- add typeCastNode.js for nodejs specific casts
- add blobPromiseFromStream
- add forceThrottlePromiseCreator
- add throttlePromiseCreator
- add throttlePromiseCreatorSelfClean
- memoizeAsStrings uses JSON.stringify internally
- This change increase compatibility with function that use the objects as single argument pattern
- add assignSelected
- requires Object.hasOwn
add decorateForceSequential
deepEqualAdded will return true more often when int arrays are compared
deepEqual and deepEqualAdded will return true for objects with same content even if one has a null prototype
add somePromisesParallel, similar to chainPromises but will run up to x promises at the same time
chainPromises is more like Promise.all, promise creators can return a promise or a direct value
- memoizeAsStrings requires Map support
- chainPromiseNTimes handles rejection like Promise.all
- How to import in deno examples
- merge into browserUtility.js
- downloadBlob default download file name does not assume the file type
- support for type Uint8ClampedArray
- deepDifference
- stringFromArray
- setFromArray
- mapFromObject
- deepEqualAdded
- deepCopyAdded
- deepAssignAdded
- deepEqual
- (Not yet implemented deepEqualAdded)
- deepAssign
- deepCopy
to deep.js
- createCustomRound
- createThrottledUsingTimeout
- arrayWithResults in favor of Array.from({length: times}, aFunction)
browse this commit #dd5fbb65b377fc4174d9444d663debfdb3f1b628 or use 10.5.5 to keep using
evalGlobal can be loaded as module
Support Node12 modules
Split utilsac into different projects #4