Releases: GValiente/butano
Releases · GValiente/butano
- bn::best_fit_allocator::check_empty_on_destructor and bn::best_fit_allocator::set_check_empty_on_destructor added.
- Import tool now allows to specify the width of sprites and sprite tiles.
See the Images import guide to learn how to specify it. - Show the sum of the ticks of all entries in the profiler results.
- CPU usage reduced in most resource managers.
- Getting started guide improved.
- Placement
calls with user-providedoperator new
overloads fixed. - bn::unordered_map and bn::unordered_set clangd warnings fixed.
- bn::green_swap_mode added (thanks Sono!).
Check thegreen_swap
example to see how to set how a background must be displayed when green swap is enabled. - bn::unique_ptr
added. - bn::ibitset
added. - Hash support for bn::ibitset added.
- More bn::istring_base comparison operators added.
- bn::utf8_character validation improved.
- Green swap disabled when the display is stopped.
is now linked by default (thanks asie!).- How can I get the delta time?, does Butano support metasprites? and how can I show a background with animated tiles? questions added to the frequently asked questions (FAQ).
- Why can't I use some standard functions and classes? and so I shouldn't use the heap? questions improved.
- Getting started with Wonderful Toolchain guide updated.
- Qt Creator setup guide improved.
- Some spelling mistakes fixed.
- Big maps maximum size is limited to 16384 pixels.
map methods are deprecated.- Small ROM usage reduction.
- bn::sprite_ptr::create_optional fixed.
- Can I use subfolders for code and assets? question added to the frequently asked questions (FAQ).
- bn::sprite_text_generator uses one sprite per character if the space between characters is too big.
- bn::sprite_ptr::horizontal_shear and bn::sprite_ptr::vertical_shear fixed.
- bn::sprite_font space between characters validation fixed.
- How can I generate ARM code in IWRAM? question added to the frequently asked questions (FAQ).
- bn::random::get_bool and bn::seed_random::get_bool added.
- bn::bitset_ref move constructor added.
- bn::random::get_int and bn::seed_random::get_int optimized.
- BG blocks manager allocation fixed.
- bn::sprite_tiles::log_status items count fixed.
- bn::sprite_text_generator::generate_top_left and bn::sprite_text_generator::generate_top_left_optional added.
- bn::sprite_text_generator allows to setup the mosaic, the blending, the visibility and the camera of the output sprites.
- bn::sprite_builder::release_affine_mat, bn::sprite_builder::release_camera, bn::regular_bg_builder::release_camera and bn::affine_bg_builder::release_camera fixed.
- bn::sprite_builder, bn::regular_bg_builder and bn::affine_bg_builder documentation improved.
- bn::forward_list and bn::intrusive_forward_list forward iterator requirements fixed.
- bn::list, bn::intrusive_list, bn::unordered_map and bn::unordered_set bidirectional iterator requirements fixed.
- bn::deque random access iterator requirements fixed.
- bn::deque, bn::list, bn::intrusive_list, bn::forward_list, bn::intrusive_forward_list, bn::unordered_map and bn::unordered_set iterator type aliases fixed.
- bn::regular_bg_ptr, bn::regular_bg_builder, bn::affine_bg_ptr, bn::affine_bg_builder, bn::affine_bg_mat_attributes, bn::sprite_ptr and bn::sprite_builder support top-left coordinates for their position.
- bn::regular_bg_top_left_move_to_action, bn::regular_bg_top_left_move_loop_action, bn::regular_bg_top_left_move_toggle_action, bn::affine_bg_top_left_move_to_action, bn::affine_bg_top_left_move_loop_action, bn::affine_bg_top_left_move_toggle_action, bn::sprite_top_left_move_to_action, bn::sprite_top_left_move_loop_action and bn::sprite_top_left_move_toggle_action added.
- bn::safe_degrees_angle, bn::degrees_lut_sin_safe, bn::degrees_lut_cos_safe and bn::degrees_lut_sin_and_cos_safe added.
- bn::affine_mat_attributes::set_rotation_angle_safe, bn::affine_bg_builder::set_rotation_angle_safe, bn::affine_bg_mat_attributes::set_rotation_angle_safe, bn::affine_bg_ptr::set_rotation_angle_safe, bn::sprite_affine_mat_ptr::set_rotation_angle_safe, bn::sprite_builder::set_rotation_angle_safe and bn::sprite_ptr::set_rotation_angle_safe added.
- Position in
methods is now optional. - bn::intrusive_list and bn::intrusive_forward_list iterator constructors are now public.
- Real time clock (RTC) string added.
- SRAM string with link-time optimization fixed.
- Why background coordinates are relative to the center of the screen, instead of to its top-left corner? and Why sprite coordinates are relative to the center of the screen, instead of to its top-left corner? questions added to the Frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.
- Why my game runs fine on emulators but doesn't work on a real GBA with a flash cart? question improved.
- bn::blending::set_transparency_and_intensity_alpha added.
- bn::timer::elapsed_ticks_with_restart added.
- bn::timers::ticks_per_second added.
- bn::timer overflow fixed.
- bn::degrees_lut_sin, bn::degrees_lut_cos and bn::degrees_lut_sin_and_cos optimized.
- Color palettes, sprite tiles and audio management ROM usage reduced.
- timer example added.
- Is there a way to get the bn::sprite_item used to create a bn::sprite_ptr? question added to the Frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.
- GBA pseudo-3D demo added to the