This application manages Twitch widgets for streamers. It specifically supports the creation of "Charity Stream widgets," which include:
- Donation Bar Widget: Displays the progress of fundraising.
- Alert Widget: Shows alerts for donations and other stream interactions.
To run this application, you will need:
First, clone the repository to your local machine or server:
git clone [repository-url]
cd twitch-widget
Copy the example environment file and then edit it with your specific configurations:
cp .env.example .env
nano .env
In the .env file, ensure you update the following settings:
Database connection details API keys if applicable Any other environment-specific variables
To set up your database, execute the SQL migrations provided:
php migrations/run.php
Once you have configured your environment, start your PHP server to run the application:
php -S localhost:8000
Access the application through your web browser:
To secure your local development server with HTTPS, you can utilize ngrok. This tool provides a straightforward way to expose your localhost to the web while automatically equipping it with a valid SSL certificate. To start using ngrok and enable HTTPS, simply run the following command in your terminal:
ngrok http 8000
This command will create a secure tunnel to your localhost server running on port 8000, allowing you to safely test your application's HTTPS functionality. Ensure that your application is running on port 8000 or adjust the port number in the command accordingly. Also update WEBSITE_DOMAIN from you env file