diff --git a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/finding-insights.md b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/finding-insights.md
index 9129a6aa54..0e003bb89e 100644
--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/finding-insights.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/finding-insights.md
@@ -20,21 +20,21 @@ This means sitting down as a group, reading all the notes from all the interview
Use this checklist as you move through the Insights portion of Synthesis.
-Review the }}">synthesis section of the HCD Discovery Concepts Guide
-Book a private conference room with a closing door and exterior windows.
-Gather your supplies: sticky notes, blank computer or notebook paper, markers, painters’ tape (aka paper tape or blue tape. Masking tape also works), and camera, either on-phone or separate.
-Each team member should prepare for this Synthesis session by reading all the notes from the interviews they did not attend.
-Each team member should print multiple copies of all the notes you took for each interview for which you acted as Notetaker.
## Reading, questioning, jotting notes
diff --git a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/finding-opportunities.md b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/finding-opportunities.md
index eec8763d7e..824551f34a 100644
--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/finding-opportunities.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/finding-opportunities.md
@@ -16,18 +16,18 @@ Some insights will not present opportunities for your team. You will know that y
Use this checklist to guide you through finding opportunities:
-Take no longer than a one hour break between the end of the Insights discovery phase, and the start of the opportunities discovery phase.
-Write all the insights discovered in the first three phases of the synthesis process on computer paper using Sharpie markers. Use a new sheet of paper for each Insight.
-Tape the insights up across the wall or windows in a row.
-There is no time limit here, but the Project Lead needs to pay careful attention to the energy in the room. Everyone, including the Lead, will be tired. Push everyone to keep up the work until it is thoroughly done.
## Find and define opportunities
diff --git a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/framing.md b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/framing.md
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--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/framing.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/framing.md
@@ -19,25 +19,25 @@ The following sections will help you step through constructing a frame that is w
Use this checklist as you move through this section to ensure you’re set up for success in the framing phase.
- Read the }}"> Plan your project section of the HCD Discovery Concepts Guide.
- Identify your project leads, and leadership stakeholders.
- Hold detailed conversations with stakeholders to understand the problem they would like to research.
- Produce a problem frame statement based on your stakeholder conversations.
- Get confirmation from leadership and/or stakeholders that your problem frame statement accurately reflects the research goal.
- Investigate prior research in this area through traditional journals and publications (desk research).
- Determine the project scale / scope, based on your problem frame statement and research.
diff --git a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/getting-buy-in.md b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/getting-buy-in.md
index 80b4e8b02c..709b1658f3 100644
--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/getting-buy-in.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/getting-buy-in.md
@@ -15,16 +15,16 @@ This part of the project involves “selling” your project idea. This means pu
Use this checklist to ensure you’re doing all you can to get the buy-in of your leadership.
- Put together a pitch (persuasive argument) for why your project should be allowed to proceed. Create a project write up, a project deck, or a spreadsheet showing data that initially drove your project frame.
- Include your project frame and explain what the project will do for leadership and/or their organization.
- Schedule time with leadership to walk them through your project.
- Practice your project pitch multiple times before walking into the presentation to leadership.
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--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/interview-checklist.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/interview-checklist.md
@@ -6,25 +6,25 @@ guide: hcd-discovery-operations
primary_image: hcd-discovery-operations
-Review the }}">research section of the HCD Discovery Concepts Guide.
-Check with the Logistics Coordinator on interview site details before the day of the interview.
-Review the interviewee’s background the night before the interview via social media, publications, and your Recruiter or Local Contact’s notes.
-Gather your personal supply of notebooks, pens, and sticky notes.
-Have print and digital versions of your interview/conversation guide ready.
-Review your project elevator pitch (the one-two minute project description you developed during the recruiting phase).
-Focus. Get yourself mentally ready to deeply listen and interact with another person.
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--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/observation.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/observation.md
@@ -22,28 +22,36 @@ In both of these methods, the data you collect will be multi-sensorial. It’s i
Use this checklist to prepare the night before you go into observation-based research.
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--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/overview-planning.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/overview-planning.md
@@ -11,30 +11,37 @@ primary_image: hcd-discovery-operations
Use this checklist for overview planning.
Create a high-level timeline by week. Use a calendar tool/format that can be easily shared with your team.
Meet with the team to discuss roles and high-level timeline. Explain that the timeline will change as interview times shift.
Ensure that the recruiter is comfortable with the timeline for recruitment, and is poised to start work as soon as possible.
Give researchers access to desk research, or any early research you’ve done, so that they can review while the logistics come together.
**Ensure that the logistics coordinator:**
Knows the type of site where the team will be working, and is prepared to book conference/hotel space, if needed
Has identified a local contact, if required
Is poised to start developing a travel schedule (if needed) for the team as soon as interviews are scheduled.
diff --git a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/present.md b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/present.md
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--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/present.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/present.md
@@ -20,35 +20,29 @@ Conversely, your research might confirm what your leadership and stakeholders pr
Use this checklist to move through the presentation and communication of your findings and deliverables:
-Organize all materials on a shared drive using a consistent naming protocol and file hierarchy.
