Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Feature
- Adding setRowInPlace (mutation variant of setRow)
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Fixing utf8-bom issues. Thanks to @iamweilee.
- Fixing file path parsing on windows. Thanks to @blockems and @iamweilee
- Fixing documentation issues. Thanks to @dhorvay and @ThatIsAPseudo
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Switching to core-js 3. Thanks to @kbrown and @Wildhammer. That was a nightmare.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Fix core-js version in order to avoid errors related to core-js 3 npm support. Thank you to @kbrown and @Wildhammer.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Fix errors on IE11 thanks to mbkupfer !!
- It's not necessary to update the version if you use it in nodejs.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Feature
- Replacing tape by ava for unit testing.
- Change docker-compose to use node LTS (10).
- Drop useless babel dependencies.
- Replace webpack by rollup (easier to configure).
- Drop webpack completely
- Drop support for es3. You can add it by following the guide.
- Correct a warning about fs module for front-end builds.
- Remove a circle dependency (dataframe.js -> groupedDataframe.js -> dataframe.js)
- Add .tail, .head, .slice, .getRow, .setRow methods.
- A filtered DataFrame with empty rows will now returns its columns.
- Add .fillMissingValues, dropMissingValues
- Add a new parameter to sortBy in order to place missing values.
- Drop rawgit url to a github pages url.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Correction of bugs related to .reduce on empty or one length array.
Author: @rjrivero
Type: Hotfix
- Correction of a performance regression on groupBy (get in 1.3.0). Thanks to @rjrivero.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier, @rjrivero, @martinv13, @Jefftopia
Type: Feature
- dataframe-js can now be used in TypeScript (typing is automatically generated, but it works). Thanks to @willkara.
- A new options parameter is available as DataFrame constructor third parameter.
- You can add new modules to your DataFrame via the DataFrame constructor by using the options `new DataFrame(yourData, yourColumns, {modules: [YourModule]}).
- Pass Modules directly in DataFrame constructor is no more possible
- Row index is now available in DataFrame .map, .filter, .chain thanks to @martinv13.
- DataFrame.dropDuplicates now works on a subset of columns (new parameter), thanks to @martinv13.
- DataFrame.sortBy can now sort rows by multiple columns thanks to @Jefftopia.
- DataFrame.groupBy is now faster thanks to @rjrivero.
- DataFrame can now be created from empty Array without throwing an error.
- DataFrame column inference during creation is faster.
- Other minor optimizations.
- Updating dev dependencies.
- Adding prettier in dev.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Row.set and Row.delete now changes DataFrame schema. See
- Fixing d3-requests to avoid build error. See
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Removing the file /lib/modules/sql.js (present due to a bug of npm run build).
- The code doesn't need es7-checktypes anymore.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Removing checktypes. (#27)
- Adding some documentation.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Debugging SQL module in order to handle correctly IN operator.
- Adding validation on SQL module table names. Spaces, tabs, ... are not valid anymore.
- Debugging SQL module in order to work properly with column names having spaces...
- Adding tests on SQL module.
- Debugging file import (JSON, CSVs) unit tests (promises were bugged in the test).
- Adding a FileNotFoundError.
- Wrong file paths or relative paths are now correctly catched and throw an FileNotFoundError.
- Refactoring file imports.
- Adding yarn documentation in the README.
- Adding DataFrame.fromDSV (alias of fromText, to be more precise).
- Adding DataFrame.fromPSV.
- Adding DataFrame.fromTSV.
- Now using d3.format to handle DataFrame.toDSV, DataFrame.toText, DataFrame.toCSV...
- Adding DataFrame.toDSV (alias of toText, to be more precise).
- Adding DataFrame.toPSV.
- Adding DataFrame.toTSV.
- Adding tests on different file formats.
- Catching strange behaviour of csv loading in nodejs 0.10.0 and 0.12.0.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- A critical performance issue related to GroupedDataFrame is now resolved. Related to #21. GroupedDataFrame, DataFrame.groupBy, DataFrame.join(s), DataFrame.diff, DataFrame.dropDuplicates are now 10000 x faster than previously. See below for the detail:
- Removing shitty combine function which was the cause of the performance issue.
- Adding a Row.hash generating the hash id for a row.
- Modifying GroupedDataFrame._groupBy to resolve the performance issue.
- Error messages are now displayed correctly.
- NoSuchColumnError is now correctly typed (not TypeError) but simply an Error.
- DataFrame Errors are now exported in the Errors module.
- Updating es7-checktypes-decorator to 0.2.1 for the same purpose.
