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#GotCms Cookbook Build Status

The Chef GotCms cookbook installs and configures GotCms.



Requires PHP 5.3.23 or later, we recommend using the latest PHP version whenever possible. So a recent linux distribution ;)

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • RHEL/CentOS


  • apt
  • apache2
  • build-essential
  • database
  • mysql
  • php
  • postgresql


Key Type Description Default
gotcms['version'] String Version of GotCms to download. Use 'master', to download most recent version. master
gotcms['url'] String Url of GotCms to download.{node['gotcms']['version']}.tar.gz
gotcms['parent_dir'] String Parent directory to where GotCms will be extracted. node['apache']['docroot_dir']
gotcms['dir'] String Location to plage GotCms files. #{node['gotcms']['parent_dir']}/gotcms
gotcms['db']['driver'] String Driver of GotCms database (can be pdo_mysql or pdo_pgsql). pdo_mysql
gotcms['db']['username'] String Name of the GotCms database user. gotcmsuser
gotcms['db']['password'] String Password of the GotCms database user. gotcmspassword
gotcms['db']['name'] String Name of the GotCms database. gotcmsdb
gotcms['db']['host'] String Host of the GotCms database. localhost
gotcms['server_name'] String Server name for apache2 virtualhost. node['fqdn']
gotcms['server_aliases'] String Server aliases for apache2 virtualhost. [node['fqdn']]
gotcms['config']['language'] String Language to used. en_GB
gotcms['config']['website_name'] String Name of the website. GotCms
gotcms['config']['is_offline'] Boolean Set the website offline. false
gotcms['config']['admin_email'] String The admin email.
gotcms['config']['admin_lastname'] String The admin last name. GotCms
gotcms['config']['admin_firstname'] String The admin first name. GotCms
gotcms['config']['admin_login'] String The admin login. demo
gotcms['config']['admin_password'] String The admin password. demo
gotcms['config']['template'] String The template to use for installation, can be silverblog, arcana, or photoartwork. arcana



Just include gotcms in your node's run_list:

  "run_list": [


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like issue_x)
  3. Write your change
  4. Write tests for your change
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

##License and Authors


Development repository for Opscode Cookbook GotCms






No packages published