diff --git a/gnucash/ui/gnc-plugin-page-register.ui b/gnucash/ui/gnc-plugin-page-register.ui index b0a4646e73e..6d67cd47f59 100644 --- a/gnucash/ui/gnc-plugin-page-register.ui +++ b/gnucash/ui/gnc-plugin-page-register.ui @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ Assign as payment… gnc-plugin-business-actions.RegisterAssignPayment - Assign the selected transaction as payment + Assign the selected transaction as payment. yes action-disabled Edit payment… gnc-plugin-business-actions.RegisterEditPayment - Edit the payment this transaction is a part of + Edit the payment this transaction is a part of. yes action-disabled @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ _Edit Account GncPluginPageRegisterActions.EditEditAccountAction <Primary>e - Edit the selected account + Edit the selected account. yes F_ind Account GncPluginPageRegisterActions.EditFindAccountAction <Primary>i - Find an account + Find an account. yes @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ _Find… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.EditFindTransactionsAction <Primary>f - Find transactions with a search + Find transactions with a search. yes @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Ta_x Report Options GncPluginPageRegisterActions.EditTaxOptionsAction - Setup relevant accounts for tax reports, e.g. US income tax + Setup relevant accounts for tax reports, e.g. US income tax. yes @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ _Basic Ledger GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ViewStyleRadioAction 0 - Show transactions on one or two lines + Show transactions on one or two lines. yes @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ _Auto-Split Ledger GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ViewStyleRadioAction 1 - Show transactions on one or two lines and expand the current transaction + Show transactions on one or two lines and expand the current transaction. yes @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Transaction _Journal GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ViewStyleRadioAction 2 - Show expanded transactions with all splits + Show expanded transactions with all splits. yes @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ _Refresh GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ViewRefreshAction <Primary>r - Refresh this window + Refresh this window. yes @@ -129,37 +129,37 @@ Cu_t Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.CutTransactionAction - Cut the selected transaction into clipboard + Cut the selected transaction into clipboard. yes _Copy Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.CopyTransactionAction - Copy the selected transaction into clipboard + Copy the selected transaction into clipboard. yes _Paste Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.PasteTransactionAction - Paste the transaction from the clipboard + Paste the transaction from the clipboard. yes Dup_licate Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DuplicateTransactionAction - Make a copy of the current transaction + Make a copy of the current transaction. yes _Delete Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DeleteTransactionAction - Delete the current transaction + Delete the current transaction. yes Remo_ve Other Splits GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RemoveTransactionSplitsAction - Remove all splits in the current transaction + Remove all splits in the current transaction. yes @@ -168,13 +168,13 @@ _Enter Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RecordTransactionAction - Record the current transaction + Record the current transaction. yes Ca_ncel Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.CancelTransactionAction - Cancel the current transaction + Cancel the current transaction. yes @@ -183,19 +183,19 @@ _Void Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.VoidTransactionAction - Void the current transaction + Void the current transaction. yes _Unvoid Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.UnvoidTransactionAction - Unvoid the current transaction + Unvoid the current transaction. yes Add _Reversing Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ReverseTransactionAction - Add a reversing transaction + Add a reversing transaction. yes @@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ _Manage Document Link… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.LinkTransactionAction - Add, change, or unlink the document linked with the current transaction + Add, change, or unlink the document linked with the current transaction. yes _Open Linked Document GncPluginPageRegisterActions.LinkedTransactionOpenAction - Open the linked document for the current transaction + Open the linked document for the current transaction. yes @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ Jump to Invoice GncPluginPageRegisterActions.JumpLinkedInvoiceAction - Jump to the linked bill, invoice, or voucher + Jump to the linked bill, invoice, or voucher. yes @@ -229,19 +229,19 @@ _Transfer… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ActionsTransferAction <Primary>t - Transfer funds from one account to another + Transfer funds from one account to another. yes _Reconcile… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ActionsReconcileAction - Reconcile the selected account + Reconcile the selected account. yes _Auto-clear… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ActionsAutoClearAction - Automatically clear individual transactions, so as to reach a certain cleared