- Better Error handling on missing or wrong parameters.
- Using custom webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin in webpack.config.js instead of webpack -p.
- Adding option keep_fnames on uglify (see above) to repair checktypes decorator after minification. Related to #21 and #23.
- Adding check-node-version --node '>= 4' before npm run lint to avoid CI fails on old node versions. Indeed, eslint doesn't support node < 4 anymore.
- Refactor on npm scripts.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Bugfix on join methods. They have now a correct behaviour. Thanks to @PaulMest
- .outerJoin had a wrong behaviour. It would show the difference between dataframes. .outerJoin is now an alias for .fullJoin. The old behaviour can now be found in .diff.
- Tests on join methods are now splitted into a single file dataframe_join-test.js. In the future, each test will be splitted by category of functions.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Modify gitbook and link in npm.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Feature
- Adding .pivot().
- Adding .melt().
- Better umd code compression.
- Cleaning the repo.
- The documentation is now under gitbook.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Replacing fs writeFile by writeFileSync.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Contributing.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Adding code coverage.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier. Thanks to @lmeyerov
Type: Hotfix
- Deleting withespaces removal in DataFrame. #14.
- Fixing withespaces bugs in SQL. #14.
- Fixing DataFrame.union() bug when columns aren't in the same order. #15.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Feature
- Fixing a doc issue related to #13.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Feature
- (Optional) Adding a support for .fromCSV, .fromText, .fromJSON to use browser File object.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Try catching the fs module for browsers.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Major Release
- Adding the sql module. Related to the issue #5.
- Adding a GroupedDataFrame object (obtained when group by) with aggregates. Related to the issue #8.
- DataFrame.groupBy aggregates now returns a DataFrame with an aggregation column. Related to the issue #8. /!\ Incompatible with older versions.
- DataFrame.groupBy can be used on multiple columns. ex: df.groupBy('col1', 'col2'). Related to the issues #4 and #8.
- Adding DataFrame.renameAll() to rename each columns of the DataFrame (current .rename()). Related to issue #12.
- Changing DataFrame.rename() which now renames only one column (see .renameAll()). Related to issue #12. /!\ Incompatible with older versions.
- Changing DataFrame.matrix.isCommutative() which now receives DataFrame as parameter and not an Array, in order to be more consistant with all the API. /!\ Incompatible with older versions.
- Adding an optional parameter for DataFrame.toArray(), columnName, allowing to return only one column as Array. Related to issue #11.
- Adding DataFrame.toCollection(), to return the DataFrame as a collection of dictionnaries (object). Related to issue #9.
- Adding an optional parameter to DataFrame.toJSON(asCollection) to build a JSON object containing a collection of Object.
- Adding DataFrame.stat.sum() in the stat module. Related to issue #10.
- Adding static DataFrame.fromCSV(), .fromText() and .fromJSON() method, allowing to create a DataFrame (via a Promise) from files (path or url).
- Adding DataFrame.dropDuplicates() which removes duplicated rows.
- DataFrame.randomSplit() is renamed in DataFrame.bisect(). /!\ Incompatible with older versions.
- Debbugging Related to the issue #7.
- Debbugging DataFrame.sortBy(). Now, it returns an error when applied on a mixed type column. Related to the issues #3 and #6.
- Debbugging DataFrame.sortBy() when used with string.
- DataFrame.distinct() now throw correctly NoSuchColumnError when passing an incorrect columnName.
- Adding Error messages on Row, DataFrame, GroupedDataFrame and modules...
- join methods are completely revisited, providing a result near from sql. Moreover you can join on multiple columns.
- DataFrame.replace() columnNames arguments are now passed as String (for a single column) or in Array (for multiple ones).
- DataFrame.transpose() has now an optional argument, transposeColumnNames which place columnNames as rowNames.
- Adding unit tests to cover more cases.
- Unit tests are now realized on es5 compiled version.
- Clarifying error messages.
- Adding
(see es7-checktypes-decorator) to handle wrong arguments types. - Removing InputTypeError, now replaced by
. /!\ Incompatible with older versions.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Fixing issue #2.
- Defined as first real stable version.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Updating keywords and presentation.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier.
Type: Hotfix
- Just some docs.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Correcting commonjs lib.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Correcting (maybe more an alternative) for babel related static method error.
- Adding webpack to compile browser version.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Adding minify version of the compiled code.
- PR from GuillaumeAmat: #1
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Hotfix
- Removing jquery in dependencies.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Feature
- First functional version.
Author: Guillaume Mousnier
Type: Feature
- Init the repo.