There are three repositories in GitHub/HuygensING that contain data produced by the Translatin project:
translatin-wemi Metadata preparation and analysis to identify works, expressions, manifestations and items (wemi), in the FRBR sense
translatin-manif Publication of a selection of manifestations, as text-fabric files, with an annotation export to the publishing pipeline of TeamText of HuC-DI.
translatin Data production for the final published result of the project: a collection of 100+ medieval, latin dramas.
The most comprehensive information on Translatin, the project, the people involved, the data and the programs, is in translatin-manif, this repo, see below.
This repo contains processed data of documents produced by the
Translatin project, the purpose of which is to study
the transnational impact of Latin drama from the early modern Netherlands, a qualitative and computational analysis.
The following employees are involved preparing the data for the project:
Team-Text is involved in preparing the resulting data for the use by researchers and the general public:
- Hennie Brugman (management of requirements and solutions)
- Hayco de Jong (source preparation and middleware)
- Sebastiaan van Daalen (front-end)
- Bram Buitendijk (text plus annotations preparation and middleware)
- Dirk Roorda (pre-processing with Text-fabric)
The current status of the website can be followed here.
For more details, see team.
The Translatin documents are printed pages and are considered to be manifestations of expressions of works, in the FRBR sense.
However, the grouping of these documents into expressions and works is a matter of interpretation, where the metadata is of vital importance. This classification is not yet finished.
The sources of Translatin, seen from the perspective of Team-Text, consist of several directories on an ( 🆔 internal fileshare 🆔) (the link only works within the KNAW/HuC network).
There we find many zip files with page scans and corresponding PageXML data. Besides that, there is various crucial metadata in the form of excel sheets and postgres SQL data.
Hayco de Jong (Team-Text) has done work on the metadata with Jirsi Reinders.
- postgres database has been set up to store the Excel sheets with metadata;
- this database has been used to get evidence for which manifestations belong to which expressions, and which expressions belong to which works;
- the outcome of this analysis has been stored in this same postgres database.
The translatin data is divided in an unpublished part and a published part. The unpublished part consists of the scans and pagexmls and other files that reside on an internal fileshare. There is no legal reason not to publish them, only reasons of practicality:
- we are currently preparing a publishable representation of that data, and the results of that are in this public repo and will be used for a public website;
- it is a lot of material, and it does not fit neatly into a git system.
- We do not process all the material, see the overview of material kinds and sizes below:
where | kind | size (MB) |
source (everything) | zip | 15,000 |
source (what we use) | zip | 6,800 |
organized | all | 5,300 |
organized | scans | 4,960 |
organized | pagexml | 324 |
text-fabric | tf | 68 |
text+annotations | json | 323 |
In trans we describe how to get the full data and produce a publishable subset of it.
In data we describe exactly what data resides where in this repo.
The tools used to ingest and process the data of the Translatin project are in the directory programs.
A description is in tools.
The following noteworthy choices have been made when transforming the data.
We make a distinction between raw text with line breaks and soft-hyphens on the one hand and logical text on the other hand, without line breaks, and where tokens around soft-hyphens have been joined together.
However, because of the nature of the pages, which often contain text where the line breaks are meaningful, and because we have not seriously tried to detect meaningful page layout regions, we stick to the raw text for display on the web.
The Text-Fabric conversion has made a feeble attempt to include logical text next to raw text, but we only export raw text to the Text+Annotations data, and hence to the front-end.
There is very rich metadata in the spreadsheets. It has been cleaned up and organized into a Postgress database, but the result is still very rich. We do not expose all metadata. This is what we do expose:
- all metadata in the
table; in particular this includes:- multilingual titles with corresponding certainties;
- the author names of a manifestation in a single, comma-separated string;
- the publisher names of a manifestation in a single, comma-separated string;
- the publisher places of a manifestation in a single, comma-separated string;
We do not include the other details about authors and publishers.
Where metadata is missing for some fields, we do not leave out the field and neither
we leave it blank. Instead we put in the literal value unspecified
The project has delivered many Latin documents, consisting of thousands of pages of text, in the form of scans and their OCRed PageXML results, as well as extensive metadata of those texts.
A minor update having to do with line breaks.
We have added more metadata, changed the text-representation to physical text instead of logical text. The Team-Text production street has been used, from Text/AnnoRepo through Broccoli and Brinta towards TextAnnoViz, and it works.
So far, we have found 73 workable manifestations with scans, PageXML and metadata.