Command-Line-Interface test routines for the CORE-V MCU.
Core-v-mcu-cli-test is a stand-alone program that runs on the CORE-V MCU under FreeRTOS and is controlled from a terminal. At the time of this writing (2022-03-09) "cli-test" runs in simulation under Verilator or in FPGA emulation on a Digilent Nexys A7-100T evaluation kit. Setup instructions for the Nexys A7 and a terminal emulator to run cli-test can be found in the CORE-V-MCU Quick Start Guide. A bitstream compatible with the Nexys A7-100T that supports cli-test, and instructions for loading the bitstream onto the Nexys can also be found with the Quick Start Guide.
The Quick Start Guide will get you up and running with cli-test, which is a reasonable testing platform, but not a convenient development platform. It is expected that the majority of cli-test users will want to run it from an Integrated Development Environment. The remainder of this document will get you set up with the Eclipse-IDE.
The Eclipse IDE relies on a larger ecosystem of tools and these instructions assume you are familar enough with the Eclispe IDE environment to make any required configuration changes to the IDE setup.
Download and install the Eclipse IoT Embedded CDT IDE (this will eventually be replaced by a pre-configured CORE-V IDE based on the Eclipse IDE tools).
Download and install the approriate corev-gcc toolchain from
Install OpenOCD. Recommend getting it from this location:
Version 0.11.0-rc2 is known to work with this setup.
Installation is accomplished by:
./configure --enable-ftdi && make
sudo make install
NOTE: importing the cli_test project into the IDE does not import the information to launch the debugger, so after importing cli_test, be sure to either import the launch configuration (below in Step 5) or create your own.
Provide the full URL path to core-v-mcu-cli-test
The path you provide will depend on the protocol used to access GitHub.
For example, is the path when using https.
Note: the list of branches will change over time.
The main
branch is stable, but not necessarily the latest.
All other branches are development branches and may not be stable.
is the only one you need.
You should see something like this after selecting 'Finish'.
This step configures Eclipse so that it finds the CORE-V toolchain and OpenOCD that were downloaded and installed in Step 2 and Step 3.
In the Eclipse Project Explorer select the cli_test
Project, right click and select Properties
(typically appears at the bottom of the pop-up menu).
Select C/C++ Build / Settings
to bring up the window below:
In this example, the Toolchain path
was changed by selecting the workspace
preference page.
This brings up the Preferences selection window.
On the left-hand pane select "MCU/Workspace RISC-V Toolchains Paths" and update the Toolchain folder to point to your toolchain install path.
This is similar to setting the Toolchain tool. In the Preferneces selectionn window select "MCU/Workspace OpenOCD Path" and update to point to your openocd install path.
Assuming everything above has completed this step is simplicity itself.
With cli_test
selected in the Project Explorer pane, click on Build (the hammer icon):
This step pulls in the launch configurations which are configured to use OpenOCD and the JTAG-HS2 programmer. Reminder: the instructions for connecting the HS2 to the Nexys A7 can be found in the CORE-V-MCU Quick Start Guide (a link can be found at the top of this README).
If your hardware setup is different, you can either ignore this step and create your own, or use this step and modify to fit your configuration.
Select 'File' and then 'Import...'.
Select 'Run/Debug' and then 'Launch Configurations'.
Here you will fetch the HS2 launch configuration from your clone of core-v-mcu-cli-test repository.
In the core-v-mcu-cli-test
repo there is a set of launch configurations in the launch
Use the Browse...
button to navigate to the git directory that was chosen as the 'Local Destination' in Step 4.7 and then launch
Select 'launch' and 'cli_test hs2.lauch'.
Under the Run
menu select Debug Configurations...
Edit the debug configurations and in the Startup tab scroll down to the Run/Restart Commands section to make sure the Pre-run/Restart Reset
box is not checked.
Under GDB OpenOCD Debugging
select cli_test Default
and then Debug
This should compile, link and load the application and stop at main waiting for you to start debugging.
The type and number of peripherals supported are defined by
The information is made available to software applications as a series of #define values in the 'SOC options' section of 'target/core-v-mcu/include/core-v-mcu-config.h'.
An example configuration is:
// SOC options
#define N_IO 48 // Total available IO
#define N_SYSIO 3
#define N_GPIO 32
#define N_UART 2 // Number of uarts
#define N_QSPIM 1 // Number of QuadSPI masters
#define N_I2CM 2 // Number of I2C masters
#define N_I2SC 0
#define N_CSI2 0
#define N_HYPER 0
#define N_SDIO 0
#define N_CAM 1
#define N_JTAG 0
#define N_MRAM 0
#define N_FILTER 1
#define N_FPGA 1
#define N_EXT_PER 0
#define N_FPGAIO 43
#define N_EFPGA_EVENTS 16