- Linux: master branch
- Windows: win-port branch
- Download Python here: https://www.python.org/downloads/
- Just be sure to select a "Windows x86-64" version
- During installation MAKE SURE you check the box: "Add Python to PATH"
- It might take a couple of minutes, wait until it says "Done"
- Then use the desktop shortcut created to enjoy! 🎉
If you are using Windows you can optionally install VB-CABLE:
This will allow you to use a non-WASAPI speaker's audio and will have a better chance of using a device:
- To use VB-CABLE follow the "Setting up VB-CABLE in 5 steps:" in the "WindowsReadme.txt"
- General optimizing
- Fix how transparency is done on Windows
- Overhaul the old Linux terminal version
- Numpy mostly for the FFT
- PyAudio and PortAudio for audio data collection
- PyAudio WASAPI loopack fork for Windows port
- PyQt5 and QT for the GUI
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 License - see the LICENSE file for details