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forked from wendig-ou/ldb

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135 lines (87 loc) · 4.12 KB

File metadata and controls

135 lines (87 loc) · 4.12 KB


This repository contains the software code for the current research information system of Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) in Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V. Its development was funded by the IGB in 2017. This web application allows to manage in-house publication records as well as other data about research activities (such as lectures, committee actitivities, keynotes and presentations, media relations and supervision) and to produce reports in various ways. Please contact Lydia Koglin if you like to know more about the implementation at IGB. The application was implemented by Wendig OÜ.

Have a look at some screenshots!

Note: The application can be configured to use Dimension Badges. The service is subject to conditions and requires registration. Make sure to ensure compliance before using this feature.

Development setup

install the guest additions plugin:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest

build the vm

vagrant up

when its done, run

vagrant reload

to make use of the newly installed VirtualBox guest additions.

Now login to the vm prepare the app:

vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant

# install php dependencies
composer install

# now, either provide an existing mysql dump
cp /path/to/dump.sql .

# or create the db from the structure dump (no data)
cat structure.sql | mysql -h localhost -u root -proot ldb

# run the setup including migrations

and start the app


The app should be running at http://localhost:3000


With the above steps completed (development setup), you can also run


to start the test web server and then, in another terminal

vagrant ssh

# then from within the vm, run
cd /vagrant
vendor/codeception/codeception/codecept run acceptance 

to run the full acceptance test suite (takes several minutes to complete)

Production setup

First, install ubuntu 16.04. Then, checkout the repo to a suitable location:

git clone /var/www/ldb

And make that your working directory for the next steps. Then, have a look at to understand what requirements should be installed via apt-get. You can also just run the file if you don't mind that some dev requirements are also being installed:

sh base
sh apache

Then, run composer to install php dependencies

composer install

Make sure there is a suitable .env file that reflects your installation. The default configuration just provides database connectivity.

Now, put a dump file to /var/www/ldb/dump.sql and run the setup script:


After configuring an apache vhost to serve /var/www/ldb/public as DocumentRoot, your installation should be working. Make sure that AllowOverride all is set for all subdirectories.

Also, make sure that apache can write to /var/www/ldb, e.g with

chown -R www-data. /var/www/ldb

Specific topics

How can I add a new report query?

Just put the query in a text file within the ./reports directory and give it a .sql file extension. The file name is shown in the web interface as the report name.

How to add or change publication types

  • add a record in the super_types table if a new one is required
    • make sure there is a respective form for the super_type (matching column code) in application/views/publications/sub_forms
  • add a record in the ToW table setting the active flag. The referenced super_type sets the web form.
  • if the chosen super_type is 'publication':
    • check application/views/publications/sub_forms/pub.php
    • check public/widgets/if_type.tag
  • check controller in application/controllers/Publications.php to see if validation/handling has to be modified

Production settings

Make sure, memory_limit is sufficiently high in php.ini to run all report queries. 2G is a good value.