Quests in Quest tasks causing stack overflow
* Fixed Secret disappearing from Description
* Fixed additional Macros being created for opening the Quests while dragging quest to Hotbar