diff --git a/LinuxReadMe b/LinuxReadMe index c1b4a0e..5f90274 100644 --- a/LinuxReadMe +++ b/LinuxReadMe @@ -44,12 +44,14 @@ Use Stats|Deadline to gauge performance. On a scale from [0] being negligible/none to [5] being the worst performance cost of settings: Main|Split Audio - Splits the audio into left(top half) and right(bottom half) channels [4] +Main|Scale - Popup to adjust scaling curves using dragging and scrolling of points [0] Main|Curviness - Curves/Smooths the bars with a Savitzky Golay Filter [1] Main|Interpolation - By averaging old data with new data it makes the bars appear less noisy [1] Main|Audio Buffer - Audio frames in the buffer. The higher the number the higher the accuracy, but old data lingers [3] Design|Color|Bar Color/Background Color/Outline Color - Allows to pick color and alpha(transparency) [0-2]* Design|Color|Rainbow - Creates a rainbow effect to the colors of Bars/(Outline Only) based on current Bar Color [1] +Design|Gradient - Popup for making a gradient using double left click to make a point and right click to delete a point [0-2]* Design|Dimensions - Brings up sliders to change the dimensions and look of the bars. [0-5]** Design|Illuminate - Scales the alpha cap of the bars [2] Design|Outline Only - If Out Width is more than 0 it will only show the outline. [0]