Note: This repo is based on Polygon Edge core contracts.
- The epoch increases at the beginning of the last block of an epoch, which results in the following:
- If a user changes its stake (or delegation) in the last block of an epoch X, the change will be applied on its voting power (or validator status) at epoch X + 2, because actually he made the balance change in epoch x + 1
There are a several different contracts with different roles in the suite, as such an architecture diagram of the contents of contracts/
should be useful in understanding where to find what you're looking for:
│ APRCalculator/ - "APR reward, bonuses and price"
├─ MacroFactor - "updates Macro Factor based on price"
├─ Price - "updates prices from price Oracle"
├─ RSI - "update RSI based on price"
│ BLS - "BLS signature operations"
│ common/ "commonly used contracts/libraries"
├─ Governed - "handles governance logic"
├─ libs/ "libraries used for specific applications"
├─ Liquid — "handles liquidity tokens minting/burning and debts"
├─ System - "various infra/precompile addresses on the chain"
├─ Vesting — "handles base vesting functions for vested positions"
├─ Withdrawal — "handles withdrawing hydra from contracts"
│ GenesisProxy — "the genesis proxy contract"
│ Faucet — "faucet for the test-net"
│ HydraChain/ — "commit epochs, keeps validators data"
├─ DaoIncentive - "distribute rewards for DAOs"
├─ Inspector - "handles validator bans"
├─ ValidatorManager - "keeps validator information"
├─ ValidatorsData - "real-time data for validators voting power"
├─ Whitelisting - "whitelisting users (could disable)"
│ HydraDelegation/ - "handle delegations and commissions"
├─ DelegationPoolLib - "lib for the pool of the staker to delegators"
├─ LiquidDelegation - "handles giving liquidity tokens on delegate"
├─ VestedDelegation - "delegating with vested position"
│ HydraStaking/ — "handles staking and distributes rewards"
├─ DelegatedStaking - "trigger updates on delegation"
├─ LiquidStaking - "handles giving liquidity tokens on staking"
├─ PenalizeableStaking - "penalize staker on ban"
├─ StateSynchStaking - "synch the state on change"
├─ VestedStaking - "staking with vested positions"
│ HydraVault/ — "vault to keep funds"
│ LiquidityToken/ — "liquid token ERC20, representing the staked/delegated Hydra"
│ PriceOracle/ — "oracle which validators vote for a price"
├─ SortedPriceList - "list for validators to vote easily on price"
│ RewardWallet/ — "wallet that distributes the rewards"
│ VestingManager/ — "vesting manager that is needed for vested delegation"
├─ VestingManagerFactory - "factory creating a vesting manager easily"
- HydraChainContract: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000101 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable)
- HydraChainContractV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001011 (implementation, predeployed)
- BLSContract: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000102 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable)
- BLSContractV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001021 (implementation, predeployed)
- HydraStaking: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000104 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable)
- HydraStakingV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001041 (implementation, predeployed)
- FeeHandlerContract: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000106 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable) - HydraVault instance
- FeeHandlerContractV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001061 (implementation, predeployed)
- HydraDelegation: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000107 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable)
- HydraDelegationV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001071 (implementation, predeployed)
- VestingManagerFactory: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000108 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable)
- VestingManagerFactoryV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001081 (implementation, predeployed)
- APRCalculatorContract: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000109 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable)
- APRCalculatorContractV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001091 (implementation, predeployed)
- RewardWalletContract: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000110 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable)
- RewardWalletContractV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001101 (implementation, predeployed)
- DAOIncentiveVaultContract: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000111 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable) - HydraVault instance
- DAOIncentiveVaultContractV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001111 (implementation, predeployed)
- PriceOracle: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000112 (predeployed, proxy upgradeable)
- PriceOracleV1: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001121 (implementation, predeployed)
- LiquidityToken: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001013 (predeployed)
Saving the values of the APR, bonuses and price of Hydra
- Macro Factor: used to multiply the base APR and adjust the APR for positions depending on the price movement between 310 days and the last 115 days
- Price: updates the price for the contracts (update is possible only through PriceOracle) and triggers an update on bonuses depending on the price change, it also can guard bonuses by changing their values to default in critical situations
- RSI - Updates the RSI bonus, depending on the average gain and loss for the last 14 days, the RSI bonus is used in vested positions
Used for register validators, reduces the size of signature data to store on-chain Boneh–Lynn–Shacham (BLS) signature scheme on Barreto-Naehrig 254 bit curve (BN-254)
Contract for committing epochs and keeping validators' data, handling validators' access
- Dao Incentive: Distributes rewards that are kept for DAOs in the network, later those rewards are sent to the vault and could be sent to a specific contract if the governance agrees that is it helping the network!
