The following UI Tests need to be performed manually and preferably on real devices, without using a simulator. If anyone could automate this via scripts would be highly appreciated :)
✦ Build using an iPhone only scheme (i.e. iPhone 6s)
➜ open iPhone App
➜ start iPhone counter (blue button) from iPhone
➜ start Watch counter (green button) from iPhone
✔ iPhone counter should start, watch counter should give a message that is not available
➜ press reset (red button) on the iPhone
✔ iPhone counter should stop and reset to zero
✦ Build using an iPhone + Watch scheme (i.e. 7plus + S2-42mm)
➜ open iPhone App
➜ open Watch App
➜ start Watch counter (green button) from Watch
✔ Counting is in progress for Watch counter on both iPhone and Watch
➜ stop Watch counter (green button) from iPhone
✔ Counting for Watch should stop on both iPhone and Watch displaying same count value on both
➜ start iPhone counter (blue button) from Watch
➜ start Watch counter (green button) from iPhone
✔ iPhone and Watch counters should start
➜ bring iPhone app to background (go to home)
✔ Counting for iPhone stops on Watch, Watch counter should continue
➜ wait a while and open again the iPhone App
✔ Count value of iPhone counter should be the same on iPhone and Watch
➜ start iPhone counter (blue button) from iPhone
➜ bring Watch app to background (go to home)
✔ Counting for Watch counter stops on iPhone, iPhone counter should continue
➜ wait a while and open again the Watch App
✔ Count value of Watch counter should be the same on iPhone and Watch
➜ press the reset (red button) button on the iPhone
✔ All timers on both devices should stop and counters should be zero
➜ bring iPhone app to background (go to home)
➜ start Watch counter (green button) from Watch
➜ start iPhone counter (blue button) from Watch
✔ Counting is in progress for both Watch and iPhone counters on Watch
➜ open iPhone App
✔ all counters on both devices should be counting and have same value
✦ Build using an iPhone + Watch scheme (i.e. 7plus + S2-42mm)
➜ open Watch App , do not open the iPhone app
➜ start Watch counter (green button) from Watch
➜ start iPhone counter (blue button) from Watch
✔ Counting is in progress for both Watch and iPhone counters on Watch
➜ bring Watch app to background (go to home)
➜ wait a while and open again the Watch App
✔ Counting for Watch stops, iPhone counter should continue.
➜ start Watch counter (green button) from Watch
➜ open iPhone App
✔ all counters on both devices should be counting and have same value