169 commits
to development
since this release
AMReX: release 23.07
openPMD-api: release 0.15.1
What's Changed
- Replace rho field with rho - jz/c by @AlexanderSinn in #940
- CI: apt retry and new Easyinstall link by @AlexanderSinn in #930
- make CI triggers consistent by @AlexanderSinn in #938
- Fix rocfft 5.5 by @SeverinDiederichs in #942
- Option to symmetrize plasma by @SeverinDiederichs in #943
- [mini] Document manip to build HiPACE++ release on corresponding AMReX release by @MaxThevenet in #944
- Enable 3 MR levels by @AlexanderSinn in #945
- replace
withinline static
for member variables by @AlexanderSinn in #946 - Use less than or equal for min_density by @AlexanderSinn in #947
- Don't use tiling in the plasma pusher by @AlexanderSinn in #949
- [mini] Read angularFrequency from mesh instead of from iteration by @MaxThevenet in #955
- [mini] Fix plasma do_symmetrize by @MaxThevenet in #957
- [mini] Fix b0 calculation in collisions by @SeverinDiederichs in #958
- Implement OMP threading in missing functions by @AlexanderSinn in #951
- [mini] Fix formatting for HIPACE_PROFILE output by @MaxThevenet in #956
- Gather Ez in loop over slices to gather from proper array by @MaxThevenet in #948
- [mini] update documentation for Maxwell by @SeverinDiederichs in #960
- [mini] Fix adaptive time step by @MaxThevenet in #959
- Laser file reader can read from arbitrary box and domain by @MaxThevenet in #950
- [mini] Remove unused variables by @MaxThevenet in #961
- Reset plasma id at every call of Init by @MaxThevenet in #963
- Update Beam and Plasma to Pure SoA by @AlexanderSinn in #928
- Laser reader in cylindrical coordinates by @MaxThevenet in #953
- Fix collisions in normalized units by @SeverinDiederichs in #954
- Enable ionization in normalized units by @SeverinDiederichs in #962
- Add [z], [z^2], [uz], [uz^2] and [z*uz] to beam insitu diagnostics by @AlexanderSinn in #964
- Fix bug in intra-species Coulomb collisions by @SeverinDiederichs in #967
- [mini] assert for normalized units when total charge is specified by @SeverinDiederichs in #969
- fix compiler warning: use static_cast for extent by @SeverinDiederichs in #970
- Plasma in-situ diags by @SeverinDiederichs in #968
- add Bz component to beam pusher by @SeverinDiederichs in #973
- Minor improvements for collision module. by @SeverinDiederichs in #972
- Generalize external E and B fields to uniform and linear in all directions by @MaxThevenet in #965
- add classical radiation reactions for beams by @SeverinDiederichs in #974
- fix some issues with the collision module by @SeverinDiederichs in #976
- MR with SALAME and PC by @AlexanderSinn in #971
- don't use managed memory by @AlexanderSinn in #975
- Add IntVect and RealVect overloads to queryWithParser by @AlexanderSinn in #977
- always use PhysConstSI in parser by @SeverinDiederichs in #978
- Cleaning collisions and preparing UpdateMomentumPerez for beams by @SeverinDiederichs in #980
- [mini] remove passing of ibox by @SeverinDiederichs in #982
- Add option to allocate mpi buffers in device memory by @AlexanderSinn in #979
- Remove z component from plasma by @AlexanderSinn in #984
- [mini] clean GetInstance() and use static inline by @SeverinDiederichs in #981
- remove OK assert by @AlexanderSinn in #985
- break loop over time steps for max_time by @SeverinDiederichs in #986
- Fix output logic for insitu diags by @SeverinDiederichs in #987
- Cut box to plasma radius in init by @AlexanderSinn in #988
- Refactoring documentation by @SeverinDiederichs in #989
- Add beam-plasma collisions by @SeverinDiederichs in #983
- [mini] document GPU-aware MPI for various clusters by @SeverinDiederichs in #992
- [mini] reset ID incrementor before starting initializing a beam by @MaxThevenet in #994
- Prepare release 23.07 by @MaxThevenet in #995
Full Changelog: v23.05...v23.07