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Janne Lauros edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 35 revisions

Minimal Configuration

The minimum configuration requires you to define the profile configuration for user to access the profile pages. By default only Personal Data - page is shown.

Profile Configuration

USERPROFILE.SSO profile configuration has to be enabled by adding it to shibboleth.UnverifiedRelyingParty bean.

Profile Configuration Bean Profile Configuration URI Activated Endpoint
USERPROFILE.SSO /idp/profile/userprofile
<!-- Example of activating USERPROFILE.SSO in relying-party.xml -->
<bean id="shibboleth.UnverifiedRelyingParty" parent="RelyingParty">
  <property name="profileConfigurations">
      <bean parent="USERPROFILE.SSO"/>

Profile configuration options

The configuration options for USERPROFILE.SSO are far less than with other SSO profiles as there is really no relying party involved. What we have to do is to authenticate the user to grant access to correct data.

Name Type Default Description
defaultAuthenticationMethods List<Principal> Ordered list of Java Principals to be used to select appropriate login flow(s) to attempt.
authenticationFlows List<String> List of allowed login flow(s) to attempt.
forceAuthn Boolean false Disallows use (or reuse) of authentication results and login flows that don't provide a real-time proof of user presence in the login process

Personal Data

Personal Data attributes

The purpose of Personal Data page is to show what attributes of user are stored to IdP. This may mean for instance a certain set of LDAP attributes. The attributes that are resolved and shown in the page are listed in - file.

Property Name Description
userProfile.idpuserattributes Attributes that are presented to user as Personal Data. Comma separated list of attributes ids.

Attribute filtering is not applied to the list of attributes.

Once configured, authenticated user is able to review "Personal Data" in endpoint /idp/profile/userprofile.

Näyttökuva 2023-8-31 kello 14 38 57

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