- Inspector: Handles validator bans, initiating a ban after certain inactivity of blocks and permanent ban applying penalty and giving reward (if non-governance wallet) ban the user!
- Validator Manager: Handles validator information like status, keeping registered information and more.
- Validators Data: Keep real-time data for validator voting power.
- Whitelisting: Used for whitelisting addresses (whitelisted addresses can register) this feature can also be disabled so anyone can register and set a node
Contracts that keep the validator’s stake and distribute rewards
- Staking - handles the base stake functions
- Delegated Staking - synch information on delegate from Hydra Delegation contract
- Liquid Staking - handles actions within the Lydra token, including minting, burning, calculating liquidity Debts and more.
- Penalizeable Staking - handle penalizing validators on a ban, and withdrawing banned funds
- StateSyncStaking - This contract is used to emit a specific event when staked balance changes
- Vested Staking - Handle vested staked positions
Handles Delegation functions, for delegators and commissions for validators
- Delegation: Keep the base delegate functionality
- Delegation Pool Lib: This library is used for managing delegators and their rewards within a staking pool.
- Liquid Delegation - handles actions within the Lydra token, including minting, burning, calculating liquidity Debts and more.
- Vested Delegation - handling vested positions (through Managers), swapping, delegating, cutting and more.
A contract that is used for keeping DAO Incentive funds and distributes them to a contract
An ERC20 that represents the staked/delegated Hydra, could be used for trading while waiting for the position to grow.
An oracle that validators vote from, agreeing on a specific price and updating it on the APR calculator.
- SortedPriceList: Library for keeping a sorted list when validators vote, so we can easily calculate the average price later.
A contract that distributes the rewards for stakers and delegators
A manager that handles your vested positions (could have one manager per positions on a validator) If you need to have 2 positions on the same validator that are not finished are claimed, you need 2 managers. One manager could handle many validator positions.
- Vesting Manager Factory - a contract that creates vesting managers and keeps that for user vesting managers addresses.
This repo is a hybrid Hardhat and Foundry environment. There are a number of add-ons, some of which we will detail here. Unlike standard Foundry environments, the contracts are located in contracts/
(as opposed to src/
) in order to conform with the general Hardhat project architecture. The Foundry/Solidity tests live in test/forge/
whereas the Hardhat/Typescript tests are at the root level of test/
. (For more details on the tests, see Running Tests in the Using This Repo section.)
The following is a brief overview of some of the files and directories in the project root:
│ .github/workflows/ - "CI (Github Actions) script: formats, lints, runs tests, coverage, Slither"
│ contracts/ - "all smart contracts, including mocks, but excluding Foundry tests and libs"
│ docs/ - "smart contract docs autogenerated from natspec"
│ lib/ - "smart contract libraries utilized by Foundry"
│ scripts/ - "Hardhat scripts, currently not updated, may contain deployment scripts in the future"
│ test/ - "both HH/TS and Foundry/Sol tests"
│ ts/ - "Typescript libraries for BLS/Elliptic Curves for testing BLS/BN256G2"
│ types/ - "Typescript types"
│ .env.example - "example env var file for using the HH env to connect with public nets/testnets"
│ .eslint.js - "JavaScript/TypeScript linter settings"
│ .nvmrc - "recommended Node version using nvm"
│ .prettierrc - "code formatting settings"
│ .solcover.js - "solidity-coverage settings"
│ .solhint.json - "Solidity linter settings"
│ foundry.toml - "Foundry configuration file"
│ hardhat.config.ts - "Hardhat configuration file"
│ slither.config.json - "settings for the Slither static analyzer"
The package-lock.json
is also provided to ensure the ability to install the same versions of the npm packages used in development and testing.
