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Drew Bollinger edited this page Nov 4, 2015 · 7 revisions


All files can be easily edited by using Prose (which requires permission to access your GitHub account)

All text will later be parsed as Markdown before rendering on the site.

All project, scenario, and variables names should be given in lowercase with no spaces.

File metadata can be accessed via this button on the right side of all files:


Hitting save will prompt you to describe the changes you've made and then submit a change request. The message is optional but submitting the request is necessary for the changes to appear on the site:


Changes can take up to 15 minutes to appear on the site.

To create a new project:

  1. Create a new .md file in the projects folder.
  2. Use the following format for the text:

[Main description]




[Authors and Collaborators]


Sherman Robinson -



  1. Specify tags, scenarios, and an image in the file metadata:


    Make sure to save & commit with a message describing your changes.

  2. Edit in the same folder and add the name of your project on a new line

Again, remember to save & commit your changes.

To create a new scenario

  1. Upload new data
  2. Create a new .md file in the scenario folder.
  3. Insert scenario text into the file, no formatting requirements
  4. Select a variety of scenario defaults in the file metadata:


Make sure to save & commit with a message describing your changes.

Deleting Files

If you need to delete files, the click "Settings" from the right pane of any file and select "Delete this file"

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