Releases: GTBitsOfGood/juno-sdk
Releases · GTBitsOfGood/juno-sdk
What's Changed
- Add workflow for synchronizing autogenerated SDK by @UZ9 in #31
- Update file paths by @UZ9 in #32
- Update Juno SDK files by @github-actions in #33
- Add replyToList, optional recipients by @UZ9 in #30
- Update by @lianenguyen150 in #22
- Validation fixes by @UZ9 in #34
- Update SDK, Email types + prettier by @UZ9 in #35
- Fixed some bugs in user.ts by @Duckierstone42 in #37
- Create format-lint workflow by @UZ9 in #40
- Fix bugs for project by @yolanda-y-li in #39
- Email service bug fixes by @aakashg00 in #38
- JWT methods + additional routes by @UZ9 in #41
- Update Juno SDK files by @github-actions in #42
- Fix incorrect import by @UZ9 in #43
New Contributors
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #33
- @lianenguyen150 made their first contribution in #22
- @Duckierstone42 made their first contribution in #37
- @yolanda-y-li made their first contribution in #39
- @aakashg00 made their first contribution in #38
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6
What's Changed
- Email SDK Methods by @llam36 in #9
- feat: usersdk create and get user by @Keerth1Keerthi in #8
- Feat/project by @syaamkhandaker in #6
- Update SDK Response Types by @tmthecoder in #12
- Implement linkToProject and setUserType by @zinichakraborty in #7
- setup sdk export structure by @tmthecoder in #13
- Auth SDK createKey, revokeKey, and createJWT methods by @Keerth1Keerthi in #15
- Zini/emailsdk methods by @zinichakraborty in #16
- use classes with auth/apiKey as priv field by @tmthecoder in #17
- v0.0.4 updates by @tmthecoder in #18
- update to use auth by @tmthecoder in #19
- update to include subject by @tmthecoder in #20
- make cc bcc optional by @tmthecoder in #21
- EmailAPI Validation cleanup + test coverage by @UZ9 in #23
- Bump version to 0.0.5 by @tmthecoder in #29
New Contributors
- @llam36 made their first contribution in #9
- @Keerth1Keerthi made their first contribution in #8
- @syaamkhandaker made their first contribution in #6
- @tmthecoder made their first contribution in #12
- @zinichakraborty made their first contribution in #7
- @UZ9 made their first contribution in #23
Full Changelog: