Components forward all DOM events associated with the type of component. The below list groups events based on their scope and purpose.
- error (error loading external file) -offline -online
- storage (web storage was updated)
- beforeunload
- hashchange
- load
- message
- open
- pagehide
- pageshow
- popstate
- resize
- unload
- fullscreenchange
- fullscreenerror
- blur
- focus
- focusin
- focusout
- keydown
- keypress
- keyup
- click
- contextmenu
- dblclick
- mousedown
- mouseenter
- mouseleave
- mousemove
- mouseover
- mouseout
- mouseup
- mousewheel
- wheel
- touchcancel
- touchend
- touchmove
- touchstart
- drag
- dragend
- dragenter
- dragleave
- dragover
- dragstart
- drop
- scroll (element is scrolled)
- search (type in a search box)
- show (right-click shows context menu)
- toggle (open/close <details> element)
- copy
- cut
- paste
- change
- input
- invalid
- reset
- select
- submit
-animationend -animationiteration -animationstart -transitionend
- abort
- canplay
- canplaythrough
- durationchange
- ended
- loadeddata
- loadedmetadata
- loadstart
- pause
- play
- playing
- progress
- ratechange
- seeked
- seeking
- stalled
- suspend
- timeupdate
- volumechange
- waiting
- afterprint
- beforeprint