Repo for the paper entitled "Clinical Prediction Models to Predict the Risk of Multiple Binary Outcomes: a comparison of multivariate approaches", which is published in Statistics in Medicine (2020). This paper is published open-access here:
The paper explores statistical methodology to allow the development of clinical prediction models (CPMs) for two binary outcomes simultaneously, rather than modelling as seperate outcomes. An overview is given here:
The repo contains the coding scripts and results from the simulation study described in the paper as follows:
This contains the R scripts used in the simulation study. Additionally, this folder also contains the SQL script used to extract the cohort from the MIMIC-III database, which was used as part of the empirical study described in the paper.
This contains a .rmd file of the results of the simulation, as described in the paper. The Data sub-folder also contains the predictive performance results of the MIMIC-III real-world example, as described in the paper.