amount + Automatically clear individual transactions, so as to reach a certain cleared amount. yes @@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ Stoc_k Split… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ActionsStockSplitAction - Record a stock split or a stock merger + Record a stock split or a stock merger. yes View _Lots… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ActionsLotsAction - Bring up the lot viewer/editor window + Bring up the lot viewer/editor window. yes @@ -269,32 +269,32 @@ _Blank Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.BlankTransactionAction <Primary>b - Move to the blank transaction in the register + Move to the blank transaction in the register. yes _Go to Date GncPluginPageRegisterActions.GotoDateAction <Primary>g - Move to the split at the specified date + Move to the split at the specified date. yes S_plit Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.SplitTransactionAction - Show all splits in the current transaction + Show all splits in the current transaction. yes Edit E_xchange Rate GncPluginPageRegisterActions.EditExchangeRateAction - Edit the exchange rate for the current transaction + Edit the exchange rate for the current transaction. yes Sche_dule… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ScheduleTransactionAction - Create a Scheduled Transaction with the current transaction as a template + Create a Scheduled Transaction with the current transaction as a template or edit the Scheduled Transaction that current transaction was created by. yes @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ with focus on the current transaction's entry in that register. --> _Jump to the other account GncPluginPageRegisterActions.JumpTransactionAction - Open a new register tab for the other account with focus on this transaction + Open a new register tab for the other account with focus on this transaction. yes @@ -331,13 +331,13 @@ Account Report GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ReportsAccountReportAction - Open a register report for this Account + Open a register report for this Account. yes Account Report - Single Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ReportsAcctTransReportAction - Open a register report for the selected Transaction + Open a register report for the selected Transaction. yes @@ -356,100 +356,100 @@ Re_name Page mainwin.ActionsRenamePageAction - Rename this page + Rename this page.
Dup_licate Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DuplicateTransactionAction - Make a copy of the current transaction + Make a copy of the current transaction. _Delete Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DeleteTransactionAction - Delete the current transaction + Delete the current transaction. Remo_ve Other Splits GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RemoveTransactionSplitsAction - Remove all splits in the current transaction + Remove all splits in the current transaction.
_Enter Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RecordTransactionAction - Record the current transaction + Record the current transaction. Ca_ncel Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.CancelTransactionAction - Cancel the current transaction + Cancel the current transaction.
_Manage Document Link… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.LinkTransactionAction - Add, change, or unlink the document linked with the current transaction + Add, change, or unlink the document linked with the current transaction. _Open Linked Document GncPluginPageRegisterActions.LinkedTransactionOpenAction - Open the linked document for the current transaction + Open the linked document for the current transaction.
Jump to Invoice GncPluginPageRegisterActions.JumpLinkedInvoiceAction - Jump to the linked bill, invoice, or voucher + Jump to the linked bill, invoice, or voucher.
_Blank Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.BlankTransactionAction - Move to the blank transaction in the register + Move to the blank transaction in the register. _Go to Date GncPluginPageRegisterActions.GotoDateAction - Move to the split at the specified date + Move to the split at the specified date. S_plit Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.SplitTransactionAction - Show all splits in the current transaction + Show all splits in the current transaction. Edit E_xchange Rate GncPluginPageRegisterActions.EditExchangeRateAction - Edit the exchange rate for the current transaction + Edit the exchange rate for the current transaction. Sche_dule… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ScheduleTransactionAction - Create a Scheduled Transaction with the current transaction as a template + Create a Scheduled Transaction with the current transaction as a template or edit the Scheduled Transaction that current transaction was created by. _Jump to the other account GncPluginPageRegisterActions.JumpTransactionAction - Open a new register tab for the other account with focus on this transaction + Open a new register tab for the other account with focus on this transaction.
Assign as payment… gnc-plugin-business-actions.RegisterAssignPayment - Assign the selected transaction as payment + Assign the selected transaction as payment. action-disabled Edit payment… gnc-plugin-business-actions.RegisterEditPayment - Edit the payment this transaction is a part of + Edit the payment this transaction is a part of. action-disabled
@@ -468,100 +468,100 @@ Re_name Page mainwin.ActionsRenamePageAction - Rename this page + Rename this page.