-Provide a link to this guide in the folder so that anyone can review and follow your project history.
-Create a presentation deck using your findings (see guidance below).
+Organize all materials on a shared drive using a consistent naming protocol and file hierarchy.
+Provide a link to this guide in the folder so that anyone can review and follow your project history.
+Create a presentation deck using your findings (see guidance below).
**Include these design details to create an impactful presentation:**
-Use photos in your deck.
-Use the presenter notes section to include details you will verbally present.
-If necessary, create an appendix to include details or raw data.
-Practice presenting your deck to leadership and stakeholders.
-Show your work. Effective slides emphasize your talking points. Avoid large amounts of text in your deck.
-Be present and conversational in your presentation; don’t just read your deck aloud to your audience.
+Use photos in your deck.
+Use the presenter notes section to include details you will verbally present.
+If necessary, create an appendix to include details or raw data.
+Practice presenting your deck to leadership and stakeholders.
+Show your work. Effective slides emphasize your talking points. Avoid large amounts of text in your deck.
+Be present and conversational in your presentation; don’t just read your deck aloud to your audience.
-Review the [research section of the HCD Discovery Concepts Guide](https://digital.gov/guides/hcd/discovery-concepts/do-research/).
-Check with the Logistics Coordinator for details on each interview site before going into the field.
-Review the participants’ background the night before.
-Review with your team the supplies each person will bring: notebooks, pens, recording devices, and sticky notes can all be useful in the field.
-Bring both printed and digital versions of your research guide.
-Review your project elevator pitch.
+Review the [research section of the HCD Discovery Concepts Guide](https://digital.gov/guides/hcd/discovery-concepts/do-research/).
+Check with the Logistics Coordinator for details on each interview site before going into the field.
+Review the participants’ background the night before.
+Review with your team the supplies each person will bring: notebooks, pens, recording devices, and sticky notes can all be useful in the field.
+Bring both printed and digital versions of your research guide.
+Review your project elevator pitch.
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index c4e64374ed..1bd0ef3a5a 100644
--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/research-planning.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/research-planning.md
@@ -25,22 +25,22 @@ Use the research checklist to guide you as you move through last minute plans be
If you push your team to exhaustion now, you won’t make it through the research phase with the rigor your participants and leadership expect and deserve. If a potential interviewee needs a time that it is simply impossible for your team to accommodate, don’t tell them no or promise the impossible; ask for another time, or be willing to simply drop the interview and come back to it.
- Plan a realistic schedule, based on time: 8 hours per day for everyone, including drive/travel time. Time for lunch and bathroom breaks between interviews are required; they are not optional.
- Each day will need to end with a team synthesis. This time has to be included as part of your 8 hour day. This means, logically, that you’ll probably only be able to schedule 2 research tasks per team, per day. This might seem like too light of a load for your team, but it is realistic.
- Constantly talk with your team’s Recruiter to have an idea of who the participants are and where you’ll meet them.
- Purchase supplies: notebooks, pens, markers, sticky notes, audio recorders, cameras.
- Print out Consent Forms.
- Alongside your team, create an interview/ conversation guide. This should not be an explicit list of questions, as that will cut off the natural flow of a conversation. Instead, write down keywords and/or themes that reflect the points you and the team needs to cover in each interview.
+ Plan a realistic schedule, based on time: 8 hours per day for everyone, including drive/travel time. Time for lunch and bathroom breaks between interviews are required; they are not optional.
+ Each day will need to end with a team synthesis. This time has to be included as part of your 8 hour day. This means, logically, that you’ll probably only be able to schedule 2 research tasks per team, per day. This might seem like too light of a load for your team, but it is realistic.
+ Constantly talk with your team’s Recruiter to have an idea of who the participants are and where you’ll meet them.
+ Purchase supplies: notebooks, pens, markers, sticky notes, audio recorders, cameras.
+ Print out Consent Forms.
+ Alongside your team, create an interview/ conversation guide. This should not be an explicit list of questions, as that will cut off the natural flow of a conversation. Instead, write down keywords and/or themes that reflect the points you and the team needs to cover in each interview.
diff --git a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/team-building.md b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/team-building.md
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--- a/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/team-building.md
+++ b/content/guides/hcd/discovery-operations/team-building.md
@@ -20,19 +20,19 @@ It’s also important to know that each role will have its time to be at the for
Use this checklist as you build your team to ensure you’re set up for success:
- Read through the team role descriptions
- Identify potential researchers, recruiters, logistics coordinator, and local contacts
- Invite each identified person to join the team
- Get confirmation from each person on their commitment to join the team.
- Share the team map with all teammates to ensure that everyone understands their role, and the roles of the others.
+ Read through the team role descriptions
+ Identify potential researchers, recruiters, logistics coordinator, and local contacts
+ Invite each identified person to join the team
+ Get confirmation from each person on their commitment to join the team.
+ Share the team map with all teammates to ensure that everyone understands their role, and the roles of the others.