In order to work with this repo locally, you will need Node (preferably using nvm) in order to work with the Hardhat part of the repo.
In addition, to work with Foundry, you will need to have it installed. The recommended method is to use their foundryup
tool, which can be installed (and automatically install Foundry) using this command:
curl -L | bash
Note that this only works on Linux and Mac. For Windows, or if foundryup
doesn't work, consult their documentation.
This repo is a hybrid Hardhat and Foundry environment. There are a number of add-ons, some of which we will detail here. Unlike standard Foundry environments, the contracts are located in contracts/
(as opposed to src/
) in order to conform with the general Hardhat project architecture. The Foundry/Solidity tests live in test/forge/
whereas the Hardhat/Typescript tests are at the root level of test/
. (For more details on the tests, see Running Tests in the Using This Repo section.)
Install Foundry libs:
In addition, to work with Foundry, you will need to have it installed. The recommended method is to use their foundryup
tool, which can be installed (and automatically install Foundry) using this command:
curl -L | bash
Note that this only works on Linux and Mac. For Windows, or if foundryup
doesn't work, consult their documentation.
You do not need to clone this repo in order to interact with the HydraGon core contracts
If you would like to work with these contracts in a development environment, first clone the repo:
git clone
If you have nvm installed (recommended), you can run nvm use #
to set your version of Node to the same as used in development and testing.
Install JS/TS (Hardhat) dependencies:
npm i
Install Foundry libs:
forge install
There are a few things that should be done to set up the repo once you've cloned it and installed the dependencies and libraries. An important step for various parts of the repo to work properly is to set up a .env
file. There is an .example.env
file provided, copy it and rename the copy .env
npx hardhat compile --show-stack-traces
automatically generates typings for you after compilation, to use in tests and scripts. You can import them like: import { ... } from "../typechain-types";
Similarly, the hardhat-dodoc
package autogenerates smart contract documentation in docs/
every time Hardhat compiles the contract. If you wish to disable this, uncomment the runOnCompile: false
line in the dodoc
object in hardhat.config.ts
forge build
As mentioned previously, there are two separate test suites, one in Hardhat/Typescript, and the other in Foundry/Solidity. The HH tests are structured more as scenario tests, generally running through an entire interaction or process, while the Foundry tests are structured more as unit tests. This is coincidental and is not a set rule.
npx hardhat test
The Hardhat tests have gas reporting enabled by default, you can disable them from hardhat.config.ts
by setting enabled
in the gasReporter
object in hardhat.config.ts
or by setting REPORT_GAS
to false
in the .env
forge test
Simple gas profiling is included in Foundry tests by default. For a more complete gas profile using Foundry, see their documentation.
Hardhat & Foundry
npm run test
The linters run from inside the Hardhat/JS environment.
npm run lint # runs all linters at once
npm run lint:sol # only runs solhint and prettier
npm run lint:ts # only runs prettier and eslint
We do not know of a way to see the general coverage from the TS and Solidity tests combined at this juncture. Instead, the coverage of each suite can be checked individually.
npx hardhat coverage
# or
npm run coverage
forge coverage
First, install slither by following the instructions here. Then, run:
slither .
# or
npm run slither
There is a CI script for Github Actions in .github/workflows/
. Currently it runs:
- linters
- both test suites (if 1 test fail the job fails)
- coverage report (HH & Foundry)
- gas report
- Slither
This repo makes use of Dodoc, a Hardhat plugin from Primitive Finance which generates Markdown docs on contracts from their natspec. The docs are generated on every compile and can be found in the docs/