Dup_licate Split GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DuplicateTransactionAction - Make a copy of the current split + Make a copy of the current split. _Delete Split GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DeleteTransactionAction - Delete the current split + Delete the current split. Remo_ve Other Splits GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RemoveTransactionSplitsAction - Remove all splits in the current transaction + Remove all splits in the current transaction.
_Enter Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RecordTransactionAction - Record the current transaction + Record the current transaction. Ca_ncel Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.CancelTransactionAction - Cancel the current transaction + Cancel the current transaction.
_Manage Document Link… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.LinkTransactionAction - Add, change, or unlink the document linked with the current transaction + Add, change, or unlink the document linked with the current transaction. _Open Linked Document GncPluginPageRegisterActions.LinkedTransactionOpenAction - Open the linked document for the current transaction + Open the linked document for the current transaction.
Jump to Invoice GncPluginPageRegisterActions.JumpLinkedInvoiceAction - Jump to the linked bill, invoice, or voucher + Jump to the linked bill, invoice, or voucher.
_Blank Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.BlankTransactionAction - Move to the blank transaction in the register + Move to the blank transaction in the register. _Go to Date GncPluginPageRegisterActions.GotoDateAction - Move to the split at the specified date + Move to the split at the specified date. S_plit Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.SplitTransactionAction - Show all splits in the current transaction + Show all splits in the current transaction. Edit E_xchange Rate GncPluginPageRegisterActions.EditExchangeRateAction - Edit the exchange rate for the current transaction + Edit the exchange rate for the current transaction. Sche_dule… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ScheduleTransactionAction - Create a Scheduled Transaction with the current transaction as a template + Create a Scheduled Transaction with the current transaction as a template or edit the Scheduled Transaction that current transaction was created by. _Jump to the other account GncPluginPageRegisterActions.JumpTransactionAction - Open a new register tab for the other account with focus on this transaction + Open a new register tab for the other account with focus on this transaction.
Assign as payment… gnc-plugin-business-actions.RegisterAssignPayment - Assign the selected transaction as payment + Assign the selected transaction as payment. action-disabled Edit payment… gnc-plugin-business-actions.RegisterEditPayment - Edit the payment this transaction is a part of + Edit the payment this transaction is a part of. action-disabled
@@ -573,36 +573,36 @@ Dup_licate Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DuplicateTransactionAction - Make a copy of the current transaction + Make a copy of the current transaction. _Delete Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DeleteTransactionAction - Delete the current transaction + Delete the current transaction. Remo_ve Other Splits GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RemoveTransactionSplitsAction - Remove all splits in the current transaction + Remove all splits in the current transaction.
_Enter Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RecordTransactionAction - Record the current transaction + Record the current transaction. Ca_ncel Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.CancelTransactionAction - Cancel the current transaction + Cancel the current transaction.
_Blank Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.BlankTransactionAction - Move to the blank transaction in the register + Move to the blank transaction in the register.
@@ -612,36 +612,36 @@ Dup_licate Split GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DuplicateTransactionAction - Make a copy of the current split + Make a copy of the current split. _Delete Split GncPluginPageRegisterActions.DeleteTransactionAction - Delete the current split + Delete the current split. Remo_ve Other Splits GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RemoveTransactionSplitsAction - Remove all splits in the current transaction + Remove all splits in the current transaction.
_Enter Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.RecordTransactionAction - Record the current transaction + Record the current transaction. Ca_ncel Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.CancelTransactionAction - Cancel the current transaction + Cancel the current transaction.
_Blank Transaction GncPluginPageRegisterActions.BlankTransactionAction - Move to the blank transaction in the register + Move to the blank transaction in the register.
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ False Sche_dule… GncPluginPageRegisterActions.ScheduleTransactionAction - Create a Scheduled Transaction with the current transaction as a template + Create a Scheduled Transaction with the current transaction as a template or edit the Scheduled Transaction that current transaction was created by True gnc-sx-new