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Care and Social Support Networks

Repository about postdoctoral research leads by Francisca Ortiz Ruiz on Care and Social Support Networks.

Title of Research: "Vivir cuidando: Usando métodos mixtos para comprender las redes de cuidados y soporte de personas mayores" ("Living taking care: using mixed methods to understand care and social support networks of older people").

Institutional affiliation: Millennium Institute for Caregiving Research MICARE.

Years of research: November 2021 - Octuber 2023.

Ethics: Approved by Ethical Comitte P. Universidad Católica de Chile (May 2022).

Fieldwork team: Trinidad Cereceda, Natacha Leroy, and Ignacia Luco.

Main objetive: Understand care and social support networks of the older people in Santiago de Chile. More specifically, identifying and describing the care and support networks for them, with an emphasis on gender and age diferences.

Specific objetives:

  • Identify and describe care and support networks for the older people, with an emphasis on gender and age inequalities.
  • Build typologies of care and support networks for the older people, and how they vary over time will be explored.
  • Evaluate the relevance of the time elapsed in the maintenance of care and support networks for the older people through network modeling.

Abstract research:

In recent years, Chile has become one of the countries with the highest replacement rate in Latin America, especially if we consider the southern cone (Pérez and Sierra, 2009; ECLAC, 2015). In this context, older people find themselves under a neoliberal pension regime, which has been shown to increase long-term structural inequities (Wisensale, 2003, Sojo, 2014). In addition to this, there are previous studies that highlight that, to this day, family ties still persist at the state level as the caregivers and fundamental supports of the older people (Ortiz and Gonzálvez, 2107). In this context, the supportive care that older people receive and deliver becomes increasingly relevant.

This research seeks to understand the care and support networks of the older people in Santiago de Chile. More specifically, this study will focus on identifying and describing care and support networks for the older people, with an emphasis on gender and age inequalities. Second, typologies of care and support networks for the older people will be developed, and how they vary over time will be explored. Finally, the relevance of the time elapsed in the maintenance of care and support networks for the older people will be evaluated. It is planned to carry out field work in Santiago de Chile, collecting a variety of data such as documents, surveys, interviews and a generator of names of care and support networks. The methodological approach is based on mixed methods with a complementarity of different data collected and analyzed.

Current state of the research (last update 05.07.2022):

We just started the second wave collection! The data collection during May was alrready complete, which correspond with the first wave of the project.

Products / outcomes:

After finalizing the fieldwork, it will be published in this repository:

  1. A selection of some answers anonymized.
  2. R script of crosssectional analysis.
  3. R script of descriptives.
  4. R Script of longitudinal analysis.
  5. Links to the publications from this results.

About me:

🌱 Pronouns: She/her 💬 Languages: Spanish - English 🌻 Follow me on Twitter for updates on this research!

🔭 Currently, I am a posdoctoral researcher at the Millennium Institute for Care Research MICARE. I am did my PhD at the Department of Sociology at the Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis, The University of Manchester, UK. More specifically, I'm interested on personal networks, social gerontology, mixed methods, care, gender and science.

📫 How to reach me:

👩🏿‍💻 To visit my last publications:, and ResearchGate, ORCID.

Also, I have two related Podcasts: One, about the concept of "care" and other one of "social network analysis"! Both are billinguals, so there are chapters in Spanish and English.