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170 lines (115 loc) · 6 KB

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170 lines (115 loc) · 6 KB

Jellyfin-Media-Bar - Now with Play Now Function

  1. Add to your repositories
  2. Install "File Transformation" 2.0.0
  3. Install "Media Bar" 2.0.0
  4. Restart Jellyfin
Original from MakD

TODO - Design changes upcoming next release

Thanks to the Man, the Legend BobHasNoSoul for his work on the jellyfinfeatured and SethBacon and TedHinklater for their take on the Jellyfin-Featured-Content-Bar.

Here I present my version of the same with some code improvements, loading optimizations, and Security Enhancements. Works best with the Zombie theme (Shameless Plug @import url(;, visit the repo for more color schemes), but it fits with every other theme the creators have put their hard work in. You should edit the color accents in the CSS to match yours.

Before Installing, please take a backup of your index.html, main.jellyfin.bundle.js and home-html.xxxxxx.chunk.js files

Desktop Layout - Normal

Jellyfin Desktop Layout

Desktop Layout - Fullscreen

Jellyfin Desktop Layout

  • Download the slideshowpure-fullsreen.css, rename it to slideshowpure,css, and replace the default CSS with the full-screen one.
Mobile Layout - Fullscreen

Jellyfin Mobile Layout

Mobile Layout - Normal

Jellyfin Mobile Layout

Before Installing, please take a backup of your index.html and home-html.xxxxxx.chunk.js files

Prepping the Environment

  1. Create a folder avatars in your jellyfin-web folder. (Usually in C:\Program Files\Jellyfin\Server)
  2. Download the files slideshowpure.js and slideshowpure.css
  3. Paste them inside the avatars folder created, and you are ready to venture down the rabbit hole.

Prepping the files

  1. Navigate to your jellyfin-web folder and search for the file index.html. (you can use any code editor, just remember to open with administrator privileges.
  2. Search for </body></html>
  3. Just before the </body, plug the below code
  (function () {
    // List of CSS selectors for Home buttons
    const buttonSelectors = [
      ".mainDrawer-scrollContainer > a:nth-child(2)"

    // Polling interval to check for buttons
    const intervalId = setInterval(function () {
      buttonSelectors.forEach(selector => {
        // Try to find the button
        const homeButton = document.querySelector(selector);

        // If the button is found
        if (homeButton) {
          // Attach the click event listener if not already added
          if (!homeButton.hasAttribute("data-home-handler")) {
            homeButton.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
              event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default behavior if necessary
              window.location.href = "/web/index.html#/home.html";

            // Mark the button as handled
            homeButton.setAttribute("data-home-handler", "true");

      // Stop polling if all buttons are found
      if (buttonSelectors.every(selector => document.querySelector(selector))) {
    }, 100); // Check every 100ms
    <link rel="preload" href="/web/avatars/slideshowpure.css" as="style" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/web/avatars/slideshowpure.css" />
    <script defer src="/web/avatars/slideshowpure.js"></script>
  1. Similarly, search for home-html in the jellyfin-web directory. You should be able to see a file named home-html.xxxxxx.chunk.js with random numbers in place of the xxxx. Open it with any code editor with administrator privileges.
  2. Search for id="homeTab" data-index="0">
  3. Right after the >, paste the code block <div id="slides-container"></div><script>slidesInit()</script>
  1. Similarly, search for main.jellyfin.bundle.js in the jellyfin-web directory. Open it with any code editor with administrator privileges.
  2. Search for this.playbackManager=e,
  3. Right after the ,, paste the code block window.PlaybackManager = this.playbackManager;console.log("PlaybackManager is now globally available:", window.PlaybackManager);

And that is it. Hard refresh your web page (CTRL+Shift+R) twice, and Profit!

Want a Custom List to be showcased instead of random items??

No worries this got you covered.


  1. Create a list.txt file inside your avatars folder.
  2. In line 1 give your list a name.
  3. Starting line 2, paste the item IDs you want to be showcased, one ID per line. For Example :
Awesome Playlist Name

The next time it loads, it will display these items.

Uninstall the Bar

Roll Back

Restore the index.html, home-html.xxxxxx.chunk.js, and main.jellyfin.bundle.js and you are good to go!!!