There are three repositories in GitHub/HuygensING that contain data produced by the Translatin project:
translatin-wemi Metadata preparation and analysis to identify works, expressions, manifestations and items (wemi), in the FRBR sense
translatin-manif Publication of a selection of manifestations, as text-fabric files, with an annotation export to the publishing pipeline of TeamText of HuC-DI.
translatin Data production for the final published result of the project: a collection of 100+ medieval, latin dramas.
The most comprehensive information on Translatin, the project, the people involved, the data and the programs, is in translatin-manif.
This is work done by Hayco de Jong and Jirsi Reinders.
Jirsi has compiled extensive spreadsheets with metadata on medieval, latin plays, in order to group extant copies into expressions, and those into manifestations, and those into works.
Hayco has modelled this data relationally and stored it in a Postgres Database.
In translatin-manif, Dirk Roorda has used the contents of that database to mix metadata into a selection of manifestations which were published through a Text-Fabric pipeline.
See resultdata.