Manga Reader for desktop powered by sveltekit, mangadex, and pywebview.
- ✅ Transalated manga based on what language you choose
- ✅ Local bookmark save
Main Page preview
bookmark list and local bookmark support
bookmark page lists
search page
list all of random daily page
volume and chapter selection
Full HD image quality provided by mangadex
demographic and language selection
currently this application available only in 2 language, english and Bahasa Indonesia, if you feel you can help me transalating this application by transalating you can follow step below
Before you transalating application please check available manga transalated language from mangadex source
requirements and installation
- node version
or higher (need to be compatilbe with yarn version 3.2.1) or equivalent version - yarn version
or equivalent package manager tools, - python
or newer (needed for windowing system) - poetry
or newer for build tool
- node version
setting up development
Python environment
- make sure you already installing python poetry (used for package management in python, although i'm still not sure if pyinstaller still bundling pyinstaller in binary, it is still convenient for automating build in github workflow.) refer to this page how to set up your python with poetry.
- install package by using poetry with
poetry install --with dev
Node environment
- run
yarn install
from root folder - yarn run
- Optional if you have already run
poetry install --with dev
and have yarnpkg installed, then you can install ui dependencies with running commandpoetry run install_ui_dep
- run
Testing flag / Environment variable
in building / editing / testing you maybe want to know some env. variable flag that used during testing UI, and preview or used by python system itself. below is the env. variable flag this application needed
used for testing when developing UI, adding new features, and if you generally want to modify UI without losing it autoreload from nodejs.APP_ENV=preview
usually used for previewing any UI that have been build. or in case you need to supply front-end some pywebview token
UI development
- open up new terminal, then run command
poetry run start_ui
- in another terminal you need to use flag / env. variable
- then run command
poetry run dev
- open up new terminal, then run command
Window / Ipc testing
for testing window / ipc testing you need to build your UI because some component such as storage in the ipc end-point is protected by pywebview token for security.
in this step stdout is redirected to
(root folder)/nyanga/log/app.log
file to keep your stdout in terminal clean, some exception is still can escape to stdout in terminal, so when you have any issue when developing feature that related to windowing, ipc, and storage you want keep your eyes in this file.below is the step to how do you build your UI first, then running the ipc / window testing step.
build your ui by using poetry
- in root folder you can typing
poetry run build_ui
, this is automatically installing your front-end dependencies if it not available, and then build your UI front-end.
- in root folder you can typing
build your ui without using poetry (using yarn, or any node package manager that you already have).
- if not you need to install development dependencies first by running command
yarn install
inside folder(root folder)/nyanga
. - then you can run command
yarn run svelte:build
- if not you need to install development dependencies first by running command
for testing your code in testing / preview mode you can run
export APP_ENV=preview
then run commandpoetry run dev
Building locally
for building this project locally (altought i'm not recommending it because it will make the binary file size fat, and don't know why), you can follow step bellow.
- in root folder, build your UI first by running
poetry run buld_ui
. - then you can run
poetry build_(linux / window)
for building in your os.
- in root folder, build your UI first by running
- follow the step above.
- add translation file in folder
file naming convention using<language Code>.json
use this reference. - for json structure you can following example from file
- then add your language to
under comment<add your language here>
- test your change by running step
Submit your transalation by sending me gitlab pull request, i'll review it before merging it to main branch.
from version 3.0.4 to 3.0.10, currently still being build for linux specifically for debian based distro. for version 3.15.0 build tools and workflow will be able to build for windows again, because i didn't feel like i want to configuring buildtools and the gh-workflow.
this application not including manhua or manhwa by default because i just want to read some JP manga, but you can request to add it to application, and i did not include tag Boys Love because i mean come on 😕, and no i will not add this tag to application.
if you found some bug or you feel this apps will need some crucial feature you can submit new issue.
extend your ulauncher with ulauncher-nyanga to use it, go to ulauncher-nyanga github repo.