Everything save some of the plotting macros in the analysis folder are designed to be run on RCF
- gen:Macros for running G4, occationally need to be updated from SPHENIX/coresoftware
- condor: scripts for piloting the G4 through condor and local modules to create events and afterburners to process them
- PhotonConversion: WIP for finding photon conversions in pp collisions only using reco information
- analysis: used to make and plot plots about the coversions
- pythia: code for generating a photon-jet background
- SVReco: WIP module started from a copy from @sh-lim to create vtx canidates for 2-track Secondary Vtx Reco
- HIPhotonConversion: WIP package for finding conversion in Heavy Ion collisions
Background on Photon Conversion
Conversion Efficiency
- At begin I studied the existing efficiency of the sPHENIX simulation to recover converted photons. These two plots were made on 12/3/18 and describe the effiency relative to radius and pT for single photon events using SvtxTrack reconstruction. This is also known as the inside out method.
It may be useful to compare this to the
Note that my photons were 5-30 GeV uniform distribution while the ATLAS study was fixed 20GeV.