👋 Hi, I’m Gabriel Juhasz - @GabJaJ
FullStack Developer Student
🌎Web 3 - Solidity - Rust Enthusiast
Stack of preference: MERN - PERN //
Python, Java, JavaScript, SQL, C#, React, NodeJS, Mongo db, NextJS, Redux...
Google Clouid Storage - BigQuery
🔎 I’m interested in share knowledge!
💻 Always learning new ways to improve my skills.
📫 How to reach me: gabrieljaj@gmail.com
👨🎓 Universidad Tecnologica Nacional (UTN) - Argentina
/- HTML - CSS - JS - Python - Java - MySQL -/
👨💻 All my proyects abailables: www.github/Gabjaj
💬 Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/gabriel-juan-a-juhasz-072ba267