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GeheimagentNr1 edited this page May 3, 2021 · 4 revisions

This mod adds that only a percentage of Players have to sleep.
The messages are only shown to players in the same dimension.
The Mod is only needed on the server side, but can also be used on the client side.

Common Config

The config file can be found in the config folder and is named "easier_sleeping.toml".
The config can be edited with commands.
The changes done with the commands, will be saved to the config.

  • sleep_percent
    Percentage of players required to skip the night.
    Default: 50

  • sleep_message
    Message shown after player name, if a player goes to bed
    Default: "is now in bed."

  • wake_message
    Message shown after player name, if a player leaves his bed
    Default: "stood up."

  • morning_message
    Message shown, if the night was skipped
    Default: "Good Morning"

  • dimensions
    Dimensions in which, the sleeping percentage is active. (Until 1.0.X)
    Dimensions in which, the sleeping percentage is active or inactive depending on the dimension_list_type option. (Since 1.1.0)
    Default: ["minecraft:overworld"]

  • dimension_list_type
    If dimension_list_type is set to SLEEP_ACTIVE, the dimension list is the list of dimensions in which the sleep voting is active.
    If dimension_list_type is set to SLEEP_INACTIVE, the dimension list is the list of dimensions in which the sleep voting is inactive.
    Default: "SLEEP_ACTIVE"


  • /sleep sleep_percent
    Shows the current percentage of players required to skip the night.

  • /sleep sleep_percent <sleep_percent>
    Sets the percentage of players required to skip the night.

  • /sleep message sleep
    Shows the message shown after player name, if a player goes to bed

  • /sleep message sleep <message>
    Sets the message shown after player name, if a player goes to bed 

  • /sleep message wake
    Shows the message shown after player name, if a player leaves his bed

  • /sleep message wake <message>
    Sets the message shown after player name, if a player leaves his bed

  • /sleep message morning
    Shows the message shown, if the night was skipped

  • /sleep message morning <message>
    Sets the message shown, if the night was skipped 

  • /sleep dimension
    Shows dimensions in which, the sleeping percentage is activ.

  • /sleep dimension add <dimension>
    Adds a dimension in which, the sleeping percentage is activ.

  • /sleep dimension remove <dimension>
    Removes a dimension in which, the sleeping percentage is activ.

  • /sleep dimension list_type (Since 1.1.0)
    Shows the type of the dimensions list.
    If dimension_list_type is set to SLEEP_ACTIVE, the dimension list is the list of dimensions in which the sleep voting is active.
    If dimension_list_type is set to SLEEP_INACTIVE, the dimension list is the list of dimensions in which the sleep voting is inactive.

  • /sleep dimension list_type <dimension_list_type> <invert_list> (Since 1.1.0)
    Sets the dimension_list_type.
    If dimension_list_type is set to SLEEP_ACTIVE, the dimension list is the list of dimensions in which the sleep voting is active.
    If dimension_list_type is set to SLEEP_INACTIVE, the dimension list is the list of dimensions in which the sleep voting is inactive.
    If the invert_list parameter is false the dimensions list is not change.
    If the invert_list parameter is true the dimensions list is inverted. All dimensions, which were not on the list before, are added to the list and all dimensions, which were on the list before, are removed.

Thanks for the logo to Muse31.
You can use this mod in non-commercial modpacks without asking.
You can find more mods from me here.

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